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Thread: Been a tough battle against being skinny...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    Thing is, I can't stand oatmeal so I bought the instant breakfast in hopes that it would replaced the oatmeal? Not a good replacement?
    Yes, that's a terrible replacement.

    If you hate oatmeal then try eating grits (without butter - use the calorie free "can't believe it's not butter" spray).

    You could also buy multigrain pancake mix or multigrain waffles. You can add almonds to the pancake mix for flavor. Don't buy syrup. Not even the sugar free syrap. Sugar free syrup tastes sweet and these sweateners spike your insulin levels in a similar manner.

    You want lots of QUALITY complex carbohydrates in the morning, ie: Grits, pancakes, waffles, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    I did get some beef jerky, because it was high in protein.
    Beef Jerky is also sky high in sodium. Not my favorite source of protein.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    What's the word on pasta? Ice cream?
    Pasta is key. Especially when trying to bulk like you were doing, however I would stay away from it if you were concerned with keeping lean definition.

    Ice Cream is bad... So is milk. Milk based products like these tend to make people fat. Which is not good. High in sugar. Will cause you to bloat and put on fat, not quality mass. If you consume alot of milk based products your calorie intake will sky rocket. That is why babies are able to survive off of milk alone.
    Last edited by cmax; 02-12-2006 at 10:00 PM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    Thanks for the tips, this board is great with a fine group of mature members looking out for one another, love it!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I eat beef jerky while cutting...I just drink a lot of water for the you should be okay with it...IMO...I can find a thread on more opinions if necessary...

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i think hes got enough to work with .. i think anymore stuff will just mix him up .

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Santa Rosa, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    i think hes got enough to work with .. i think anymore stuff will just mix him up .
    I agree. He's off to a good start. He will have a very clean diet with what he's putting together.

    Now he just needs to focus on being disciplined and consistent with eating more meals periodically through out the day until he's up to 8 meals a day.

    They key will be to gradually work into this new diet over the course of several weeks. Generally people who try to go from eating crap twice a day to eating 8 clean meals a day end up failing with their diet when they try to change their current diet to their ideal diet over night. Take everything in gradual steps, it will be give you a much higher chance of success and it won't be so harsh on your body.

  6. #46
    hey bro your off to a great start, these guys really do know their stuff!
    i'd like to see this one bumped for updates

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Do not use roids bro, you dont need em. Your diet is your biggest problem.

    Two months ago I was about as skinny as you, Im a bit taller 6'0 and was 140lbs. I too was thinking about doing a cycle or two, even bought the stuff. Luckily I came to my senses. The juice is hidden in my closet and there it will stay, I'll probably through it out though. My solution? I upted my calories by about 250% and have gained 20lbs up to 160 in a little under 2 months. I eat about 4,500 calories every day without fail. Do some research about proper dieting and eat, eat, eat...sometimes you have to force feed yourself but I have gained weight. Some fat, but lots of muscle! I literally look twice as big before I started. I only work out three days a week. Pretty standard routine of chest/tris,,,back/bi's,,,legs/shoulders. Nothing special here, just try to work out hard. Most important is the diet. Good luck.
    Last edited by URMaster; 02-13-2006 at 08:00 AM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    To all members reading this thread:
    Diet advice has been tight by all the members so far, (except for the one about going to wendy's.) and the advice has been great on not geting A. Blood to juice yet, so lets take it one step further and let this cat know why he NEEDS to incorporate leg training to increase his gains.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    To all members reading this thread:
    Diet advice has been tight by all the members so far, (except for the one about going to wendy's.) and the advice has been great on not geting A. Blood to juice yet, so lets take it one step further and let this cat know why he NEEDS to incorporate leg training to increase his gains.
    go for it...

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    go for it...
    Dont mean to hijak thread but...

    For anyone who dosen't consider a "true" leg day let me tell you that your missing out on huge gains both in muscularity but hormonely as well.
    Within this board you will find post by others that will tell you how incorporating heavy multi-joint movements, more importantly squats, can help your body produce more testosterone and Human Growth Hormone. I know that this is kinda a broad post and a no brainer to most but to sum it up I think is was Swole who said "Your upper body is the student and your lower body is the teacher." A quote I continually use today.

    I figured since we have got A blood on the right track with diet and no roids we might as well get him on the right track with legs

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    EGGS, sometimes I'll hardboil a an 18 pack, then I have two days worth of breakfasts (9 eggs each, then some oatmeal) I'll eat 6 just the whites, and 3 whole eggs.

    Also, I'll scramble the same ratio of whites to whole w/olive oil and wrap them in a wheat tortilla, add some Tapatio, and there I go.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Las Vegas
    Bro to tell you the truth most of this stuff will not taste that great, but if you want to get bigger, ball up and suck it down. In the end, it will all be worth it.
    Keep your nose to the grind stone, and it will happen! Good luck

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by speedoking
    Bro to tell you the truth most of this stuff will not taste that great, but if you want to get bigger, ball up and suck it down. In the end, it will all be worth it.
    Keep your nose to the grind stone, and it will happen! Good luck
    are u kiddin me ? lol .. all that stuff taste graet if you know how to prepare it .. you can make a pigs ass taste good if you cook it right .

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by omnipotent
    i wouldent eat at wendys or have bacon or anything like that unless it was a cheat day .. stick to clean food .
    Sorry I forgot I have been blessed with a metabolism that I can eat Wendy's triples and maintain 7% BF with abs... actually for me its a tough battle against being skinny as well and I am at the age of 40.... 43 inch chest and 31 waist and I have at least 5 wendy's triples a week... if I dont, I loose weight. Of course this is in addition to 2 chicken breasts and a 12 once sirloin steak for dinner.

    No joke, Wendy's triple for lunch, sometimes a Big Mac Meal at 3 PM, 2 chicken breasts and steak ( I always want chicken and steak for dinner) and I've lost 1 inch off my waist in the last 2 months. I tried to eat somewhat more cleanly over November and December and I plunged 20 lbs in a big hurry. I dont even want to tell you about the gallon of ice cream a week I eat, I dont know what to do to slow down my metabolism and I am not a big guy, I range between 170 and 190 lbs at 5'9"...
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 02-14-2006 at 02:23 AM.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    Thanks, so far, I haven't been able to eat as much as I want, I'll learn to prepare my food ahead of time so I am not pressed for time when leaving for work or what not.

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I like to cook my beef fresh for every meal. Taste is everything when you are cooking 3%-4% fat beef! ground beef and brown rice mixed together after cooking and low sodium salsa on top for flavor! ITS THE BOMB! i eat pounds of that stuff a week!

  18. #58
    dont worry anyways...if you start eating and trainig right u'll see good gains in no time when you start seeing gains it motivates you more and you feel better about your self.
    stick to it.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    So far I haven't been able to put down the recommendations on the sample diet. I guess it will take time to stretch my stomach.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    yeah Ive been doing this for about 2yrs and sometimes I have trouble with all the food...

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    For one, I can't stand tuna and that seems to be very important. I basically eat it (takes me a minute for real) and then I'm scared I'm going to have tuna breath at work lol. Random, eh?

  22. #62
    For one, I can't stand tuna and that seems to be very important. I basically eat it (takes me a minute for real) and then I'm scared I'm going to have tuna breath at work lol. Random, eh?
    how do u think gay people feel wen thye have cock breath ?

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by paullyy
    how do u think gay people feel wen thye have cock breath ?

    Haha, guess I never thought of that!

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by paullyy
    how do u think gay people feel wen thye have cock breath ?
    im sure you would know all about cock breath

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Looks like you got banned for cock breath!!


  26. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Overall...Most people in this thread have exhibited some of the main qualities that made me sign up for this board when I finally decided to get serious about my fitness!! No one bitching about various shit.

    Great advice fellas! little brother is going through you exact plight ...but you have been proactive in terms of aggresively attacking the issue...good shitttttttttt!

    As for chicken breast...the foreman grill works....but i have found if you marinate em and then bake the wrapped in aluminum foil with onions and other stuff...they end up real juicy. Try that.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Looks like you got banned for cock breath!!


  28. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I dont know if banning him will help...he was talking in another thread about creating 3 accounts...

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina
    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    Thanks for the tips, this board is great with a fine group of mature members looking out for one another, love it!

    First off I'd just like to admire your dedication, and for not being ignorant like most noobies on here. You are skinny, but with a good diet I really think you'll put on some good results. These guys have given you some great information and i think if you stick to it you'll be on your way. What I admire about you is most noobies get on here and say "what steroids should I take?" the vets will get on and say "stay away from them, you're not ready" yet they go on and insist they've been training and "know everything" anyways, just wishing you the best of luck, and keep us updated!

  30. #70
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    I dont know if banning him will help...he was talking in another thread about creating 3 accounts...
    That's probably what got him banned

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bojan jebac
    i cook my chicken breast on george forman grill, for about 8-10min
    and its not bad to eat

    good luck man,
    This is how I cook mine as well......... it's quick and never dries out. Throw some pepper and salt on them, or any spices you like and they are great.

    I forgot to add...... I also rub olive oil on the chicken before throwing them on the grill............... makes a world of difference.

    A lot of good advice in this thread............. good luck and hold off on the AAS (steroids) until you're able to put weight on through eatting. If you can't anything you might gain from AAS use will be temporay.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    hey bro. you have a good attitude and will have no problem exceeding your goals. the reason that you are the way you are is because your old diet consisted of food that had little or no value to your body. so your body did what it had to do (shit it all out). nothing was getting absorbed. now with your new diet it will take some time for you body to adjust to the changes but if you keep hitting it up with the good stuff (see chest's list below), then your body will be thanking you in the end. some times you are not hungry because you dont usually eat at that time but to change this you have to eat anyways and in a couple months your body will be hungry at the right times. good for u for posting the pics and making positive changes in your life!!! keep us posted bro.
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Diet should consist of the following

    Protein sources:
    lean meat
    chicken breasts

    sweet potatoes
    brown rice

    natural peanut butter
    cottage cheese

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    I can honestly say that it's almost ironic... I came to a steroid forum to get advice on what steriods to take but got great information on WHY not to take steriods. (For me particular)

    I think this forum has been a great stepping stone for me and I hope to post some progress in a month or two.

    I know that it could take 2 years to gain my goal of 25 lbs and maybe my goal is too high but I am going to give it a shot.

  34. #74
    chinups Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    Here is a little sample of what I bought tonight... any other suggestions of products to buy?

    i just got a boner!!!!!!

    this should be interesting...EAT YOUNG MAN EAT!!! If I was you I would eat large large calrie sakes with natty PB and walk around with natty PB all day long. I wish I had an issue adding size. IT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New Hampshire
    What's the difference between natural peanut butter and non-natural? I looked at the label and everything looked exactly the same. The only difference was the fact that the natural peanut butter didn't look so appetizing.

  36. #76
    chinups Guest
    That jiffy crab has sugars and what not. All man made govt crap!!!! The Natural as good fats and good calories in it. Its pricey but good looks cost a bundle!!!!!!

    The more money it is the better it is for ya. Most of the time anyways!!!

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Abenaki Blood
    I can honestly say that it's almost ironic... I came to a steroid forum to get advice on what steriods to take but got great information on WHY not to take steriods. (For me particular)

    I think this forum has been a great stepping stone for me and I hope to post some progress in a month or two.

    I know that it could take 2 years to gain my goal of 25 lbs and maybe my goal is too high but I am going to give it a shot.
    thats great. 25 pounds in 2 years is a do-able goal. just keep asking questions and doing whats right. like others have said food is 80% but consistancy is also very important. getting regular meals and training in. its great stuff bro.

    about natural PB. there is a huge difference. natural has no trans fats and does have a lot of good fats added. its very good for you in moderation.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bro ADAMS BP is the the best for natural BP get some of that waffels and sugar free syurp with cottage cheese and cinimmen and your good to go ...AC

  39. #79
    chinups Guest
    Natty PB with plain rice cakes!! WOW

    I fell in love this weeek. Keeps me sane

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    San Antonio, Texas
    This one is my favorite. Beat about 4-5 eggs in a bowl and dip with boneless skinless chicken breast or strips, whatever. Get a bowl and pour parmesean cheese into it, batter your chicken and fry them in olive oil. The best tasting! I usually dip them in low fat ranch.

    OR, you can cut up chicken breasts into cubes, strips or whatever. Season them with garlic salt and lemon pepper, you don't have to cook them that long, maybe 3-4 minutes at the most. Serve on a plater and cover them with parmesean cheese.

    Of course, this is if you even like parmesean cheese?!

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