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Thread: I cannot shoot quads.. why is that?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    I cannot shoot quads.. why is that?

    I've been rotating glutes, right and left, for my bi-weekly adminstrations. I got to thinking that later on I'll be shooting more than just twice a week and will need more rotations. I like delts and have no real problems, but I'm more curious about quads. I've shot there maybe twice and then stopped and went to primarily glutes.

    I think it's because of the few to many times I hit a nerve in the quad. I can't stand when I prick a nerve because your whole entire leg spasms and it feels very weird and painful. My question is.. am I doing the shots wrong? I use spinjections . com and still can't seem to do them right. Ideally I'd rotate between right quad/right glute/left quad/left glute when I get up to 4 injections per week but at this point, I HATE shooting quads.

    What am I doing wrong? It seems I ALWAYS hit a nerve and get that buzz through my entire leg. Should I just avoid quads all together and use easier accessed muscles like glutes and the 2-3 heads of the delt?

    One more somewhat O/T question: When I was doing my final shot for my Prop kickstart I shot left delt anterior head. As soon as the pin hit it pinched and felt really tight and stung every second the pin was even touching my skin. My best guess was scar-tissue from frequent injections.. is that most likely it? It's been over 2 months since I've shot delts and I've got a bridge to PCT coming up soon, so what do you think? I push the pin in pretty slow, so maybe I shot just jab it in quickly?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    I've been rotating glutes, right and left, for my bi-weekly adminstrations. I got to thinking that later on I'll be shooting more than just twice a week and will need more rotations. I like delts and have no real problems, but I'm more curious about quads. I've shot there maybe twice and then stopped and went to primarily glutes.

    I think it's because of the few to many times I hit a nerve in the quad. I can't stand when I prick a nerve because your whole entire leg spasms and it feels very weird and painful. My question is.. am I doing the shots wrong? I use spinjections . com and still can't seem to do them right. Ideally I'd rotate between right quad/right glute/left quad/left glute when I get up to 4 injections per week but at this point, I HATE shooting quads.

    What am I doing wrong? It seems I ALWAYS hit a nerve and get that buzz through my entire leg. Should I just avoid quads all together and use easier accessed muscles like glutes and the 2-3 heads of the delt?

    One more somewhat O/T question: When I was doing my final shot for my Prop kickstart I shot left delt anterior head. As soon as the pin hit it pinched and felt really tight and stung every second the pin was even touching my skin. My best guess was scar-tissue from frequent injections.. is that most likely it? It's been over 2 months since I've shot delts and I've got a bridge to PCT coming up soon, so what do you think? I push the pin in pretty slow, so maybe I shot just jab it in quickly?
    i always go slow and steady, quads happen to be my favorite area, I usually hop in the shower first I do a little stretching in there then after I get out i'm ready to go. Bro mind over matter...don't think about the pain push that into your skin asperate and inject thats all you should think about, dont be scared. Next time you inject the quad think of this thread and speedtraining telling you to just do it and not be a pussy and you will be fine. I'd rather hit a nerve then have scar tissue build up. Mind over Matter bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Up North
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    I've been rotating glutes, right and left, for my bi-weekly adminstrations. I got to thinking that later on I'll be shooting more than just twice a week and will need more rotations. I like delts and have no real problems, but I'm more curious about quads. I've shot there maybe twice and then stopped and went to primarily glutes.

    I think it's because of the few to many times I hit a nerve in the quad. I can't stand when I prick a nerve because your whole entire leg spasms and it feels very weird and painful. My question is.. am I doing the shots wrong? I use spinjections . com and still can't seem to do them right. Ideally I'd rotate between right quad/right glute/left quad/left glute when I get up to 4 injections per week but at this point, I HATE shooting quads.

    What am I doing wrong? It seems I ALWAYS hit a nerve and get that buzz through my entire leg. Should I just avoid quads all together and use easier accessed muscles like glutes and the 2-3 heads of the delt?

    One more somewhat O/T question: When I was doing my final shot for my Prop kickstart I shot left delt anterior head. As soon as the pin hit it pinched and felt really tight and stung every second the pin was even touching my skin. My best guess was scar-tissue from frequent injections.. is that most likely it? It's been over 2 months since I've shot delts and I've got a bridge to PCT coming up soon, so what do you think? I push the pin in pretty slow, so maybe I shot just jab it in quickly?
    Hey bro I used to be the same way, everytime I shot quads it felt weird, leg would kinda spasm as the pin went in and would kinda go numb, but got used to it, I use a 25G 1inch pin, slides in like butter, I love doin quads now, easy to do by myself and is painless now, just stick it out and it gets better, quads are a big muscle and handles 2-3 cc easily...good luck

  4. #4
    You are probably just thinking about it too much. The more you think about it, the more you may flinch or tense up and more chance that you may hit a nerve. I used to have that problem with quads, but just try not to think about it anymore. Now, it is one of the easier spots for me to inject.

  5. #5
    PUSSY! lol j/k bro have someone do it for you first and then do it yourself if it's that big of a deal.

  6. #6
    ive done my quads quite a few times, with 22 gauge, it feels fine to me... the one time it hurt a lil was when i went to high... go to **************.com, it shows u real good detail of where exactly to shoot it. You must be hittin a nerve, cause i consider the quads one of the least painful spots.... goes in like butter

  7. #7
    spot injections. com just no spaces

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    i feel ya

    i have had weird pains in my leg when i was injecting....felt really funny. but you have to stick it out and keep goin...btw if you just cant do it try pec injections they are toooooooooooooooooooo easy and painless believe it or not

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by getbig32
    i have had weird pains in my leg when i was injecting....felt really funny. but you have to stick it out and keep goin...btw if you just cant do it try pec injections they are toooooooooooooooooooo easy and painless believe it or not

    Just started doing those, and I have to say that you are absolutely correct. Probably the easiest injection that I administer on myself. It helps that I have virgin tissue there that is simple to get through. I don't have to deal with the crackling of scar tissue when I inject.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getbig32
    i have had weird pains in my leg when i was injecting....felt really funny. but you have to stick it out and keep goin...btw if you just cant do it try pec injections they are toooooooooooooooooooo easy and painless believe it or not
    never heard of someone doin pec injections

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MNfreak
    never heard of someone doin pec injections
    Try it......You'll like it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by MNfreak
    never heard of someone doin pec injections
    You are joking right?Please say yes.......

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    I inject 75mg Prop in pecs and it seriously does not hurt at all. I think my vastus lateralus' shots are the worst

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pec Shots Arent That Bad At All, Scary The First Time But Then Easy As Can Be!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Just checked out and looked at 'Thigh Series 2-4.' I can tell you that even in series one that's a lot lower than I was going. I was going high and towards the middle. I'm definetly going to have to shoot quads again (Thursday) and see how it goes.

    If you look at 'Thigh Series 4' the guy is practically shooting on the SIDE of his leg. Is this OK? #'s 2-3 looked about right and I'll be sure to shoot a solid 6" lower than I was, but it #4 too far to the side?

    Any other stories or info is appreciated. Thanks for everything so far.

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