Your the man.....i cant thank u enough for all ur help i am going to go pick up both of them today at a supp store by my gym.....ill let u know how my results come back!!!
Your the man.....i cant thank u enough for all ur help i am going to go pick up both of them today at a supp store by my gym.....ill let u know how my results come back!!!
Glad I could help. Just be patient with the Redkat, it takes a while for the full effect.Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
Tongkat ali has been proven to boost your total testosterone levels to about double if you stay on it long enough, but it also lowers your SHBG's so you get about a 440% increase in "free testosterone".
Its also been shown to work something like HCG, in that tongkat can actually cause you to begin producing natural testosterone and continue to lower your SHBG's even if you are taking tongkat while "on" a cycle which involves deca durabolin or trenbalone. In otherwords these 2 drugs are the most powerful things to shut down your natural testosterone production, and yet tongkat can overpower this shutdown effect and get you producing again. Also makes your steroids you are taking more effective because lowering SHBG's reduces the "tollerance" effect that SHBG's do to your steroid tollerances. As we know, SHBG's bind to ALL anabolic steroids, not just testosterone, and it partially disables deca, tren, test, winstrol, etc... so tongkat ali is a cycler's best friend actually.
Bryan2 (supplement guru) on the active life of tongkat ali:
completley out of the body within 8 hours
Nptadude on tongkat's 8 hour active life:
This suggests something that might be different from one's experience with the tongkat. Tongkat's effects are cumulative, for one its the only substance known that gradually reduces sex hormone binding globulins (SHBG's), so its effects on stimulating LH might only last 8 hours but the lower SHBG's and higher responsiveness to lower amounts of testosterone and increased free testosterone linger well beyond this 8 hour mark.
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