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Thread: I am an undersized college football player

  1. #1

    I am an undersized college football player

    I am currently playing college football, my body is undersized for my position. I am looking to gain weight and increase my strentgh drastically. I know very little about cycles. I am very interested. I am looking for advice on what I could do to gain muscle and weight over the spring. I am 6'3 245 pounds. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    If you're going to be tested stay away from deca, eq, etc. Even long test esters stay in your system for a long enough time to potentially cause trouble.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    well you need to do some research before you do this first cycle. Sounds like you already have the training experience since ur playing college ball. You first cycle doesnt need to be anymore than 500mg of test E per week. Make sure you research post cycle therapy as well so you can get your natural test working after your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    man....i wouldnt mess with the roids. just stick to all the powerlifting routines to increase the leverage u have on isnt all about size. but as frequently as i was tested, and as easily they'll suspend u or replace u, not worth it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin?
    man....i wouldnt mess with the roids. just stick to all the powerlifting routines to increase the leverage u have on isnt all about size. but as frequently as i was tested, and as easily they'll suspend u or replace u, not worth it.
    well he didnt mention if you was playin d1 or d2 ball. fact is different programs getting test at different frequencies. Also the season just ended so this is the perfect time to put on some size without the whole team noticing. And football definatly isnt ALL about size.. but it sure as hell helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    depends what position u are at concerning size, and i know not all of them test frequently, i only said how often i was tested.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    definately do not tell anyone on the team!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin?
    depends what position u are at concerning size, and i know not all of them test frequently, i only said how often i was tested.
    well he says hes current 245 and undersized so hes obviously not playing at a skill position which would require more speed. Meaning some added size and strength would do him quite well. he sounds like an undersized defensive end perhaps.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Any previous cycles?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    Two words: "OFF SEASON"

    You didn't say what your goals were. Bad news is if you expect to play pro ball, you had better step up your game now. You need some guidance, why don't you go to your local pro home team, meet with a coach or trainer, and ask them what it takes to be a pro player. Or maybe (even better) would be to seek out a pro player and ask them what the real deal is.

    Here is a true story for ya. GOOD friend of mine played college ball. Defensive team capt. Top player, won some awards (not going to say more). He was all lined up to go pro, got drafted, went to the unofficial training camp and then decided he didn't want to juice (all natty to this point). Got dropped from the team cause he was too small. That ended his career.

    I'm not telling you to juice, NO, in fact, I'm telling you NOT to juice. U make the appropriate decisions based on your personal goals (realistic) and make sure that you are fully educated in all of the ramifications of any decision you make. That means what you think it means. Be smart, be safe, be knowledgable.

    Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you are properly supervised by someone who is qualified to do that. This means an MD, not a moron. Good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if i were you i wouldn't use steroids either its not worth putting ur education on the line with all the laws there are today if u do get tested and caught your screwed id just stay away and put some good old hard work in..thats just my opinion

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    if i were you i wouldn't use steroids either its not worth putting ur education on the line with all the laws there are today if u do get tested and caught your screwed id just stay away and put some good old hard work in..thats just my opinion
    Look people the only thing you can count on is that college athletes will do whatever it takes to be the best. He asking for information about cycles, not whether you think he should be using steroids or not. Atleast hes gonna be using to add size and strength for a sport and not just for bigger biceps to impress so chick on the beach like half of you. If hes now playin ball in college hes been lifitng all throughout highshcool mostlikely so he has the years of lifting experience. Stick to answering the question, and quit with the "I dont think you should be taking steroids" comments. everybody on these damn boards wants to sound like a damn saint trying to tell every newbie that gets on these boards that they shouldnt start taking steroids. Worry about your own reasons for using and help these people with their questions.
    Last edited by Fjock; 01-21-2006 at 01:47 PM.

  13. #13
    What about taking hGH, the ncaa does not test for that

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Personally I'd use something fast acting. Maybe test prop and an oral? That way it would be out of your system sooner than a long ester test.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fjock sorry to offend you but its not to smart paying thousands of dollars to go to school and risk being kicked out just so you can get bigger for the football team its just common sense..on top of that you need more information from him to know what his workouts are like what level he plays on d1,d2, maybe even d3 and what the team tests is alot of money and my opinion is that its not logical to risk it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    Fjock sorry to offend you but its not to smart paying thousands of dollars to go to school and risk being kicked out just so you can get bigger for the football team its just common sense..on top of that you need more information from him to know what his workouts are like what level he plays on d1,d2, maybe even d3 and what the team tests is alot of money and my opinion is that its not logical to risk it
    well as a college ahtlete im pretty he sure he knows whats at risk here... as an athelte you hear about the risk starting in highschool. He obviously wants this bad enough to start using. hell, you cant rule out that he may only be in school solely for his football skills. There are so many steroids users in college sports, we just dont hear about most of the cases. Atleast hes coming here to learn about the drug, so lets tell him what he needs to know and not talk about NCAA risk, believe me HE KNOWS ALREADY.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    your right about the many steroid users in college sports even sports on any level i just think he needs to do ALOT of research about the drugs themselves and school so he can beat the system hope it works out just be careful

  18. #18
    I am a division 1 A athlete

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina
    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    on top of that you need more information from him to know what his workouts are like what level he plays on d1,d2, maybe even d3 and what the team tests for
    Wether it's division I, II, or III, NCAA test for all steroids all the same, so that ends that theory.

    Prim? 6'3 245? undersized? only position at the 1A level where that is undersized is on an O-line, or possibly a nose tackle.

    I'd reccomend test in the offseason, deca or something else will stay in your system to long (up to 18 months). Good luck bro, good idea getting educated before you start.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    cool, what school do you play for?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin?
    man....i wouldnt mess with the roids. just stick to all the powerlifting routines to increase the leverage u have on isnt all about size. but as frequently as i was tested, and as easily they'll suspend u or replace u, not worth it.

    You were tested frequently?? Highly unlikely for a DIV I athlete. Im a 5th year senior and have yet to be tested! The NCAA DIV I tests 5 % of all athletics once in spring, once in fall. OVERATED

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by primodog
    What about taking hGH, the ncaa does not test for that
    What good is that going to do?

    Please share.


  23. #23
    I would say that a short ester test and an oral such as d bol would be your best bet in the off season to put on the size. Since I don't worry about being tested, I am not sure on how long exactly each one will stay in your system, but I don't believe either of those compounds will stay for too long. The biggest thing that you might want to really look into is PCT. You are going to want to run a good PCT in order to keep most of the gains that you achieve throughout the season. You are doing the right thing in coming on here and getting advice. Do some research on your own in some of the other threads and forums. I think that the profile section will give you an idea of how long the compounds stay in your system.

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