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Thread: How do pro's look so good?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Question How do pro's look so good?

    And no, not just the obvious title about muscle size ect. but as far as it goes from, side effects from gear (acne..ect) and razor burn from always keeping 100% shaved and whatnot? What their secret does anyone know?
    I always gets razor burn on my chest and back and would def get alot of acne if i were on test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Acne is only bad for most when the hormone levels become fluctuated up or down rapidly. These guys who are pro's are on almost all the time(especially test), so their levels are stable. As far as shaving goes, they've been doing it for so long their skin doesnt react to it. If you got up really really close, I bet you'd be surprised at how many of them have scarring on their backs beneath the tan. I know on my back it's scarred from acne, but its been there for so long and its so widespread it almost looks normal, especially w/ a tan.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    And no, not just the obvious title about muscle size ect. but as far as it goes from, side effects from gear (acne..ect) and razor burn from always keeping 100% shaved and whatnot? What their secret does anyone know?
    I always gets razor burn on my chest and back and would def get alot of acne if i were on test.
    Everyones different, i dont get razor burn.
    Or acne while using AAS i also dont get hairloss, the only side effect i get is gyno which will soon be removed.

    A lot of pros have had gyno, Chris Cormier, Craig Titus even Ronnie Coleman had a bad case of it when he won his first olympia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by j martini
    Everyones different, i dont get razor burn.
    Or acne while using AAS i also dont get hairloss, the only side effect i get is gyno which will soon be removed.

    A lot of pros have had gyno, Chris Cormier, Craig Titus even Ronnie Coleman had a bad case of it when he won his first olympia.
    i guess i just got bad genetics

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    It's called Airbrushing, you can make anyone look great, esspecially their complection should see most of the fitness girls walking around Arnold's Calssic expo, and how terrible their skin and face looks...they are no where near as hot as we all would like them to be...XXL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    i guess i just got bad genetics
    How many cycles have you done? Cant speak for anyone but myself. My first big cycle I got the worst acnes, it was so ugly and so much that I could not put the bar on my trap when squatting without the acne hurting. after that cycle i never got them again, even with a bigger cycle, they stayed in check.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    How many cycles have you done? Cant speak for anyone but myself. My first big cycle I got the worst acnes, it was so ugly and so much that I could not put the bar on my trap when squatting without the acne hurting. after that cycle i never got them again, even with a bigger cycle, they stayed in check.
    well i never get bacne or shoulders, but i get razor burn like a job when i do my chest and back (nair). but, i know if i went on test, i'd get really bad acne in my face

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