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Thread: Deca Question

  1. #1

    Deca Question

    Ok, im new to the internet. and i have been reading up on the deca shots i have been taking. i guess i got bad advice from the people i was learning from.
    was basicly told this.
    take this deca shot 1cc for 4 weeks. stop for 2 then get back on
    been like this for 5 months now.

    So ive been reading and reading and reading. and need to now something specific and not really seeing exactly what i should do

    i have loss of sex drive. its not gone completly. only can get wood at certain times. but basicly gone.
    i want to stop the deca and start right this time now that i have the internet and ablet o read up on it and not take just one persons advice.

    what should i do to get back to "normal" and some sort of sex drive?
    ive been reading take test shots.
    how do i do that?
    whats the deal with that? what kind?

    i really want to get my sex drive back and get off the juice and do it right. and dont know how long it takes to do this. or how to do this.. please help
    now i have the internet and reading about it im going to do it right this time. just need to fix whats wrong now
    Last edited by tateterry; 01-29-2006 at 01:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Well first thing you do is buy a gun and shoot the cocksuckers that told you to cycle like that !!!

    Now you have to stop the Deca now and do something called PCT, Post Cycle Therapy.

    You have to get these products, Clomid , Nolvadex and L-dex. You can get them at this site they will get them to you in a few days. When you get them do this.

    Day 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED (Every Day)
    Day 1-30 Nolvadex 20mg ED
    Day 1-30 L-Dex 0.25mg ED

    Also get yourself some Cialis from the same site. The PCT will restart your natural Test production and hopefully your sex drive will return, The Cialis will help you with that in the mean time.
    Last edited by Kale; 01-29-2006 at 01:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    yikes, lol, ya listen to kale, running all those goodies for a month should get you back on trac

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Well first thing you do is buy a gun and shoot the cocksuckers that told you to cycle like that !!!

    Now you have to stop the Deca now and do something called PCT, Post Cycle Therapy.

    You have to get these products, Clomid , Nolvadex and L-dex. You can get them at this site they will get them to you in a few days. When you get them do this.

    Day 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED (Every Day)
    Day 1-30 Nolvadex 20mg ED
    Day 1-30 L-Dex 0.25mg ED

    Also get yourself some Cialis from the same site. The PCT will restart your natural Test production and hopefully your sex drive will return, The Cialis will help you with that in the mean time.
    thanks , seriously.
    but im not able to click on any words . only one i can click on is PCT

    im sorry im such a lame ass and dont know what this means. but can you explain the "day 1-30" thing. it says take one everyday. and the others dont. but they all say 1-30.
    i dont understand. maybe if i see the product i will be able to know what your meaning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    PCT runs for 30 days so start at Day 1 and end at Day 30. Sorry its a bit confusing thats just how it gets refered to here. So all of those three products are taken ED for 30 days.

    Here are the links

    Tamoxifan http://www.anabolicreview-research.c...products_id=43


    L-Dex http://www.anabolicreview-research.c...products_id=98

    Cialis is taken as required

    Cialis http://www.anabolicreview-research.c...6d55c1a80c264b

  6. #6
    so 3 shots everyday? or is this a pill?

  7. #7
    Take a hachet and cut your winkie off, solve all your problems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    They are all liquid and YOU DO NOT shoot them, they are all oral. For example to Tamoxifan is dosed at 20mg/ml. You need 20 mg ED so you will need 1 ml. They will give you a syringe that you use to measure it then squirt it straight in your mouth, Clomid you need 100mg ED, it is dosed at 35mg/ml so you need 2.85ml . Ldex you need 0.25, it is dosed at 1mg/ml so you need 1/4 of a ml. Capishe !!!

  9. #9
    I still like my idea, much less hassle.

  10. #10
    you rule. thanks
    is that site reliable? stuff isnt going to run my credit card the hell and back right? lol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Its reliable, its sanctioned by this board. I have bought Cialis from there and it works fine. The board wouldnt recommend something that caused the members grief bro.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    WTF. You said "I have been reading up on the deca shots i have been taking." Why take something before you even know what your taking? That was pretty dumb. And the biggest mistake was to take deca for 5 months. First of all, you always have to take deca with test specifically on longer cycles to prevent hardcore loss of sexdrive. Secondly, you should take hcg throughout the cycle at 500I.U. Monday and Thursday for one week, and then the same eow (every other week) alongside with nolvadex daily.

    The only way to get your sex drive back now is to do what Kale recommends and take cialis. The most important thing is to take the HCG and make sure you take nolvadex with that. Good luck to getting a nice hard bonner again bro.

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