yeah, I heard about that and was pretty interested as well...Originally Posted by goose4
yeah, I heard about that and was pretty interested as well...Originally Posted by goose4
yes, two potential killers; slin and dinitrophenol.
louis rea has written something about that.
Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 01-28-2006 at 10:08 AM.
True, but the effects of insulin and DNP are quite different, right? Which would mean that the dangers of each would not be exagerated at all. It would be like getting drunk one weekend, then driving fast another. Two risks, but they aren't going to by synergistic with one another, like say, IGF-1 and slin, right(b/c of the possible increase of hypo associated with the use of these two)???Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
Well the idea when you combine the two is to make the crazy ride safer,YES less sides.DNP alters ATP synthesis. Insulin with it (necessary for glycolisis) ain't a damn thing on the planet that burns fat like DNP,I can tell you that. metabolic rates elevate 100-200% in only a few hours. Sounds great, but DNP can be deadly. Since increased energy is dissipated as body heat, too high of a dosage of DNP for to long of a period can actually COOK ORGANS!!!. No joke, I mean medium well done,thats why at 200mg these sides will not happen,you will still feel like shit,but it`s not as bad as being on tren.
Note of interest: DNP could clean out androgenic receptor-sites and may have cause receptor-site up regulation!
Got to say PROSTAGLANDINS are extremely interesting just like a jemma jamerson flick,my Research has shown a rapid and quite strong direct anabolic action from PG's in muscle cells. If PG's such as PGF-2 and PGE-2 are introduced into muscle cells, protein synthesis occurs at an incredible rate. If insulin is introduced into muscle cells with PGF- 2 or PGE-2 there is a profound synergistic response,I don`t how you would run this,as hypo with the two would be a difficult challenge,a guy has done this here,but he got banned,I say you would have to be a slin vet to attempt the combo. This places certain PG's among the most potent of anabolic activators. Perhaps far more so than anabolic steroids. This also suggests that the powerful anabolic actions of IGF-1, insulin, and amino acids are all mediated in one way or another by PG's.
So what are you suggesting?
the combo of PGF-2 or PGe-2 and IGF is capable of great synergistic possibilities?
I think he meant pgf2 or pge2 and slin and/or IGF. All would be synergistic.Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
[QUOTE=goose4]Who knows about PGE1? I hear this has been used in BB,whats does this do?
Well I found out what PGE1 does and it`s purpose, bizarre and I would not try this at home,PM me if any dudes want to buy this stuff,a mere 120$.![]()
PGE-1 which is used as an erectile function drug injected directly into the base of the penis. The result is a sort of inflammation: A woody.
Is it ok to post a link to another forum? I found a log of a guy who has used PGF2a and slin at the same time, starting PGF one week pre-pct and slin during PCT.
[QUOTE=goose4]ouchy... Does it have any BBing use?Originally Posted by goose4
Originally Posted by sadukar
Well the theory would suggest this,but as we know this does not Equate to results in reality.Hang with me here,this gets insane,I should be in bed. I need to explain your natural prostaglandin production process. Some prostaglandins called the PGE 2 series are made from a fatty acid found in the plasma membrane of your cells called Arachidonic acid. Under basal or non-training conditions, most of your arachidonic acid is in an esterified (bound) form inside the membrane phospholipids. Since only free (unbound) arachidonic acid can produce prostaglandins of the PGE 2 series, the basal synthesis of them is low. Pretty much like a balance of protein synthesis/degradation is normal (homeostasis). Due to the action of an enzyme called phospholipase A2, The esterified (bound) arachidonic acid is freed. The free arachidonic acid is converted into PGE 2s by another group of enzymes called Cyclooxygenase (COX). COX-1 and COX-2 are both found inside most cells and are responsible for the normal release of PG's. However, COX-2 is not normally present in the cells during basal states. When you train (creating a stress) COX-2 is quickly synthesized which in turn strongly stimulates prostaglandin release. Some PG's are mediators of inflammation, but our focus is upon PGF-2 which is an amazing anabolic stimulator. (COX-2 specific inhibitors such as Celebrex do partially block this activity) *PG's are not stored like some hormones. They are quickly synthesized and then quickly destroyed. There are no PG reserves.
note of interest before I babble on. Intense muscular activity triggers specific muscle prostaglandins and the most intense of all stimuli is pure negative reps with very heavy loads. If you choose an exercise that contains a stretch position such as sissysquats, incline curls, etc., more growth specific PG's are produced. The second most effective natural method of inducing elevated PG production is intense muscular burn. This is because Lactic acid build -up is a PG release stimulator. Stretching is the third method. Stretching increases intermuscular IGF-1 and FGF (fiber blast growth factor) which triggers PG production.
To conclude,this is one time I would go the legal and far less effective but safer way to increase PG's is from the increased intake of essential fatty acids (EFA's). Specifically, Linoleic Acid, which is an OMEGA-6 fatty acid, and Alfa Linolenic Acid which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) is another Omega-6 Fatty Acid essential for PGF-2 synthesizes.With all this complex information,I know ossie is right,the inject PGF-2 is really a waste of time,if it was decent,I think we would all know about it.
Very interesting... What about supplemental Arachondic Acid(AA)? William LLelwin(spelling?) has a product out called x-factor. I tried and got well, minimal results from it. I'm still gunna give the trans PGF a try, and will post up results, maybe even a log just to get to the bottom of this myself. We shall see.Originally Posted by goose4
wow, makes me glad tha I have supplemented with an omega complex ever since I started training.
correct, i agree Posted by sadukar
straigthforward way.................
I just came across a thread on PGF2a and DNP by accident. It loods like he was having great progress, but just stopped posting for some reason. Check it out:
Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
Probably just getting post count high enough so he can ask for a source or two.
Originally Posted by Ultimate
Well you are wrong...ossie is a good guy around here,he knows his shit.
tru zoo ossie is one smart dude
Originally Posted by Ultimate
first thanks gosse,and anabolic andre.
second mr ultimate
here at my country (venezuela) there is a lot of gear (a lot !) you can buy it so easy, there is test,hgh,winny,deca,hgh,humalog you can go to any pharmacy and buy it without prescription (pgf2 at veterinary stores).
the quantity that you wish and at very accessible prices, bye.
sadukar let me know how everything works out bro... i am also looking into pgf2a..... ive heard some people get great results when they use it wisely..
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