well, i'm up to 80mcg of clen now on my 6th day. i have moderate anxiety (similar to drinking a lot of coffee, though the clen is all i'm taking), feel like i'm shaky though if i hold my hand up it's only a little bit compared to how it feels, and other than that, i'm alright. my thermometer isn't very accurate, but if my temp has gone up, it's not by much.
this morning i went to do my usual cardio right after taking my clen (on an empty stomach), where i do 25mins at around 160bpm, then cool down. well, did my normal distance for 25mins and my hr was at around 160bpm like usual.
went to do my cool down and as i did, my lungs felt a little tight (kind of like my asthma was bothering me, but i don't get exercised-induced asthma), every so often my heart felt funny as well, kind of like when you have a heart palpitation, but i wasn't sure if that's what was happening or not, and my heart rate was still staying pretty high. after about 10 mins of just slow walking, my hr was still up at around 135bpm, but the odd feelings in my chest were slowly occurring less frequently. obviously this freaked me out.
now i know people say clen brings up the heart rate, but does that mean i should train less intensely when doing cardio to keep my hr lower than usual while on clen when doing cardio? i did nothing more than usual, but something seemed to have gone wrong here and i'm not sure if i should lower my clen dose a bit or lower my cardio intensity or both?
the situation really freaked me out and i just want to make sure it doesn't happen again. been almost an hour now and i feel much better, but my hr is still up between 95-100bpm. maybe it's just because i'm still stressed over what happened, but at least it's at a more reasonable rate now. anyway, any feedback you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated