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Thread: 3rd cycle tips...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis

    3rd cycle tips...

    Okay gents, I'm just about to get to the good part of my second cycle which is a dbol/test e/ deca stack and I am loving the crap out of it. Looking to plan my 3rd cycle. Goals are to hit 250+ and still be moderately lean.

    Current Stats- 220lbs
    BF-10-12.5 according to a 3pt caliper test

    1st cycle was deca and sust. It was ok, gained about 20lbs, 10lbs I retained ( I was a newb).

    I'm looking to get a bit more serious this time around....I'd like to run tren a, test prop, and some 'slin. Maybe through in some masteron...what are ya'lls opinions on this. I'm new to slin so I don't know how I'd work that in with the tren and test prop. Looking forward to the comments...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    Hey bro, I'm 20 too. I am jsut finishing up my third cycle of test e/deca. My first two were test only. I've used slin pwo during pct and briefly during my second cycle pwo. It's not hard to use, but it vital that you use it right and understand what exactly is happening inside your body after you inject slin. I really want to run tren one day, but I still think im too young and don't want to risk having the sides associated with tren until I'm going to compete or something. I'd leave out the masteron, I picked up some but decided i didnt want to risk the sides so i left it out of this cycle. What I'm getting at is we are still young, and I think it's best to stick with the basics for now. If we start stacking a lot of shit up this early we are gonna be ****ed by age 40. my .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    St. Louis
    I figured on the mast. But I'm really looking into tren. I hate deca now, just not my cup of tea, as far as sides, I haven't had any yet, but I imagine if I did with tren, I wouldn't continue it, if I couldn't bear them. I don't want to go f*cking up my body, but I'm under the impression with correct usage, we can do this without screwing ourselves over. I appreciate the input....more are welcome!

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