Damn, I'm not even liberal.

I'm a gun totin' southern conservative to be honest, but don't get me started there.
Criminals have had it their way? Hell, past criminals and most people that are on their way to becoming criminals can't even find jobs. I don't know if thats having their way or not. Then again, considering that most of them are "have nots" i guess they "have something" now as you put it.
Let me go through your 3 while I'm here:
Have due process but make sure:
1. It ain't weighted in favour of the criminal like it is now
Weighted in favour of the criminal? Uumm, its weighted in no one's favor now ... supposedly. Its supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty" but under your flawed system, you've already labelled the defendant a criminal when this hasn't even been determined. Just because you're accused of a crime doesn't mean you did it.
2. make sure the jusdges aren't soft liberals
Wow, now thats going to be pretty hard to strictly define. "Make sure the jusdges aren't soft liberals". I'm going to assume you meant judges but how the hell are you going to determine if judges are soft liberals? If you automatically assume defendants are criminals under your system, then I guess its safe to assume that all judges that aren't republicans are soft liberals.
3. Make sure that the punnishment is harsh
We're going to chop the hands off of steroid possessors so they can't inject themselves. Yeah, now thats pretty damned harsh. :-) We should also stone women that get pregnant out of wedlock. Or should we sew an "A" onto their clothes for adulteress.
Wow, can anybody say "flawed system of government"? Well, according to someone else in another thread, people like you will eventually die out so I'm not too worried.
At any rate, I don't recall saying that evil people shouldn't be punished. I just remember putting an interesting twist on it, but in all honesty I don't remember what I said on this board concerning the situation. I do know I've been going off and on about it to real people concerning the whole "liberation of Iraq" because they kill their own civilians when in fact those civilians are considered evil by the Iraqis in power at the time. We do the same thing here so its a bit of a hypocrisy for us to kill/torture our own civilians we consider evil yet when someone else does it and we don't like the philosophy they use for determining evil, we think its a travesty and decide that they're evil people for having a different philosophy on as to whats evil and what isn't.
You, and just about everyone else I know and don't know, seem to have a pick and choose perspective on how to handle evil people. ;-) For a bunch of christians that are supposed to turn the other cheek, you make me wonder if you're just a bunch of eye for an eye hebrews.