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Thread: Test E & Eq Stacked?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Test E & Eq Stacked?

    Hi I have a quetion this will be my frist time shooting I have a 10 week cycle of eq & test e the guy i got it from told me that i would see good gains told me to mix the to together I am 230lbs 5'10 dont know my body fat but would say its at a higher percent will this work good for me & will I see a good improvement thanks

    oh & what kinda of side effects do they have

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    Eq doesnt have too many sides, the test might bloat you a little...I personally dont get any sides from it. But if you're tryin to lose fat RUN and Diet, thats you best bet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    it depends on your diet and training as far as results go. i did a 400eq/500test cycle and it worked good for me. make sure your diet and workout are in check or you might look like ron jeremy when you get done.

  4. #4
    do i need pct at the ed of my cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Sclafani
    do i need pct at the ed of my cycle

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Sclafani
    Hi I have a quetion this will be my frist time shooting I have a 10 week cycle of eq & test e the guy i got it from told me that i would see good gains told me to mix the to together I am 230lbs 5'10 dont know my body fat but would say its at a higher percent will this work good for me & will I see a good improvement thanks

    oh & what kinda of side effects do they have
    I just finished the same cycle. What are your doses? Yes it is fine to mix them
    Considering you eat lots train hard you should see good gains from the test. As for the EQ with a high BF% you probley wont notice the vascularity it provides. What are your goals for this cycle?

  7. #7
    Am also trying to gain mass I want to get big & ripped will i see a big difference in 10 weeks?

  8. #8
    the guy told me 1cc a week of test e & 1cc a week of eq

  9. #9
    my goals I would like to slim down but also gain mass & cug alittle

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Sclafani
    my goals I would like to slim down but also gain mass & cug alittle
    Mabey you should hit the cardio and diet off some of that BF first before you start your cycle. You will much happier with your results. You cant build mass and cut down at the same time. What is you training experience?

  11. #11
    I Have worked out off & on for about 5 years I have alot of muscle but cant really see it am soild just need to lose the fat it would be better to lose some of the fat first ? What would be the best way to get the best results also I think that the price am paying is alittle high

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