Ok here is my cycle history and my next cycle.
1st cycle was Norma’s Deca 400mg for 8 weeks. I bet it was not what is was supposed, I gained like 5 pounds and slight strenght gains. Nothing that I couldn’t do with out gear. Next cycle started after 3 months.
2nd cycle was testex cypionate 500mg 5 weeks, testoviron depot 500mg 3 weeks, norma deca 600mg 2 weeks and 400mg 6 weeks. This was good cycle I gained about 20 lbs, from 195 to 215 and ended up on 210. Strenght gains started on week 5, so this was too short cycle imo. I used nizoral and I am not sure if I had little hairloss, but nothing noticeable anyway. Little bodyhair growth, few pimples on face and little prostate pain was sides. I used also arimidex 0,5 eod. Next cycle started after 2-3 months.
3rd cycle was my best by far! I used virormone propionate 100mg ed and thaibol 40mg ed 5 weeks. I did use proscar, but no antie’s, though I had nolva on hand. My weight went from 208 to 240!!! Strenght gains were great and I had plenty of new muscle, but obviously large part of gains were water. Well sounds perfect cycle from this point. Side effects was bloating and acne on pecs and back, theyre still there. No hairloss, because I used preoscar 1.25ed. Right after when cycle ended I get bad diarrhea and it lasted 3 weeks. I was off from gym for month. Weight dropped to 220 and all my strength gains were gone. I was weaker than before cycle. Well obviously I was verey frustrated because that ruined my plans. I started next cycle right after, there was only 4 or 5 weeks between.
4th cycle was testen250 1250mg week 1-2, 750mg week 3-9, Russian dbol 50ed week 1-5, Spanish generic var 40ed week 1-4 and winstrol 50ed weeks 8-10. This cycle was pretty mixed because I started without all gears on hand, and didn’t get all I wanted. That’s why so little anavar. Well in my opinion testen250 is shittiest test in world. I had gains on first weeks when I used Russian dbol and anavar. Weight went from 220 to 233, then gains stopped. Testen never kicked in and I only got painfull infections to my arms and legs, i even got infection temper. Also winstrol 50ed gaved some minor hairloss. So I was not happy at all, I didn’t get to level where I was on previous cycle. Now it has been like 1 months since I stopped that cycle. I have been dropping bodyfat with clen and eca. I am currently 216 and bodyfat is about 15% or little more. I will wait another 1,5 months and start next cycle
So i have had bad luck with gear and this time i wanna make all things right.
Next cycle is:
4---------1000mg---50ed--------------0,5ed ------------
5---------1000mg---50ed--------------0,5ed ------------
For hairloss i use proscar 1.25ed, nizoral eod and self made spiro. My goal is to gain 15-20lbs lean muscle and 40-50 pounds to my bench press.