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Thread: D-ball make you faster?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    D-ball make you faster?

    Hi i am new here and i was wondering if d ball makes you any faster. i am getting ready for my senior year of track and have a good chance at taking state. so i want to better my current time of 11.29. I have a pretty fast forty (4.37)but i have aways had a problem with muscle endurance( i die out at about 60 instead of gaining speed). i just want to know if dball will help me maintain my speed longer or slow me down cause the added weight? Also the reason i want to get bigger in the first place is because i am going to be playing college ball this coming fall. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    University Ave
    sounds like you already have a good thing going. you said you have a good chance of taking state. i would diet, train, and take supplements.

    dbol might not work the way you hope for it to work. you wouldn't want to run it alone, and you will need to plan out pct, ect.

    you don't just take dbol. that is a poor cycle.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastlilwideout
    Hi i am new here and i was wondering if d ball makes you any faster. i am getting ready for my senior year of track and have a good chance at taking state. so i want to better my current time of 11.29. I have a pretty fast forty (4.37)but i have aways had a problem with muscle endurance( i die out at about 60 instead of gaining speed). i just want to know if dball will help me maintain my speed longer or slow me down cause the added weight? Also the reason i want to get bigger in the first place is because i am going to be playing college ball this coming fall. thanks

    4.37 40 and 11.29 100meter?
    In the 100 do you sprint 40 yrds, stop and walk 10 yrds then sprint again?

    Let me guess , the 40 was hand timed and inaccurate, and the 100 was electronicly timed. Steroids make you bigger and faster. Dbol only not so good though.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2006


    d-bol is hard on your liver..A lot of people say they can't run on it because it hurts their back so bad. Plus what the guy said above.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    ha i told you i have know muscle endurance i just can't maintain my speed at all it really pisses me off. Also the time was electronic so it is correct. Well what suppliments should i take then cause i already have the d bal? Should i go with cel tek and nitro tek or what? please help i just want to get faster! oh and i only weigh 160 and am 6'0 so im pretty skinny as is

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastlilwideout
    ha i told you i have know muscle endurance i just can't maintain my speed at all it really pisses me off. Also the time was electronic so it is correct. Well what suppliments should i take then cause i already have the d bal? Should i go with cel tek and nitro tek or what? please help i just want to get faster! oh and i only weigh 160 and am 6'0 so im pretty skinny as is

    Creatine is suppose to help with ATP , water in the cells or whatever. Which aids in explosive exercises. Take the celltech, and run alot of 100's. Running makes you faster not supplements. They just help slightly.

  8. #8
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    Stay away from the dbol.
    I have a feeling if you took it , it would do more bad then good to you and your body.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Well i guess i will get the suppliments for now then and take the d-bol before the football season with some sort of liver suppliment

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    seems like you dont know too much about D-bol at all since you cant even spell it right and it seems you dont know much about supplements either just train hard and get on a good diet stay away from aa's your too young

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    where the army moves me
    Quote Originally Posted by fastlilwideout
    ha i told you i have know muscle endurance i just can't maintain my speed at all it really pisses me off. Also the time was electronic so it is correct. Well what suppliments should i take then cause i already have the d bal? Should i go with cel tek and nitro tek or what? please help i just want to get faster! oh and i only weigh 160 and am 6'0 so im pretty skinny as is
    ok if your a senior youll have all the time you want after track season to bulk up for college ball save the dball for that! stay away from cell tech an creatine monohydrate all together during track you dont want to hold the extra water!! concentrate on you diet an trainning, if you want to add some aas sprinters human an horse alike find winny to help an good deal for that but at your age i would advise against it. but you make you up your own mind!!! if you do run winny read about it an its sides first... you might want to take a low dose of test prop with it or some proviron maybe even hcg. but i wouldnt take all those just two!!! keep the doses low to moderate an talk to some sprinters on this site, im sure the take it like a supplement instead of a steroid...good luck bro

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogfight
    ok if your a senior youll have all the time you want after track season to bulk up for college ball save the dball for that! stay away from cell tech an creatine monohydrate all together during track you dont want to hold the extra water!! concentrate on you diet an trainning, if you want to add some aas sprinters human an horse alike find winny to help an good deal for that but at your age i would advise against it. but you make you up your own mind!!! if you do run winny read about it an its sides first... you might want to take a low dose of test prop with it or some proviron maybe even hcg. but i wouldnt take all those just two!!! keep the doses low to moderate an talk to some sprinters on this site, im sure the take it like a supplement instead of a steroid...good luck bro

    Water weight from creatine? I don't think that will be enough to hurt his performance.

    Winstrol will dry your joints out so bad , running on the track will make your knees break.

    No AAS for you now.

  13. #13
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    University Ave
    Quote Originally Posted by fastlilwideout
    Well i guess i will get the suppliments for now then and take the d-bol before the football season with some sort of liver suppliment
    you came to the right place for adivice. save your dbol for now.

    try creatine ethyl ester not monohydrate for now. this will help your endurance and explosive speed.

    in the mean time, stick around and learn about how to cycle correctly. i think you are better off making plans for football season.

  14. #14
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    where the army moves me
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Water weight from creatine? I don't think that will be enough to hurt his performance.

    Winstrol will dry your joints out so bad , running on the track will make your knees break.

    No AAS for you now.
    creatine easters dont cause edema monohydrate does.... i agree about the winny an dry joints but you know of the olympic sprinter that got his metal taken for testing positive for aas...winny

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks for all the help i guess i will just hit the squats and lunges ect harder and take cel tech and hopefully that will get me down around 11.0 with some good training

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    this is a common sense question

  17. #17
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    May 2005
    There is a program at every YMCA called the "Accelerator" program. It is an awesome program designed specifically for high school and college athletes to improve in their sport. It costs about $300 but it is so worth it. You have one on one training, three days a week, and they absolutely bust you A$$. They'll make you do exercises that will take time off your 40 and 100m. I did this program for baseball about 4 years ago and in one summer i added 7mph to my fastball, enabling me to go from getting MAC scholorships to Big-Ten scholorships. I'd endorse this program to high schoolers before ANY AS.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogfight
    creatine easters dont cause edema monohydrate does.... i agree about the winny an dry joints but you know of the olympic sprinter that got his metal taken for testing positive for aas...winny

    Yeah , ben johnson.
    I'm sure he loves winstrol deep down in his heart.

  19. #19
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    Training my ninja Degu
    Dbol is best for mass gains imo. You would gain too much water weight. It's better to have lean mass when sprinting. I'd stay away from dbol.

    Plus you don't want to be tested and get booted. I would not risk getting caught over roids.

  20. #20
    Out of curiosity..... what about 400 mg eq 100 mg test /week.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    where the army moves me
    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    Out of curiosity..... what about 400 mg eq 100 mg test /week.
    when i comes to speed i doubt there is an miracle drug if there is pm me! the best advice i can give is something like proviron or a non aromatiseing adrogen at a low dose if you must juice, this will increase aggression/focus!! trainning is the magic carpet to ride!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    use winny if you wanna get faster... it's what Ben Johnson used...

    Winstrol and anavar stack will do the trick...

    IMO you dont want to put on size cause it will just slow you down....
    Dbol will give you strength , but a lot of false weight as well (water)

    PS: IMO if you are that fast naturally....... Just keep pushin It will come...
    Try eating a lot of celery before running as well as other fiberous carbo hydrates...

    Good luck bro... Keep us posted


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Northern California
    The answer to your question is no.

    use winny if you wanna get faster... it's what Ben Johnson used
    bad advise

    Winstrol and anavar stack will do the trick...
    Even worse.

    PS: IMO if you are that fast naturally....... Just keep pushin It will come...
    That's better. It's what I would have said also.

  24. #24
    Try researching different compounds for your goals, dbol is not the most suited for this.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 02-10-2006 at 12:59 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    winny is no good for anyone involved in explosive sports as it builds bigger tendons but at the same time it makes them more brittle resulting in injuries.
    maybe some anavar will do the trick as it increases strength without screwing up your tendons.

  26. #26
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    Aug 2005
    Actually, according to Ben Johnson's coach, Charlie Francis, the main oral he used was dianabol. He cycled it 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off at just 10-15mg/day with no pct. He may have got caught for winny, but this was not one of the drugs he regularly used. IMO, you would be much better off with halo and test prop for sprinting. Var is also a possibility, but it makes a lot of sprinters too tight.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pelly789
    seems like you dont know too much about D-bol at all since you cant even spell it right and it seems you dont know much about supplements either just train hard and get on a good diet stay away from aa's your too young
    This reply couldnt have hit it on the head any more acurate!!! One, your too young for anabolics and will screw up your chances in the future. Two, you dont know sh$t about what the compounds are, especialy d-bol. You will loose 80% of your gains once you stop so where does that get you! Three, your stilll in puberty and that will hinder gains.

    Train hard, train natural, and diet strict strict

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