I have done 3 cycles
Test E 500mg/w for 12 weeks
sus250 500mg/w for 6 weeks
Sus250 750mg/w 14 weeks and Deca at 400mg/w for 10 weeks
I am going to wait about 6 months before I cycle again but I am overseas and have access to chep gear so I thought I might plan my next cycle. Just need some advice from you guys about a good fourth cycle, my goals are to build solid muscle I can build lean muslce easily and put on weight but not much bulk, I was thinking of doing Anadrol for 6 weeksb 100mg/d + Testivron 750mg/w for 14weeks, I heard you shouldnt use anadrol unless youve hit a barrier but some people say different things or I was thinking of doing Testivron 750-mg/w for 14 weeks Eq@500mg/w for 12 weeks, Fina is a bit harder to get but Im nut sure If I can get fina or Eq because not many people use those down here. Can anyone help us put together a cylce ofr bulking cheers