Quote Originally Posted by VINNYCUZ
every1 always screams ass ass ass...its nice but i need boobies!!! she throws on some DD's and I am there! LOLLLLL

I think if you’re a women and you’re gonna do fitness, figure comps or fitness modeling and you don’t have a good pair... You might want to look into getting at least some full C cups...

My ex wife had nice beautiful athletic breasts, like small B's right... I wasn't into the fake thing... I didn't like real big tits because of the quality, well really the qty of women really weren't in shape that I'd shagged (they were nice curvaceous women but their tits had more fat than I wanted on their titties). If they were in better shape maybe less BF their breasts might have been amazing...

So anyway, my Ex-wiffy was always insecure about her breasts she didn't feel she looked right in certain clothing and bikinis. Sure for all the women that have decent size breasts cool, but I finally was able to understand that it’s a complex due to men and women. Women with big breasts don't understand the issue at all and even flaunt their endowment... then you got the drooling bro's.... not to write a novel (but I can spew... watch out)

I did finally understand... So we went and picked out two nice full C's almost D's I think is was 450cc... Nice looking pair right off tha shelf, just threw'em in tha cart...

Now I'm like this... If real then they gotta be in shape and firm... if not they gotta be fake. I really liked her esteem and they were nice to play with seeing I was her squeezing intern also (You have to massage and squeeze them to avoid capsular contraction... The Doc said it really should be done every day... not so extremely hard as in the beginning but the women should have a partner do them in the beginning then massage them their selves as time goes on