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Thread: Need Good Advice

  1. #1

    Need Good Advice

    I have started my a cycle that need a little input on how to run it I'm 27yrs old at 13% body fat I weigh 205lbs right now I am going into my third week of this I started like this so far
    1-2 week test cyp200mg/10ml 2cc of test a week 1cc on monday and 1cc on thursday
    3 week test cyp. and deca200mg/10ml 2cc no new adjust on the test but on deca 1 1/2 cc a week 1cc on monday and 1/2 on friday plan to taper deca to 1cc a week
    I have stanozol 50mg/10ml when due you think be good time to start this ?
    I have 2 1/2 vial of test cyp and 1 1/2 vial of deca 2vial of stanozol my cycle is planned for twelve weeks do you think this sounds good? I have been training a total 8yrs. this will be the first time i have took stanozol so I was wondering anybody took this what should expect to see?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Why did you delay the start of the deca, why not divide it evenly into .75 cc, and why tapering it down? Just curious what the thought process was behind it.

  3. #3
    i thought let test alone get in my system good make it the base of my cycle
    and tapering down deca b/c wanna to get in my get in my blood good then i could maintain it making cost effective on .75 1cc monday thru fri then 1/2 to my blood level over then weekend til monday i take sunday off and only do cardio sat. so i felt it wasn't needed as much cause i ain't working out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Well 2 weeks of test before the deca isn't really needed based on everything i know. Typically when running the two you want to end deca before test so ending it two weeks early would make sense. As far as varying blood levels that's not really the theory behind injectables. You want to keep them as stable as possible regardless of when you lift. Anyways your muscles aren't growing when you're working out, theyre growing when they get repaired in the following days when they are rested. You should try to divide it as evenly as possible, keep things stable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Your cycle needs work......
    I had a hard time following what u laid out... but I wld run deca for at least 12 weeks and test 2 weeks longer then that... test shld be run at least 100mg/week higher then deca.. keeping your doses consistent not tappering them... shoot everything every 3.5 days.... sample

    test c 1-14 500mg/week
    deca 1-12 400mg/week

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Thanks topvega that basically sums up what i was getting at =)

  7. #7
    what about the stanozol?

  8. #8
    oh by the way does this have to 500/400 can it be 400/200 or 400/300 it just i begin to notice side effects when it get that high ?

  9. #9
    if someone can give me so input iwould so appreciate it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    500/400 isn't written in stone bro... if u are comfortable with 400/300 then that's ok... as for the winny... I wldn't run it in a cycle with deca... it's better with more of a cutting cycle with compounds that give dry muscle... like tren/prop or prop/masteron or prop/eq

  11. #11
    well if decide to run it when should i a start and what would i expect

  12. #12
    so when should i run winny in this cycle

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