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Thread: Dbol and joint pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing

    Dbol and joint pain

    Anyone noticed any joint pain on dbol? I can feel it a bit in my elbows only. Not too sore but its there. Same hing happened on m1t.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JMan06
    Anyone noticed any joint pain on dbol? I can feel it a bit in my elbows only. Not too sore but its there. Same hing happened on m1t.
    na man. Experienced actually the opposite. Maybe because your going alot heaver? Different people have different effects though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    nope im on my 3rd day at 20mg a day and no strength at all. infact I had a bad back workout today. Should it start kicking in later on or should i go to 30mg? Ive had 1 250mg injection of TEST e so far as well. Next ones tmmrw.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    what kind of cycle are you planing on runing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    week 1-10 test e 500mg/week
    week 1-5 dbol 20mg/day (gonna be 30)
    and proper pct of coarse

    my first cycle. very basic. Dbol pretty much to give me some gains in size apparently strength until the test kick in. I have a pretty good base so im sure ill keep alot of gains off the test as I'll still be training hard after it all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thats a good first cycle. Just seems weird to me that you are having joint problems with that cycle, it is suppose to help it. I would go with 30mg every day for 4 weeks (if you can)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I have never experienced joint pain from d-bol. It should kick in around the 5-7 day mark in most cases, and the strength will be incredible. I would try some triflex if you are having joint pain issues.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    Thats a good first cycle. Just seems weird to me that you are having joint problems with that cycle, it is suppose to help it. I would go with 30mg every day for 4 weeks (if you can)
    its not so much PAIN like it doesnt hurt. But I can feel like a sort of odd annoying pulsing feeling in my elbows. Same happened on m1t like I said. I dunno **** it for now

    I have my diet pretty well in check. best I can do with work anyways. As far as other supplements go im taking a progressive multi vitamin, my brach chain amino acids (BCAA's), meal replacement protein (mega milk) and iso-pro for after workouts, Vege Greens, Milk thistle, and Udo's oil for my omega 3,6,9. So I should get some decent gains Im guessing, but nothing after 3 days. Does it usualy take longer? I dont expect the test to kick in for another few weeks but the dbol should be already?

    Cant wait to see what happens on chest day in 2 days

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Busy Growing
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I have never experienced joint pain from d-bol. It should kick in around the 5-7 day mark in most cases, and the strength will be incredible. I would try some triflex if you are having joint pain issues.
    I will look into the triflex. Thanks bro, you always seem to answer my questions

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by JMan06
    I will look into the triflex. Thanks bro, you always seem to answer my questions
    No problem. Triflex is great stuff, you can get it in liquid or tab form. It is a combination of glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. Whereas most other OTC's will be solely glucosamine possibly with chondriotin...or some with shark cartilage.

  11. #11
    I've never had any joint pains before on d-bol. Some crazy pumps though, esp. lower back.

  12. #12
    Your first cycle is almost like mine and I'm getting strange feelings, too. I can't place whether it is a joint or a muscular pain but there is something there.

    I just hope that my d-bol is legit!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    ye well im on dbol i suffur from lower back n shin pains and aches its not that bad tho you get used 2 it eventually....DaRkOmEn

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    na man. Experienced actually the opposite. Maybe because your going alot heaver? Different people have different effects though.
    Yeah probably from lifting heavy .I just bought ReVivex (Celadrin) +1500mg Glucosomine for joint pain and its done wonders for my knee .Pretty expensive $50 for 1 months worth but I paid from GNC price cause couldnt wait a few days my knees were killing me from cardio .Look for Celadrin NewKid said it works good and just as advertised thanks brotha , they have the ones with Glucosomine get that combo

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I get the same thing. Dbol increases your strength so much your joints can't always handle it. Also the amount of movements your elbows make with heavier weight can cause some mild tendonitis (sp?).

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