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Thread: is my buddy screwed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    is my buddy screwed?

    My buddy runs track and this morning he just found out this morning that he had to take an immediate drug test (urine only). He thought the testing was over for the season so he had started an anavar only cycle 5 days before. He said he went in there for the test and told the guy he had to shit, so the guy gave him the cup and told him to piss in it. He said he pissed a litte in the cup, then scooped some toilet water in there too to dilute it. Is he busted or what?


  2. #2
    If he scooped toilet water in there, then they're gonna know.

  3. #3
    yeah they arnt stupid they know that people try shit like that!sucks for him though talk about bad timing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    They are going to know when it is ran and then he is hit. I have had employees try everything under the sun to alter it. When I first started testing my people I had this discussion with the director of the lab. I could not believe what they had seen in the past. He will be retested and if serious enough they will do blood work then...bam! Sorry

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    why would employeers care if you do steroids? Hell you might work better

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    I think he tests his employees for narcotics and weed, but they try the same shit to beat the test as Montgomery's "friend" tried for his roid test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I test my emp for narcs and weed etc I dont give a sh*t about AS. That is as long as they dont start wrecking sh*t!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Het him to try the Steroid Clense thing asap, it takes five days to work apparently

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Coast
    Just tell him to drink lots of water the day of the test and take about 8 pisses before he actually goes in the cup. Worked for me when I was in the service. I never got popped and smoked weed everyday. After that many pisses its just warm water running straight through you. Also never give the first part of your piss, always give them the end of it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    good advice outlaw... drinkin a ton of water will def help imo get him clean at least for a few hours (pisses) do as said and piss in cup mid stream you should be ok. can also try and drink alot of anti oxidents as i heard that helps, not sure if with roids or narc but hey it cant not help
    good luck

  11. #11

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Outlaw**
    Just tell him to drink lots of water the day of the test and take about 8 pisses before he actually goes in the cup. Worked for me when I was in the service. I never got popped and smoked weed everyday. After that many pisses its just warm water running straight through you. Also never give the first part of your piss, always give them the end of it.

    good advice i was in the service as well and had to piss once every two weeks and drinking alot of water and pissing about eight times is about right and it will diffently work i have seen it a thousand times

  12. #12
    They will know that he did something with the piss from the toilet water in there.

    When I used to have to send people to get tested for weed, or narcs, they would sometimes drink too much water before and the test would come back diluted which is grounds for retesting since the results are inaccurate.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    new jersey
    most colleges don't test for steroids. Test is too expensive. NCAA only one in college I know tests for steroids. They just want to make sure u have no street drug habits. i.e. pot, coke, ectstasy, etc.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bottom line to answer your initial question...

    ...he is way he is gonna get away with it except if he got tested by monkeys...they will know he scooped water and will most probably come test him again very soon under more strict supervision.

    tell him to get the steroid cleansing products that's going around - but there might not be enough time for him to get hold of it and wait for it's effects to kick in so my advice would be for him to go away for a quick unplanned break (cook up a reason) to buy him some time.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    They will know that he did something with the piss from the toilet water in there.

    When I used to have to send people to get tested for weed, or narcs, they would sometimes drink too much water before and the test would come back diluted which is grounds for retesting since the results are inaccurate.

    The NCAA tested me twice, but I never cycled back then. They just strolled in and "randomly" happened to pick the top bench presser, the top squatter, the fastest guy, and the top power cleaner. Pretty random huh?

    Anyway moral of the story, I was still drunk when they woke me up for my test at 6am and my piss was so wattery I had to be retested the following week.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by universal-soldier
    good advice i was in the service as well and had to piss once every two weeks and drinking alot of water and pissing about eight times is about right and it will diffently work i have seen it a thousand times
    do some reading on the ncaa, they consider a piss that looks like staight water a positive test. like someone said above they arent stupid and have seen it all. if millionaire pro athletes cant get around it what makes him think he will beat it? he's screwed!

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