Your avatar is bangin.Originally Posted by Bojangles69
ALEX good job! I had to come back and look at this. In only 3 months it's just sooo hard to believe, but i believe ya, why lie right? Again great job.
Your avatar is bangin.Originally Posted by Bojangles69
ALEX good job! I had to come back and look at this. In only 3 months it's just sooo hard to believe, but i believe ya, why lie right? Again great job.
looking good man keep up with the good work
thanks....i'll post more in 2-3 month , when i get to 200pounds,also what to lower my bf to 10%. i got alot of work to thanks everyone for your posts, it gives me a stronger drive toward my goal!Originally Posted by Hellmask
WOW..... 3 months though? WOW... that is really impressive if you did it in that time frame....Props to you bro.. extremely well done.. you will be one bad MOFO when you start cycling...Keep us posted!!
Well done man
nice gains
my 2 cents if its worth anything.. With gains like that.. I wouldnt even use AAS unless there was a barrier I couldnt get past without Gear.. Your making amazing changes without .. Id try to keep it that way..
Any updates on reaching 200lbs?Originally Posted by *Alex*
wow, big change! I am very VERY impressed. keep it up brother! (this is the first time I read the thread)
I'm sure he's a 200 by now
i actually laughed when i saw the before and after, only because it was so impressive. that is one hell of a difference bro, you should be very, very proud of yourself
good gains! keep it up!
Any updates? and great progress!
bro that is fvcking amazing, you have lost 18lbs and you actually look way bigger. Well done !!!!!
wow..just wow
thats awesome genetics for ya......
That type of progress in that short of time is very, very hard for me to beleive. I want to raise the flag, but we have no reason not to trust you.
You literaly blew up. Great progress man!!!!!
thanks guys, have gone up to 200lbs about to month ago. (natural) started my first cycle 4 weeks ago test 500mg/week up 12 pounds so far. very happy.test started to kick in 2 weeks in ,which was weird cuz i read it doesn't till week 4-5. i'm going to finish the cycle with anavar 60mg/ed for last 7 weeks. i will post some pix today. thanks guys. p.s.strenght is way up,I benched 295 for one rep last night. felt great.Originally Posted by rake922
thanks bro. wait till i post new updated pix . (not to be cocky)Originally Posted by Natty99
212 Pounds And Still Growing , Hoping To Hit 225+. Cant Wait To Introduce Var Into My Cycle At 60mg/ed, Few More Weeks To Go.
Last edited by *Alex*; 07-20-2006 at 06:23 PM.
Yea don't let it go to your head bro, still got a ways to go. BTW, my ass if you weren't juiced in your first pics. Still look good though.Originally Posted by *Alex*
few more..........
Last edited by *Alex*; 07-20-2006 at 06:24 PM.
Originally Posted by DutchCowboy
Last edited by *Alex*; 07-19-2006 at 06:25 PM.
Im gonna be honest here. I dont believe you were natural in those first pics. You went from looking like you've never touched a weight in your life and 18-20% bf to lookin pretty big and losing 5+% bodyfat. Impossible without aas. Those gains would be considered good WITH aas and you claim they were natural. Im sorry, just my opinion that seems to be shared by everyone here. I've seen amazing natural progress..and it is nowhere near that.
So what you are saying is that i have been on the cycle for 8 streight months?(do the math). Cuz i'm STILL making hell of a progress. Everyone on this tread has been giving me props for puting in hard work at the gym, exept three members including yourself. If you dont think I'm telling the truth ,then keep it to yourself,no need to shit on my thread.I have no reason to bullshit.Originally Posted by chest6
Last edited by *Alex*; 07-20-2006 at 12:39 AM.
well done on the progress but you were juiced in those first pics.
Last edited by helium3; 07-20-2006 at 03:53 AM.
Nice progress man. Keep it going.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
totatlly was! haha you where at least on some good pro-hormones like m1t. dont lie people here know a juicers when they see one. you looked like my lazy burnout skater friend in the first pics and the second one you look more like i do. 3 months isnt even possible.Originally Posted by helium3
Much respect bro.
Not straight..but Im sure you took SOMETHING in those three months December-March..prohormone..aas whateverOriginally Posted by *Alex*
Helium..theres another. You are only lying to youself. I dont see why people try to impress everyone. Do it for yourself...but to each his own..
you want to talk about TRYING to impress, dude you have been on this board for 14 month and you have 18,000 posts? i guess it easy to to when you are living at your MOMMYS house and have no resposbilties. You need to stop been a PAROT, you have never done a cycle and you are running around this board giving out bunk advices! (oh, never mind you have done a cycle in which you have gained 0 pounds.) What you need to do is put the keyboard down and go hit up the gym HARD, make some progress so you whouldnt have to HATE on other memebers. so you want to flame me,well then fvck you too. so, you still want to talk about impressing others, that time when you had some random big black dude on your avy and trying to make it seem like its YOU. news flash , your are not big, you are not black and you know nothing (from experince) about AAS. Who the hell was that dude anyways, some guy from your gym that you where taking pix of in the locker room?? and didnt you say this to me in this tread 4 month ago......"much respect", my point exacty stop been a PAROT, take the skirt off and put some pants on and stand up for what you are saying.Originally Posted by chest6
Last edited by *Alex*; 07-20-2006 at 12:45 PM.
Originally Posted by chest6
u getting so mad about it proves the point that you did something calm down. what are you raging right now haha
the funniest part is that its 3 months progress which is how long a typical cycle is haha
you are an idiot.Originally Posted by tinyguy2
nah you are cause you are trying to bullshit a bunch of bullshitters.
hey dipshit, this thread is 4 month old. Some member bump it for updates, i have no time / reason /energy to bullshit.Originally Posted by tinyguy2
Times 2...Originally Posted by tinyguy2
lookin good alex... regardless if you were juiced in the first set or not... good work
thanks bro!Originally Posted by daytrader
Who cares if he was juiced?
Last edited by DutchCowboy; 07-20-2006 at 04:21 PM.
if you told me you did steroids i would believe you. you've made great progress, i would take it as a compliment when peolple accusse you of juicing. but you say you didn't take, so good work.
Yeah, I think about 1/30 of those are in the whore thread. So I post a lot..big deal? I have been working 40 hours this summer and my post count per day is like 5Originally Posted by *Alex*
Uhh..Im 19..I think its normal to still live at home? I go to college..I have a full time job right now in the summer and part time at school. I pay for car insurance, gas, food, and extras...yea no responsibilities?Originally Posted by *Alex*
Yeah..I made a mistake. Lotta ppl have. You on your second cycle..your first 'truthful with AR' one. Bunk Advice? Find one thread where I gave out advice and it was incorrect. I have seen the advice you give..mainly just agreeing with other membersOriginally Posted by *Alex*
Im not HATING on you. I simply stated that I think you used aas and are claiming that progress was natural.Originally Posted by *Alex*
I did not flame you. Once again..I simply said I didn't think that progress was natural. I gave u mad props for the progress..but I didn't see why you had to lie about it being natural?Originally Posted by *Alex*
ROFL. That was Ronny Coleman. Whoever asked if that was me I corrected them. ONE time I said it was..but laughed about it and other members laughed along and said "nah man thats ronnie coleman"Originally Posted by *Alex*
I agree I'm not big. Many Many members here dwarf me..thats fine..but I know one thing. I'm bigger than where do you have room to talk? Not trying to impress here..but you want to make a statement make sure it is trueOriginally Posted by *Alex*
Yeah, never said I was.Originally Posted by *Alex*
Oh wait..did you forget about what you said above already? Once again..if I give out bad advice..find it.Originally Posted by *Alex*
Yeah, respect for gaining the size. The progress you posted takes years to attain naturally. So lets go from doing 135 on bench press to 295 recently in 7 months..YeahOriginally Posted by *Alex*
Sure, silly to judge on strength, but you gained 20-25lbs of Lean mass and lost 20 lbs of fat in 3 months. Tell me where you had the time to cut 20lbs (at least 8 weeks) and gain 20 lbs..takes about 1 year naturally. So *Alex*'d you make that happen?
Alex, it seems to me like I am not the only one calling you out for this. People on this board have been around beginner bodybuilders before and they have seen outstanding progress in 3 months. Don't you think its a little odd that about half of the ppl posting in this thread question you being natural? Im sure the other half think it..just don't want to get into it by posting something like that.
Oh and..I never got personal with you. Don't see the reason why you started getting all defensive rather than explaining your 'natural' tactics to gain 20+lbs of lean mass in 3 months
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