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Thread: over heard cops.

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    over heard cops talking about anabolic steriod websites @ the police station, they were talking about us guys. anabolic review! and they said something about moderators distributing. so there you have it. this explains alot of the product bashing, and high and mighty power rampages fromt he mods. some are great dont get me wrong. this shocked me when i heard it. i bit my lip when i heard it!


    suuuuuuure. shut up.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    There is 11 people viewing this thread and 6 are members...its the most popular one ive come across tonight but if i recall someone else pointed out it's popularity earlier
    everyone loves controversy

  3. #83
    i smell BullShit

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    why this guy just make it up because he's bored? like what would be the point of just making up a story like that ?

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    LOL...this thread still here..made up
    or not, there was MOTIVE behind
    it. Anyone with half a clue would know
    the responses a thread like this would
    recieve. Honestly...i wish I knew what
    type of action gbdt expected, but he
    ignored that question.

    In all reality, were just giving ghdt what
    he wants with all these replies.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    SVTMuscle, you drag your SVT?

  7. #87
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
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    i think its a load of Kojak

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Why people post this kind of crap is beyond me. "I overheard cops talking about AR"

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I don't ever get into the "drama" threads, but I will throw in my 2 cents. I am a MOD and I do NOT source. I know just about all the MODS on this board as well as other boards and I know for a FACT they DO NOT SOURCE. Are their some that do? I'm sure there is. But the majority of us do NOT source. Period end of discussion. And lets just say that the story is true and you did hear this while in a police station. Do you honestly think that the police know what they are talking about? Hmmmm???????


  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    As a Mod here and member of a team, I felt it neccessary to comment:

    I know of no mods who are sources.

    If they are, and they get caught, that's their ass.

    I would not be on a "team" like this if others were selling illegal supplements and I knew about it.

    I know my purpose here and what I am here to do.

    I am here to help out w/dietary and exercise information. Yes, this location is "", but that doesn't mean that those who have "powers" here are involved in any illegal happenings.

    If anything, you'd be an IDIOT to try and pull something like that off!! Talk about something NOT TO DO.

    I run a legit training biz, have ties to Hollywood, and I am working on being on television in many areas in 2006. What kind of idiot would I be to ruin all of that and jeopardize my wife/son by trying to sell illegal shit on the net??

    I make 10 times more slangin' KNOWLEDGE!

    As far as the story being credible, well, I'm not gonna go there. I can rest easy at night because I know I'm in the clear and that's all I care about. There can be 10000 stories like this and I wouldn't give a shit, as it has nothing to do w/me.

    As to your story and "report"....

    The fact that you were "in a police station" (why in the first place) and just so happened to hear "A.R." being talked about in the open in front of you (where were you being held where you could hear this??), well, let's just say that beachfront property in Oklahoma is really cheap these days.

    Carry on.


  11. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    OMG!! Just went to dunkin' Donuts, and I
    was having my usual box of munchkins
    just minding my own business, what do I hear
    in a bootha few tables over.. Ponch and John
    having a moment.

    cop1: Hey haven't seen you in a while, how's the family?
    cop2: Pretty good, just came back from a tour defending
    this great country of ours..yours?
    cop1: Pretty good, little johnny just had his first tooth..
    cop2: Nice, say..your looking alot bigger, what did u
    do put on 20-30 lbs.
    cop1: Yea, been pretty focused on health, and started a
    strict regime..
    cop2: really, like what? (while dunkin' his doughnut)
    cop1: Well, since we know each other so well, and we
    go way back..I did a cycle.
    cop2: NO!
    cop1: yup, and I love it! I overheard Jimbo at precint 13
    talking about a website, so I checked it out one day, and a year
    later, I have this..
    cop2: is that site AR?
    cop1: Oh man, how did you know that?
    cop2: well, my screen name is GetHugeDieTrying..yours, I just joined?
    cop1: LOL...this is a great world, now lets go get the bad guys

    OK..there you go, I see a pattern...

  12. #92
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I dont know any Mods that are sources, here, and at other boards.
    I do especially on other boards, go under different user names.
    Last edited by dirtyvegas; 01-03-2006 at 12:01 PM.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ghdt, of course Im just messin' with u

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    DIE YOU CRAZY THREAD!!! JUST DIE DAMMIT!!! can redeem yourself by opening up a "drink winny" or "dick bigger" thread...just a heads up for ya

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Mudman is the biggest source of Gayporn on the East Coast

    Bad Cop.. No donut
    Yeah but you are my only buyer

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    As a Mod here and member of a team, I felt it neccessary to comment:

    I know of no mods who are sources.

    If they are, and they get caught, that's their ass.

    I would not be on a "team" like this if others were selling illegal supplements and I knew about it.

    I know my purpose here and what I am here to do.

    I am here to help out w/dietary and exercise information. Yes, this location is "", but that doesn't mean that those who have "powers" here are involved in any illegal happenings.

    If anything, you'd be an IDIOT to try and pull something like that off!! Talk about something NOT TO DO.

    I run a legit training biz, have ties to Hollywood, and I am working on being on television in many areas in 2006. What kind of idiot would I be to ruin all of that and jeopardize my wife/son by trying to sell illegal shit on the net??

    I make 10 times more slangin' KNOWLEDGE!

    As far as the story being credible, well, I'm not gonna go there. I can rest easy at night because I know I'm in the clear and that's all I care about. There can be 10000 stories like this and I wouldn't give a shit, as it has nothing to do w/me.

    As to your story and "report"....

    The fact that you were "in a police station" (why in the first place) and just so happened to hear "A.R." being talked about in the open in front of you (where were you being held where you could hear this??), well, let's just say that beachfront property in Oklahoma is really cheap these days.

    Carry on.

    After this post, we should end this discussion now. I think Swole summed it up perfectly.


  17. #97
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Can you drink winny?

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    good bye old thread...

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by TURBOGREEK
    hey bro...just out of curiosity...what city/state did this all go down in?

    BTW...those cops probably got scammed by some f@ck who PM'd them here on the board and now all of a sudden the little b@tch @ss pigs have to blame theire stupidity on somebody else.

    1st off...if the pigs are talkin' about AR in the open public then they are even f@ckin stupider than i thought.

    2nd...if they know about AR and moderators and they aren't on some anabolic task force against AAS then they shouldn't be here anyway because they shouldn't be using AAS.

    3rd...if they aren't using AAS, then why would they even be members here?

    sorry guys...i just had to vent a bit over this damn thread!
    hahahah are you seriouse??? you think a cop needs to come on here to get juice and buy from someone who pm'ed him?? cops can get there hands on whatever they want, they bust ppl who are the bigest destributers. no cop is stupid enough to buy ffrom a site

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    let it die Rocky, please...for Adrian

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    some cops are cool, most are idiots.. imo

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I'm not a source and I bet most of the mods aren't as well.............. do you believe everything you hear?
    Well lets not forget Einstein and Da-Bull. These two guys were mods here and tried getting into the distribution business but lets say as soon as other mods and the web site owner found out about this, they were promptly thrown out and banned.

    For one the web site owner doesnt want to tollerate any mods or users of this web site for the purpose of distribution because knowledge and allowance of this could make him criminally liable for their actions. Lets also remember Da Vinci and company. This guy was a drug manufacturer and while he might have gotten away with a couple days of advertising his drugs on here while some of the mods were taking a nap, it wasnt long before they too were thrown out and banned. I really dont see how any of the mods are involved in distribution. They may be steroid USERS but thats where it stops. Also if I am not mistaken, the MODS do not give out or support spreading information on HOW to get steroids or who to get them from- what they do is investigate claims of scamming the theivery and tell you who NOT to get steroids from.

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    this thread is legit info, take it how you want, i am only relaying what is proven. Im not tryin to **** up the aas world, just sharing what i heard. Geeze this doesnt have to be a war.
    That right there is malarky. If its PROVEN that the mods are distributors, then they would have been arrested and convicted. I happen to know one mod, BLT is definately NO distributor. Some MODS dont even do illegal roids, they are TRT/HRT patients who are scripted from their own from doctors. Many of the users here are in fact legal law abiding patients of TRT/HRT.

    The fact is, 90% of the illegal using guys on here get their roids from locker room dealers or from overseas sources. There had been some local USA based sources/dealers but from time to time, many go out of business because they cant seem to get their connections from overseas, especially with quantity, or its too expensive to buy and have shipped giant screen televisions with steroids taped inside the cabinets (no I am not giving anything away that wasnt talked about in the newspapers).

  24. #104
    take it or leave it... like it or love it. If you think he's full of shit why even respond to the post. The fact that you all get so riled up by what someone says is kind of funny. He has the right to post what he wants... and you all have the rght to disagree.... so please....

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    all the bashing, name calling and insults were uncalled for.
    As IGM said, take it how you want, and everyone has the right to disagree.

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Well lets not forget Einstein and Da-Bull. These two guys were mods here and tried getting into the distribution business but lets say as soon as other mods and the web site owner found out about this, they were promptly thrown out and banned.

    For one the web site owner doesnt want to tollerate any mods or users of this web site for the purpose of distribution because knowledge and allowance of this could make him criminally liable for their actions. Lets also remember Da Vinci and company. This guy was a drug manufacturer and while he might have gotten away with a couple days of advertising his drugs on here while some of the mods were taking a nap, it wasnt long before they too were thrown out and banned. I really dont see how any of the mods are involved in distribution. They may be steroid USERS but thats where it stops. Also if I am not mistaken, the MODS do not give out or support spreading information on HOW to get steroids or who to get them from- what they do is investigate claims of scamming the theivery and tell you who NOT to get steroids from.
    Just to clarify Da Bull was never a MOD or VET here. Those two were banned for scamming.

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    why this guy just make it up because he's bored? like what would be the point of just making up a story like that ?
    didnt make it up bud, why dont u just discuss instead of dis-believe?

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Just to clarify Da Bull was never a MOD or VET here. Those two were banned for scamming.
    thank you big.

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IndianGodMan
    take it or leave it... like it or love it. If you think he's full of shit why even respond to the post. The fact that you all get so riled up by what someone says is kind of funny. He has the right to post what he wants... and you all have the rght to disagree.... so please....
    word up.

  30. #110
    Not sure how this post made it to 3pages, wasn't really anything to comment on other than reading what he said and taking it for what it was worth.

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    somebody lock this already

  32. #112
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Planet Earth
    I personally know 3 mods on this board, and just like others they have to hunt for good sources, just like others. I also have 4 of my very close friends who are cops, one is a State cop, and all are on The Juice

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Well lets not forget Einstein and Da-Bull. These two guys were mods here
    No they were not, they were NEVER MODS.

    Get your facts straight.


  34. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Just to clarify Da Bull was never a MOD or VET here. Those two were banned for scamming.
    Precisely, thank you.

    Before anymore speculation/lying bullshit continues, this thread is locked.

    If you are doing illegal biz and that's who you are, eventually shit will catch up to you, that's all I have to say.

    I most certainly am not concerned in the least bit.


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