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Thread: Tearing Muscles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Tearing Muscles

    Has anyone here torn a muscle? What does it feel like?

    When I am at the gym and i do preacher curls it feels like my forearm is separating from the bone. I have an extremely high pain tolerance and sometimes i cant take it and i have to set down the weight. I didn't used to have this problem with preacher curls until i started doing straight bar curls. I havent touched preachers in a few months, just been doing hammers, straight bar, and concentrations. The "tearing" feeling comes along the bone. I dont exactly have large forearms either, i have that small wrist look i guess. Any insight? I'm not about to make a special trip to the docs either, my doc is a ****in retard. If someone could help me out i'd appreciate it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Partially tore a pec (not from the insertion but mid-way) and it was nasty sounding, I heard it in my head when it happened and it felt gross.

    Healed fast thank goodness, no issues from it either back 100%.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    it hurts.. real bad

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I tore my left pec major in late January of last year. I had surgery, and it took 6 months to recuperate fully. My arm was in a sling for almost 4 months.
    It truly sucked donkey dick, but now I am back, and throwing down some pretty good weight for not being "on."

    Anyway, if you tear something, you'll know. Perhaps what you are experiencing are warning signs...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    tore my right mid trap oh man that sucked couldnt work anything for nearly 6 months

    burning pinching type feeling.

    still gives me problems 2 years latter

    but nothing I cant handle now.

    you might just be having forearm splints

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    burning pinching type feeling.

    you might just be having forearm splints
    It does feel like a burning pinching etc feeling. But come to think of it, the feeling does relate to the time i had shin splints.

    Can someone elaborate on "Forearm splints"

  7. #7
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    I tore my rotator cuff and don't know when i really did it but I couldn't hardly do anything a year later i'm back but alot weaker to be expected.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i hate it when you tear your muscle it sucks bro! I don't like it when I tear a muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    anyone know how to prevent a tore muslce. or is it something that will happen no matter what...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by FROST
    Has anyone here torn a muscle? What does it feel like?

    When I am at the gym and i do preacher curls it feels like my forearm is separating from the bone. I have an extremely high pain tolerance and sometimes i cant take it and i have to set down the weight. I didn't used to have this problem with preacher curls until i started doing straight bar curls. I havent touched preachers in a few months, just been doing hammers, straight bar, and concentrations. The "tearing" feeling comes along the bone. I dont exactly have large forearms either, i have that small wrist look i guess. Any insight? I'm not about to make a special trip to the docs either, my doc is a ****in retard. If someone could help me out i'd appreciate it.


    I know this feels like the bone is splitting in half I know EXACTLY what your talking about. It actually interferes with my sets the pain gets so bad.....but for some reason it doesnt seem to happen everytime. I would suggest switching to a lighter weight. You havent torn anything, but its actually the weight is to heavy and as much as your biceps can pull the weight your forearms are having trouble handling it. Sometimes I stay away from the preachers all together.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I know this feels like the bone is splitting in half I know EXACTLY what your talking about. It actually interferes with my sets the pain gets so bad.....but for some reason it doesnt seem to happen everytime. I would suggest switching to a lighter weight. You havent torn anything, but its actually the weight is to heavy and as much as your biceps can pull the weight your forearms are having trouble handling it. Sometimes I stay away from the preachers all together.
    Makes since, but here is the kicker. Last time i did preachers, i did a warm up set with only 65lbs! and the shit still hurt! Could only get 1 rep it was so bad. But yeah, i'm staying away from preachers from now on.

  12. #12
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Like swolecat said, if it's a tear you will hear it. I tore my adductor squatting and it sounded like velcro being pulled apart. It was so loud everyone around the squat rack heard it.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Like swolecat said, if it's a tear you will hear it. I tore my adductor squatting and it sounded like velcro being pulled apart. It was so loud everyone around the squat rack heard it.
    Yes, that's exactly freakin' correct....

    It's freakin' nasty...


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    tore my upper left abdomen 4 or 5 years ago. it was a bitch. I couldnt work out abs for a year and it inhibited alot of other movements. It took about 3 years to make a full recovery of it. I can still feel it but it doesnt hurt so much anymore that it affects my workouts.

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