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Thread: scam advice

  1. #1

    scam advice

    a friend of mine has a great job, but he wants to drop out of the rat race and pursue his true love, an MMA career.

    he's gone pretty far in the game, but doesn't think he can go any further without quitting his (very demanding) job and training full time. he has a great credit score and can get almost instant approval for substantial personal loans.

    he heard it takes about a month for the credit agencies to update their info, and he was wondering if it would be possible to hit 15 or so banks for 15 grand apiece (the most he can get "no questions asked" in a short amount of time).

    then drop out of the rat race and train full time in Brazil with the best in the world. his mother is from there and he speaks the language. he would be paying back the loans in good faith until he went bankrupt (or made big money as a UFC champion, and could actually pay the money back). this money could support a great lifestyle for many years in brazil.

    they recently harshly tightened the bankruptcy laws - if you make over the median income you have to live on a 100 dollars a month, and give everything else to your creditors for 5 years. however, a fighter either makes big money as a champion, or is fighting for $500 a night in club shows (well below median income, and relativley safe).

    he is an incredibly gifted, focused, motivated and driven man, and might actually succeed. if he is charged criminally with some kind of fraud, he plans to plead "the American Dream" and an honest effort to make a business work and pay his debts that failed.

    any advice i can give him, or obvious flaws apparent? still a rough draft/planning stage.
    Last edited by MMA; 12-18-2005 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Wow, that's some risk to take, MMA I think you know better than anyone that there are very many MMA athletes out there that never get their chance even when they have shown great promise. Who will he be training with in Brazil? I know Chute Boxe charges around $35 a session for foreigners. I really really hope you guys think this through cuz their could be the possibility it could be looked upon as fraud since he will be defaulting on his loans for quite sometime. But I mean you look at many people who deserve a chance in the big show and you never see them there. I trained with a lot of guys I thought would def be going to good places but it just never blossomed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Also God forbid he gets cousin actually had the chance to go to K-1 and was training partners with Jean Claude Lueyer, but he ended up seriously hurting his back and it ended his career. Now he's 29 lives at home with his parents and had absolutely nothing to fall back on since he was doing this in his teen years.

  4. #4
    his current career has a very generous 5 year "leave of absence" program. he could go balls out in brazil for 4 years (pretty much all thats left of his athletic "window"), declare bankruptcy as a penniless fighter (plenty of them), and then go back to his regular career as if nothing had happenend.

    unless of course he was charged criminally, which could violate the terms of his leave of absence.

    anyone have any advice, good websites for research etc.?

  5. #5
    USfighter, you show a lot of knowledge of the game. however, all those "BTT live in programs" and foreigner based training programs are just designed to seperate foreigners from their money, almost like some kind of fantasy baseball camp for MMA. you can live MUCH cheaper if you speak the language and can find your own place to live, and negotiate your own arrangements.

    my friend is an elite fighter that would be treated as a genuine prospect, and an asset to the gym, not just an american cash register.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    USfighter, you show a lot of knowledge of the game. however, all those "BTT live in programs" and foreigner based training programs are just designed to seperate foreigners from their money, almost like some kind of fantasy baseball camp for MMA. you can live MUCH cheaper if you speak the language and can find your own place to live, and negotiate your own arrangements.

    my friend is an elite fighter that would be treated as a genuine prospect, and an asset to the gym, not just an american cash register.

    I actually missed that he speaks portugese and such. Even still I speak very fluent Russian but with an American accent, I had my chances to train with voronov himself but i turned it down cuz it was so much money, anyway he definately has an advantage and can work his game over there.....but I mean does he really wanna declare bankruptcy? I mean that shit is on the record for 7 years and it's damn near impossible to move in the financial aspect, i.e credit checks, loans, You know the deal i'm sure.
    Last edited by USfighterFC; 12-18-2005 at 06:01 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Not to mention he wouldnt get all those loans.. Available credit is put on your credit report, a Equifax (or a similar agency) must know about it for the loan to take effect.

    Not paying his bill would take a month to get on his report, yes. But new credit will show immediately...

  8. #8
    my friend knows the risks, but its all he wants to do.

    the real question is will the initial series of rapid loans be detected/prosecuted?

  9. #9
    evilpredator may be right, which would make this idea unworkable. but i think there is a delay, which would let him take out several loans before they twigged. as long as you pay the minimums, people rarely complain.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    my friend knows the risks, but its all he wants to do.

    the real question is will the initial series of rapid loans be detected/prosecuted?
    yes, it will be noticed, without a doubt... All available credit shows on your credit report immediately.. Its part of the steps of getting a loan, it gets ok'ed through the report agency...

  11. #11
    plan B is scrimp and save and work his ass off for another year, then cash out his house, pension and 401K (which would carry at least a few years of cheap living/training in brazil). this plan has a string for a safety net tho.

  12. #12
    thanks for the input predator. any other angles he can play?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    any other angles he can play?
    Live in the wilds of brazil, killing animals with his bare hands for food, and training in all his spare time. Never sleep, never rest, just kill and train until he has so much muscle it has crushed his own bones into powder. Only then can he come back to america and claim his place in UFC.

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