Need some help yesterday was my first shot of my third cycle I was talking to my friend and I was telling him that I was going to do 750mg test a/week and 300mg deca a/week
And I was going to inject 500mg test + 150mg deca Monday and 250mg test + 150mg deca Thursday he told me that why don’t I just inject all of it on Monday so my ass wont be a pin cushion he told me that the esters in my test which is (omnadren) 3 of them are long lasting only one which is propionate is short he said it would be less scar tissue and less pain
Do you guys think I should only inject once a week?
And no I don’t inject the whole thing in one site I do half in one glute and other half in the opposite glute.
Am injecting:
Omnadren 250 750mg a/week
Deca 300qv 300mg a/week