Hey Guys...
I know this does vary alot from person to person, and that no one is exactly the same...
But... from you guys experience, Do you really only see Stretch marks on yourselves when packing on some serious pd's quickly?? or for some of you it doesn't take much at all to cause them??
I am Swimmer, and always at the beach and pool etc, and so want to try and minimise the risk of getting them when I start my first cycle (I havent ever got any from training naturally)..
I was planning a cycle of (Sust/or Prop, Eq and either Primo depot or Winny).. Which ofcourse isn't a huge mass building cycle, but probably would put on 15-20 or so lbs if I eat big... In your guys opinion, would putting on this sort of weight cause Stretch Marks???
Like if it was a high risk, i wouldn't mind just planning smaller Eq and Winny cycles, and just doing two or so of those (ofcourse with time off in between) to get the eventual same result, but without the stretch mark risk..
One other last query guys.. I know Stretch marks are caused by muscle's growing faster than the skin can stretch... Is this the case when the muscles fill up with excess water also?? like from creatine and dbol? can they cause marks aswell or totally different??
Thanks again in advance all.. Appreciate the help guys