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Thread: 20yr old collegiate athlete, and need supplement help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    miami, fl

    20yr old collegiate athlete, and need supplement help

    Hi I am currently about 5-11 170 lbs ideally I would like to get to about 190, I am a collegiate athlete. I am not seeing that much results anymore and need to get significantly stronger. I am about 17 percent body fat right now and just dont feel right. I am feeling out of shape and weak. I want to get on a rigrous training program and need to get on something to help me get stronger, not neccesarily steroids but some type of supplement that will help me reach my strength goals and body weight goals. Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    supplament forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The best supplements in the world are food. Beleive me, if you push enough calories you will grow. Post up your diet and training program and I will make some suggestions. The only supplements I use are creatine, glutamine, weight gainer, whey, multivitamin/mineral, vit c and vit e and some good fats. There is no miracle supplement or steroid out there..........its all down to diet and training and doing what is right for your body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    miami, fl

    Diet and Workout regimen

    Thanks Jrmrplymouth, My Workout routine is usually,

    I usually do 30 min of cardio a day and 12 sets per body part depending on the body part I am doing, and I usually try to get in at least 8 reps of any weight I do, nothing lower (I probably should try it though) because I get scared that I will just become to bulky and not athletic looking.

    My diet consists of :

    Breakfast- A big choclate milk, a banana and some yogurt

    Lunch- 2 grilled chicken sandwiches

    Snack- Grilled Chicken with french fries and a fruit salad

    Post Workout- Musclemilk shake with non fat milk

    Dinner- A medium sized steak or a 1/2 a chicken

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You wont look to bulky just by doing some lower reps. That takes time. Post your diet in the diet forum and you`ll prob get better help there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by miamistar
    Thanks Jrmrplymouth, My Workout routine is usually,

    I usually do 30 min of cardio a day and 12 sets per body part depending on the body part I am doing, and I usually try to get in at least 8 reps of any weight I do, nothing lower (I probably should try it though) because I get scared that I will just become to bulky and not athletic looking.

    My diet consists of :

    Breakfast- A big choclate milk, a banana and some yogurt

    Lunch- 2 grilled chicken sandwiches

    Snack- Grilled Chicken with french fries and a fruit salad

    Post Workout- Musclemilk shake with non fat milk

    Dinner- A medium sized steak or a 1/2 a chicken
    you can pretty much scrap that the stickies in the diet forum...come up with a rough it and we will help you...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by miamistar
    Thanks Jrmrplymouth, My Workout routine is usually,

    I usually do 30 min of cardio a day and 12 sets per body part depending on the body part I am doing, and I usually try to get in at least 8 reps of any weight I do, nothing lower (I probably should try it though) because I get scared that I will just become to bulky and not athletic looking.

    My diet consists of :

    Breakfast- A big choclate milk, a banana and some yogurt

    Lunch- 2 grilled chicken sandwiches

    Snack- Grilled Chicken with french fries and a fruit salad

    Post Workout- Musclemilk shake with non fat milk

    Dinner- A medium sized steak or a 1/2 a chicken
    Im sorry to say but no supplement (or possibly steroid) will compensate for your diet and bodybuilding approach. I wouldnt say your diet was 'bad' but it needs alot of improvement. You said you were 170lbs so id recommend 210g of protein a day and around 400g of carbs. Divide that into 7 meals a day. So that would be 30g of protein in each and every meal. Also cut down your 2-3 sessions a week. Don't worry about getting too bulky. If your goal is too add more size then I beleive its necessary to add some bulk. Keep rep range between 6-10 per set.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    On the crease
    What sport are you playing?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Diets no good starting with the worst most important meal of the day, breakfast. Almost no protien and too much sugar in what you posted. You can keep the yogurt but add oatmeal and egg whites. Your whole diet needs reworking. You will notice serious gains once you have that right, that is the truth. Without fixing it, you wont really see anything from the gear either.

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