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Thread: Cardio while on Clen question (had some problems today)

  1. #1
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    Cardio while on Clen question (had some problems today)

    well, i'm up to 80mcg of clen now on my 6th day. i have moderate anxiety (similar to drinking a lot of coffee, though the clen is all i'm taking), feel like i'm shaky though if i hold my hand up it's only a little bit compared to how it feels, and other than that, i'm alright. my thermometer isn't very accurate, but if my temp has gone up, it's not by much.

    this morning i went to do my usual cardio right after taking my clen (on an empty stomach), where i do 25mins at around 160bpm, then cool down. well, did my normal distance for 25mins and my hr was at around 160bpm like usual.

    went to do my cool down and as i did, my lungs felt a little tight (kind of like my asthma was bothering me, but i don't get exercised-induced asthma), every so often my heart felt funny as well, kind of like when you have a heart palpitation, but i wasn't sure if that's what was happening or not, and my heart rate was still staying pretty high. after about 10 mins of just slow walking, my hr was still up at around 135bpm, but the odd feelings in my chest were slowly occurring less frequently. obviously this freaked me out.

    now i know people say clen brings up the heart rate, but does that mean i should train less intensely when doing cardio to keep my hr lower than usual while on clen when doing cardio? i did nothing more than usual, but something seemed to have gone wrong here and i'm not sure if i should lower my clen dose a bit or lower my cardio intensity or both?

    the situation really freaked me out and i just want to make sure it doesn't happen again. been almost an hour now and i feel much better, but my hr is still up between 95-100bpm. maybe it's just because i'm still stressed over what happened, but at least it's at a more reasonable rate now. anyway, any feedback you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by ascendant; 03-18-2006 at 01:11 PM.

  2. #2
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    Personally i would not take clen right before cardio. I would also cut down on the coffee.

  3. #3
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    sorry, i fixed my first post to clarify that i'm not taking coffee, it just feels like i'm on a lot of coffee. i'm just on the clen right now. i figured i might be better off taking the clen after my cardio when i eat breakfast, but in other threads most people seemed to suggest taking the clen before morning cardio for an extra kick. maybe it gave me too much of an extra kick eh?
    Last edited by ascendant; 03-18-2006 at 01:13 PM.

  4. #4
    well clen has a very long half life of 36hours so it doesnt really have a diff effect depending on the time that it is used.if you cant handle your clen just lower the dose or dont use it at all,clen is not suitable for every one.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    sorry, i fixed my first post to clarify that i'm not taking coffee, it just feels like i'm on a ton of coffee. i'm just on the clen right now. i figured i might be better off taking the clen after my cardio when i eat breakfast, but in other threads most people seemed to suggest taking the clen before morning cardio for an extra kick. maybe it gave me too much of an extra kick eh?
    I take mine right after cardio and seems to work well. As clen can cause problems with the heart i would not like to take just before cardio.... this will probably explain why you felt like you did. The anxiety/shakiness feeling is a common side effect with clen. Were you planning to increase your dose?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by muscle_20
    well clen has a very long half life of 36hours so it doesnt really have a diff effect depending on the time that it is used.if you cant handle your clen just lower the dose or dont use it at all,clen is not suitable for every one.
    Good point!
    Also you may want consider lowering your rate, 160 is pretty stiff unless you're endurance training.


  7. #7
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    you will always feel like that if you try to take your clen right before you workout, including your weight training. imagine trying to do a real heavy bench press after about 200 push ups. clen not only raises your heart rate but pressure too. your heart feels like its working hard before you even start exercising. then you double its load when you start your workout. so fatigue sets in alot faster in you heart and most of the time in the rest of your muscles too.
    and ??? maybe i missed it but are you taking 80 mcg all at one time?

  8. #8
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    in response to your question "matrixguy", i was originally planning on increasing my dose, but after the scare this morning i'm not sure. i think i might just drop back down to 60mcg and keep it at that from here on in, at least until i can find a way to make sure this problem doesn't happen again.

    in response to you "magic32", i agree 160bpm is a little high and i was actually thinking of maybe bringing it down from now on. i never realized i did cardio at 160bpm until i got my hr monitor and by that time, i was just in the habit of doing my cardio at that intensity. i guess if i drop it down to between 145-150 that might prevent me from having these problems again? if so, guess i should bring my time up from 25 to 30 mins to make up for the decrease in intensity? thanks for the info guys.

  9. #9
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    yes "chiickenlegs", i am taking the dose all at one time a day. since the half-life is 36 hours, i don't see much difference in splitting it up or taking it all at once. i guess from now on, i'll do my cardio first in the morning, then i'll take my clen and hopefully that will keep me from having this problem again, but still not sure if i should stay at 80mcg or if this might be a bit too much for me? thanks again guys for all your feedback.

  10. #10
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    all this talk of clen half life lately on the board and how it doesn't matter b/c it stays in your system. But I damn well know that right after I take it and for the next couple hours I feel the effect sa hell of a lot more.

    I make sure to never take my clen right before cardio or lifting.. and try to space it out so I havn't taken it to close to either.

    might want to give that a shot. works for me.

  11. #11
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    Side effects


  12. #12
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    question, what type of clen are you using? are you getting it from arr? i was planing on doing a clen/t3, but wanted to make sure the arr stuff is good.

  13. #13
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    well, i'm gonna try your advice "getbiggg" and try spacing out my clen throughout the day more. guess i'll just have to keep from taking it too late at night. how many hours do you need to give yourself after taking it till you try to sleep at night? i guess you get the most out of it when first taking it cause it takes a while for your body to adjust to the stuff.

    to answer your question "ollllo", it's not the clen from arr, sorry. from what i've heard and seen even on their own website about reviews of their products, people are very torn as for how good their stuff is. personally, i'd advise you to stay away. when reviews about something are as torn as they are with their stuff, i just can't stand behind it, especially since i've never tried it. some of their products have mostly good reviews, while others have very mixed ones. that on top of the fact that you know more likely than not they filter the reviews makes me too wary. in my personal experience when it comes to gear, if it's legal, it's not that great. i have yet to experience otherwise.

  14. #14
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    From all I hear and read I'm a little wary of clen. Do you feel a sense of general fatigue with it? A few people here described on this site describe feeling fatigue and feeling shitty in general. I'm leaning more towards ephedra/caffeine over clen. I've done this before and I felt exhilerated on it and it's pretty effective. I don't like feeling anxious and shaky and clen is not really good for the heart.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    From all I hear and read I'm a little wary of clen. Do you feel a sense of general fatigue with it? A few people here described on this site describe feeling fatigue and feeling shitty in general. I'm leaning more towards ephedra/caffeine over clen. I've done this before and I felt exhilerated on it and it's pretty effective. I don't like feeling anxious and shaky and clen is not really good for the heart.
    i don't feel more or less tired on it. by the end of the day i feel more tired than usual, but i think that's just because it's making me burn more calories than usual throughout the day. i feel pretty alright on it other than a couple issues here and there.

    as to whether eca is a better idea or not is highly debatable. some say eca is even more dangerous than clen. clen just needs to be slowly increased over time in the beginning and things need to be monitored like bp and all, but i honestly feel better on clen than i ever did on an eca stack. the anxiousness on clen is only as bad as how much you up your dose. i feel no more anxious than if i drank an energy drink like monster or something along those lines.

    also, just to update, took the clen after my cardio today and kept my hr lower today while doing cardio (130-140bpm). i had absolutely no problems at all. so i'd advise all others from my personal experience to never take clen before cardio.

  16. #16
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    good luck with the spacing it out let me know how it goes.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    good luck with the spacing it out let me know how it goes.
    tried spacing it out and to be honest, doesn't seem to make too much of a difference except for the fact that if i take it too late in the day, i have a hard time getting to sleep. i think i'd rather just keep it at taking my whole dose in the mornings. that way my body gets it during the day, but it at least weans off a little bit by the night so as to give my body a little of a break.

    i know about the long half-life, but each time you take a dose, it seems like it takes a while for the body to adjust. just like you work out and then take a break before your next workout, i think i'd rather do the same with clen and just do the one big dose in the morning than trying to keep it spread out all day and night long. from the info i've read on other threads, doesn't seem like either way is right, it's just a matter of preference.

  18. #18
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    thanks for the info man. i have been reading for a few months, and just signed up. that is what i have been seeing also, but then there are some people on here that say it's great.......who knows, i think i will just try to find it else where.

  19. #19
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    what i've been doing lately, is waking up, doing cardio first then, taking my whole dose as soon as I get done, and then lifting later on in the day. Doesn't bother my lift and no problems getting to bed....

    just something else you might want to try.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    what i've been doing lately, is waking up, doing cardio first then, taking my whole dose as soon as I get done, and then lifting later on in the day. Doesn't bother my lift and no problems getting to bed....

    just something else you might want to try.
    yup, that's pretty much exactly what i'm doing now. i'm at 100mcg on my 9th day or so. only sides i have now is a little shaky in my hands and a slight pressure in my chest off and on. neither are bothersome and the bf is coming off, so all seems good.

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