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Thread: free estrogen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Question free estrogen

    during/post cycle a bodybuilder takes anti-e to block estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors. this causes there to be a lot of free floating estrogen in the body. my question is: isnt the estrogen going to bind with the estrogen receptors when u stop taking the nolvadex? what happens to the free estrogen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    during/post cycle a bodybuilder takes anti-e to block estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors. this causes there to be a lot of free floating estrogen in the body. my question is: isnt the estrogen going to bind with the estrogen receptors when u stop taking the nolvadex? what happens to the free estrogen?
    Durring PCT there should be a decrease in aromatization since you have stopped running aromatizing compounds. By the end of PCT hopefully your HPTA is recovered and natural hormone production has taken place. So by this time estrogen levels should be in a normal range for you.

    So I in theroy the estrogen that has build up to high levels will disapate over time like a gas in a gas tank.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Durring PCT there should be a decrease in aromatization since you have stopped running aromatizing compounds. By the end of PCT hopefully your HPTA is recovered and natural hormone production has taken place. So by this time estrogen levels should be in a normal range for you.

    So I in theroy the estrogen that has build up to high levels will disapate over time like a gas in a gas tank.
    thanks for responding. i guess its the whole disapate thing that i cant seem to grasp. how does estrogen disapate out of the body?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    thanks for responding. i guess its the whole disapate thing that i cant seem to grasp. how does estrogen disapate out of the body?
    Exactly the same way any other hormone does. It has some certain half-life, and it degrades, and your body pisses it out.

    I assume.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fishorcutbait
    Exactly the same way any other hormone does. It has some certain half-life, and it degrades, and your body pisses it out.

    I assume.
    right! the half life. its all starting to make sense now. ok, whats the half life for estrogen?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    during/post cycle a bodybuilder takes anti-e to block estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors. this causes there to be a lot of free floating estrogen in the body. my question is: isnt the estrogen going to bind with the estrogen receptors when u stop taking the nolvadex? what happens to the free estrogen?
    Sorry to hijack.. but the area i highlighted is one of the reasons that most cycles and PCTs now include an AI.. namely a suicide inhibitor: to prevent/minimise aromatisaion in the first place.

    As to your question of estrogen's half-life.. that i'm sure depends on the form circulating (estrogens v.s. estradiols).. I'm unsure of estrogen's exact metabolism, but i do know that estrogen, like testosterone, is bound by SHBG also... thus in addition to free estrogen circulating, they'll be bound estrogen circulating.

    I'm rambling again aren't I?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    right! the half life. its all starting to make sense now. ok, whats the half life for estrogen?
    I'm finding the info hard to come by.. but i'm assuming it's the same as testosterone... which is like 12 hours i believe

    I'm seeing info on plant estrogens having a half-life inthe human body of 6-8 hours.

    All estrogens marketed today [with the exception of the drug Premarin] are plant derived. I'd assume since the products are formulated to mimic human estrogen that the half-life would be pretty close to actual estrogen.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Sorry to hijack.. but the area i highlighted is one of the reasons that most cycles and PCTs now include an AI.. namely a suicide inhibitor: to prevent/minimise aromatisaion in the first place.

    As to your question of estrogen's half-life.. that i'm sure depends on the form circulating (estrogens v.s. estradiols).. I'm unsure of estrogen's exact metabolism, but i do know that estrogen, like testosterone, is bound by SHBG also... thus in addition to free estrogen circulating, they'll be bound estrogen circulating.

    I'm rambling again aren't I?
    good point about the AI. i like a-dex. next cycle im going to try L-dex from this site. much cheaper.
    about the second part of your post. not sure i follow. shouldnt there be a standard halflife for estrogen. like there is for different kinds of test. i see. there are different kinds of estrogen too? well maybe you know the ball-park halflife? im guessing a week

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    just saw your second post. thanks. yes, 8-12 hours sounds more acurate.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
    just saw your second post. thanks. yes, 8-12 hours sounds more acurate.
    sorry about the two-part post..

    I had a shot of slin earlier PWO and i'm due for a meal now.. so i'm just typing what my brain says when it says it


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    sorry about the two-part post..

    I had a shot of slin earlier PWO and i'm due for a meal now.. so i'm just typing what my brain says when it says it

    thats cool. now i understand what i wanted to know.
    only 1 thing left to say. go eat bro!

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