Is that a preference or do you believe it to be more effective than 2 iu x 5 inj?Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
Is that a preference or do you believe it to be more effective than 2 iu x 5 inj?Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
i love to workout 5 days a week with alot of sets,its a must imo. i don't buy that whole less is more protocol. at my gym there was this guy who had the chance of working out with mike mentzer a long time ago. now this was the guy who started the whole "high intensety,low rep/sets" kind of thing. now when the guy from my gym worked out with mentzer for the time he was there, he trained just like any other. i don't say that it does'nt have its place in bodybuilding but to rely merely on it... don't think so.Originally Posted by Jayhova16
Guys, this is not the workout forum, this thread is about GH.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
Just kidding, I cannot mess with Rodge.
Originally Posted by catabolic kid
no you are correct. litle off topic.
although i wonder if the way you workout has influence on how lr3 comes to his right.
Ok, today is the first day that I will be running the GH @10 iu on Mon, Wed and Fri. I have taken a total of 6 iu so far....2 iu am, 2 iu pre wo and 2 iu post wo. I took my 3 rd shot at 2:30, so I will probably take 2 more iu at 5 and then the last 2 iu at 8.
I am not on AAS at the moment (I am going to run test and maybe deca in 6 weeks) or insulin...I will start the Humalog as soon as I get my hands on some. So, I do not think or expect to see any results for now. Maybe in 6 weeks or so when I am on AAS and Slin.
I know that the amount of weight and the type of exercises would, but I dont know about the frequency of your workouts.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
I am not Bodybuilding really, I am wrestling 6 nights a week (up to 3 hours a night) and that is why I am doing 3 wokouts with weights per week (Push, Pull and Legs). I am using the GH to stay lean, add a little muscle and to help with recovery.
You're right.. Sometimes it's just that you veer off into another interesting topic of discussion...... OK now back to the main topic here.Originally Posted by catabolic kid
Why would the amount of weight and type of exercises effect LR3? I dont think I'm following this one..............Originally Posted by catabolic kid
I dont know, I thought that heavy compound exercises would do this.Originally Posted by Jayhova16
I just find it a Pain in the ass to be worrying about shooting GH 5times in one day when 3 would probably be just as effective at such a high dosage. I can't comment until I have tried both ways, although I will probably never try your way.Originally Posted by catabolic kid
yes your right pinn but the dose it doesnt have to be 5+grams, there is not a set rule here when running a high dose, it depends on the indivduals cycle history to determine the dose,Originally Posted by Pinnacle
example of this is i'am just coming to the end of my 30day cycle and i have had updates from 3 other BB'S who ran different dosages at the same time as me, now one BB ran 1gram a day with 16ius HGH, 2nd ran 750mg ED with 12 ius HGH ED, 3rd ran 500mg ED with 8ius HGH, now they are all using GH in different ways some 4on 4 off and some EOD, i havent had all the results in because they have about 1 week to go on the cycles but all of them are saying the exact same thing, they are all jumping in body mass on gh days, so its the high dose of AAS +HGH what is doing this, the guy who is running 1gram ED is a very high dose to him but the guy who is running 500mg ED is exactly the same as the guy running 1gram ED because of the indivduals cycle history,
but your correct that 700mg of test a week isnt going to give the same results but it doesnt have to be 5+grams plus either it all depends on cycle history and what your body as been use to.![]()
am not guessing am sure your body is undistructable, keep up the hard work mate
will PM you soon with update![]()
Last edited by marcus300; 01-24-2006 at 07:28 AM.
I totally agree,its hard enough to get to the gym so if you can only get there 3x week...good for you.I myself just finished up and 8 week 3 x week training period and the results were good (just to change things up) Im now back to 4 days and in a month i will be back to 5x week and keep it there as usual..Originally Posted by Jayhova16
all im saying is if your gonna make the financial commitment and the willingness to accept the consequences of the discision to take GH and all the other supps you should be running with it then you really should not leave anything to chance and get the most out of it and be in the gym as often as possable..recovery wont be an issue running growth.
thats just me though,im anal like was hard mentally to only train 3 x a week but i knew my body needed it.i feel like im still cheating myself training 5 days a week but im smarter to know better.
I agree, if there was no such thing as overtraining and your results were dependant upon how many hours you spent in the gym, I would live inside of the gym. I am not bodybuilding, I am doing this for wrestling...even if I were bodybuilding I think that I would go with a 4 day split.Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
Devldog, do you have any opinions directly related to the thread???
I've given you my opinion and that was that I wouldnt make the investment for 3 day a week training.Originally Posted by catabolic kid
Goodluck to you
What do you think about running GH in this manner, for anyone, not just me??Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
heres my honest opinion for you broOriginally Posted by catabolic kid
your 20yrs old,you will need higher then normal doses to see the effects that someone my age (35) would probably see at 1/2 the dose only because your gh level is as high as it will ever be right now,besides that your 275 + lbs..will you make gains on 3 x 10ius a week....I sure as hell hope so.will you have sides...yeah,most likely your wrist will kill you,not good if your a right there theres a trade off...are you ok with that?? I dont know if its the best way to run it and im not gonna suggest i know the best way to run it.thats why we all post our own self we can make educated decisions on whats best for each and evey one of us with our present goals in mind.I will watch like everyone else and see how you progress but again,at your age the results will differ for most others who are older and more experienced but again.
Any news with the 3 - 4 times a week dosing?
Been running it at 10IU's EOD with good results. I'll switch to 5on2off between cycles.
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