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Thread: SUST vs TEST E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Nottingham, England.

    SUST vs TEST E

    ok heres the deal, i recently had to finish a cycle of sust and deca early (after 3 weeks) because i was having a lot of pain with the sus injections.
    I was shooting in my quads using a 1 inch 25g pin 3 times a week with the sus (750 mg) and once a week with the deca (200 mg) and the day after the sus injections i could hardly walk and was causing me a big problem while i was at work. I'm in the construction industry so i have a very physical job and up and down ladders and scaffolds all day, it got so bad i had to have 2 days off work.
    I have ran a short PCT to get my system back to normal and i'm thinking of doin another cycle shortly. I was thinking of doing the following cycle and would like your comments and suggestions please:

    WEEK 1-4 100 mg anadrol every day.
    WEEK 1-12 500 mg test e per week.

    I was thinking of going with test e as i understand the longer esters allow you to shoot once a week and that it i not as painfull.

    I'm 6ft and 196 pounds at the minute and would really like to hit the 210-220 mark.
    Thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Their are many threads on "Sust vs. Test E", do a search for more information.

    If you recently finished a cycle, another is not needed, I suggest you get bloodwork to do to see what state your body is in after injecting endogenous amounts of testosterone. Deca is an extremly suppressive androgen, so its also wise to see how your body recovered from the shutdown often associated with Deca's use.

    The common rule to stick by is, 'Time On + PCT = Time Off', bloodwork is also essential.

    Although Test Enan is single estered. unlike Sust, I still advise people to inject it twice weekly. This frequency, I feel, will keep blood plasma levels stable, reducing chances of side effects. I'm using Test Enan right now at 500mg/wk, injecting 250mg 2x a week. The Sust didnt really need to be injected 3x per week, you can get away with 2x. Mixing the Sust and Deca in the same shot is also a wise idea. 1ML of Sust and 1ML of Deca every Mon/Thurs.

    I like the cycle you've outlined, however, you need mor time off IMHO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Nottingham, England.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Their are many threads on "Sust vs. Test E", do a search for more information.

    If you recently finished a cycle, another is not needed, I suggest you get bloodwork to do to see what state your body is in after injecting endogenous amounts of testosterone. Deca is an extremly suppressive androgen, so its also wise to see how your body recovered from the shutdown often associated with Deca's use.

    The common rule to stick by is, 'Time On + PCT = Time Off', bloodwork is also essential.

    Although Test Enan is single estered. unlike Sust, I still advise people to inject it twice weekly. This frequency, I feel, will keep blood plasma levels stable, reducing chances of side effects. I'm using Test Enan right now at 500mg/wk, injecting 250mg 2x a week. The Sust didnt really need to be injected 3x per week, you can get away with 2x. Mixing the Sust and Deca in the same shot is also a wise idea. 1ML of Sust and 1ML of Deca every Mon/Thurs.

    I like the cycle you've outlined, however, you need mor time off IMHO.
    Thank you for your input, i have been 'off' for 8 weeks now, i ran a short PCT 18 days after my last injection and i will be starting my next cycle on the 1st of aprill, i was only 'on' for 3 weeks remember!!
    In the meantime i will be getting blood work done and having a full medical with my doctor.
    Thank you again for your input.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The bloodwork should determine cyclcing again. This is what I do. Bloodwork is done 2-3 weeks proir to a cycle to confirm its going ahead.

    Keep an eye on your liver/kidney when running Anadrol. Its a very hypatoxic compound. Personally, I'd kickstart with Tbol 50mg/ED.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Nottingham, England.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    The bloodwork should determine cyclcing again. This is what I do. Bloodwork is done 2-3 weeks proir to a cycle to confirm its going ahead.

    Keep an eye on your liver/kidney when running Anadrol. Its a very hypatoxic compound. Personally, I'd kickstart with Tbol 50mg/ED.
    I dont really know much about TBOL ive heard its test capsules, do you get the same sort of gains as yo get with anadrol?? Personally i love anadrol, the only downside was the back pumps when running.

  6. #6
    why would you inj. sust more then once a week. it has slow and fast acting esters in it bro?...i would up your dose on the deca to 400mg and reduce your sust to about 500 mg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    What kind of vitmins are you gys on when you run your cyckle?
    personly i run multivitim
    Vitimin E 400
    Vitmin C
    Flex oil

    anything ells i should do for liver???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I would also think about injecting into the glutes with the Test E, you will not feel a thing there. Definitly do it twice a week as well for more stable blood levels.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigd0g
    What kind of vitmins are you gys on when you run your cyckle?
    personly i run multivitim
    Vitimin E 400
    Vitmin C
    Flex oil

    anything ells i should do for liver???
    Get your own thread, but yes - ALA, milk thistle, etc.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    Maybe the 3 quad shots per week took their toll. I try to avoid double injecting a single muscle during a week's time at all cost.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Montréal, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by roydrage
    why would you inj. sust more then once a week. it has slow and fast acting esters in it bro?...i would up your dose on the deca to 400mg and reduce your sust to about 500 mg
    sust should be injecting every day to keep blood level stable or eod at least...


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Under your bed
    test-e and drol would be a very effective stack but drol is very toxic be sure to not stay on drol no longer than 5 weeks and take plenty of milk thistle and saw palmetto. By they way im takeing test-c, deca, and drol(100mgs a day) and I love it I'm only 2 weeks in so the only thing working right now is drol and strength is thru the roof. anyway good luck and keep us posted

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roydrage
    why would you inj. sust more then once a week. it has slow and fast acting esters in it bro?...i would up your dose on the deca to 400mg and reduce your sust to about 500 mg
    lol because the short acting esters arnt stable injecting once a week, my buddies said on his frist cycle, injecting once a week @ 250 mg, hed get small inbetween injectiongs, sustanon must be ran at a minimum of eod for worthwilde results.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    Maybe the 3 quad shots per week took their toll. I try to avoid double injecting a single muscle during a week's time at all cost.

    maybe its just cuz i got lots of thigh meat, but outter side of the thigh has a nice slope.. i can do many thigh injectings with never any pain. guess everyone just differnt, try not to poke str8 down on the thigh.. really hurts, if u go from the side with ur leg full extended sitting at the edge of a chari youll have no problems.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Nottingham, England.
    thanks for the input guys, i'll keep you all posted.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    lol because the short acting esters arnt stable injecting once a week, my buddies said on his frist cycle, injecting once a week @ 250 mg, hed get small inbetween injectiongs, sustanon must be ran at a minimum of eod for worthwilde results.
    I agree, and another thing about keeping the right frequency is minimizing acne. If you have levels of test swinging widely because you are not injecting enough, you are much more likely to have acne all over and uncontrolable.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by GetHugeDieTrying
    lol because the short acting esters arnt stable injecting once a week, my buddies said on his frist cycle, injecting once a week @ 250 mg, hed get small inbetween injectiongs, sustanon must be ran at a minimum of eod for worthwilde results.
    ... I agree....

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