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Thread: injections starting to really hurt. PLZ help FAST

  1. #1

    injections starting to really hurt. PLZ help FAST

    hey guys, I'm having alot of pain in my injection areas. I keep having to poke my self b/c after I get the needle in, i get a sharp pain like I'm hitting a nerve ending. I only have tried my glutes and outer quads. Should I try somewhere elese. Some one mentioned on another thread to take a shower to loosen up the skin. It's really weird, I've never had this problem before, but I've never done Tren so I figure thats the culprit. I was maybee going to try to go with 25g pins to maybee solve the problem.

    any suggestions, my ass is literally on the line.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    try using the 25g and c wat happens just remember its going 2 sting abit sometimes afterall you are sticking a pice ov metal in u.if ur injecting in the right place i dont think u should worrie about nerves

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    do you get the pain from the needle or when you inject. i never had pain with tren. but my batch i am on now kills like a mofo. also my quads are very sensitive so whenever i put a needle in them it takes me like 3-4 mins just to do that one shot in my leg.

  4. #4
    Yea man when you inject your self with something it is going to hurt no matter what. The best advice i can give is to just get used to it or stop injecting. Sorry i cant be of more help

  5. #5
    no no, the juice it self doesn't bother me at all. yeah it leaves a little soreness, but nothing I would consider more than a slight cramp or charlie horse. I'm saying as I slide he needle into the muscle it goes in fine for like 1/4 of an inch or so, then pain. Should I just cram the needle in like im poking something or go really slow and take my time. I've checked injection sites many times to see if it could be my prob. never had this before with any other cycle. It's kinda wierd.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    if you hit your sciatica it would kinda paralyze you for just a bit, other than that like the other bros said just get used to the pain

  7. #7
    warm up the juice it stop my injection pain big time

  8. #8
    I run it under hot water for 20 secs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    chose a different area of the leg. could be going through some scar tissue as well ,if going into same area.

  10. #10
    check out www. sp0tinjections .com and see if you are even poking in the right spot. May be the problem.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    i actually looked at that site and i was experiencing the same thing, at the spot they show on that site. i didn't like it . so now i go in the center of my muscle all the on the side not on the corner. i also poke around with the needle in my leg (not breaking the skin) to feel for sensitvity. the least sensitive area i usually have better luck. i don't know why i do this but it works most of the time for me

  12. #12
    I just lift it high above my head holding the pin in a fist and close my eyes jabbing it down in a stabbing motion. No pain, No gain.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    WOW! not me. i like to take my time and enjoy it with a 16 guage needle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by crane
    WOW! not me. i like to take my time and enjoy it with a 16 guage needle.
    16g ? I just take the straw out of my pepsi and use that.

  15. #15
    "You're crazy man"

  16. #16
    Thats funny.....16g is huge. Yeah like I said its not the juice that hurts, it's really sensitive. I've done winny be4 doing that every other day alternating ass cheeks. On top of that I was jumping out of airplanes and shit landing on it all day and it still wasn't as sensitive. I guess like the one guy said just keep poking until I fell a less sensitive place. Seems like my only method. It's funny I look like a crack head with all these little blood drops on my leg. Some days, like butter, right in no feeling slides right in. really weird. Also I did check that site also before I posted so that I wouldn't feel stupid about this.

    thanks guys

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cmeflibi
    Thats funny.....16g is huge. Yeah like I said its not the juice that hurts, it's really sensitive. I've done winny be4 doing that every other day alternating ass cheeks. On top of that I was jumping out of airplanes and shit landing on it all day and it still wasn't as sensitive. I guess like the one guy said just keep poking until I fell a less sensitive place. Seems like my only method. It's funny I look like a crack head with all these little blood drops on my leg. Some days, like butter, right in no feeling slides right in. really weird. Also I did check that site also before I posted so that I wouldn't feel stupid about this.

    thanks guys
    might sound stupid but if i don't let the rubbing alch. completly dry it stings like that

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cmeflibi
    hey guys, I'm having alot of pain in my injection areas. I keep having to poke my self b/c after I get the needle in, i get a sharp pain like I'm hitting a nerve ending. I only have tried my glutes and outer quads. Should I try somewhere elese. Some one mentioned on another thread to take a shower to loosen up the skin. It's really weird, I've never had this problem before, but I've never done Tren so I figure thats the culprit. I was maybee going to try to go with 25g pins to maybee solve the problem.

    any suggestions, my ass is literally on the line.
    Ok, so I don't do injections, but i know a lot about sites, muscles, and the nervous system. If your only injecting the the glutes and quads then your de****g with a lot of muscle bulk and the skin is usually thicker or has more fat in those areas, so pain due to hitting nerves in unlikely. There are tons of nerve endings coming to the surface, but that's just regular discomfort. You would feel a sharp, shooting pain if you went too deep and hit a nerve channel.

    As for taking a warm shower before hand, that's good for cleansing the skin of bacteria and such, and will help to relax the muscle. A relaxed muscle is easier and less painful to inject than a tight one. It's also a good idea to shower after because it helps with the pain (so I'm told).

    If your injecting a painful substance (ie: prop), try running the syring under hot water to warm it up before. This will help the oil to become more viscos, making it easier to inject. As for switching to a smaller needle.. it may help with initial discomfort but that's it, and if it's a oily substance, it's harder to push through.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    canada Montreal
    Taylor girl your right. when i did my fist shot man it was like shit dont want to feel like a pussy or do i just stick that son of abitch in there, so all i did was take a nice shower then dried up and stuck that sun of abitch in my ass and off i went so all i have to say is find what your body likes to loses up i would listen to music that got me all hyped up,

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    2 things, actually 3.
    1. I also warm up my syringe. After filling it and switching to a 25 ga pin, I leave the cap on, and carefully run warm water over the syringe for a couple of minutes.

    2. MOST IMPORTANTLY; before you inject, point the needle straight up and push out a little oil so that it runs down the needle. This is lube. It helps the needle slide in with no friction. A dry needle hurts.

    3. Like others said, stick it in quick.

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