I have read about "Deca Dick" and shit, but this is out of hand. I have never had any probs with this before but the last 2 times I have tried to have sex I haven't been able to get goin!! This is really pissin me off and it is extremely embarrassing! Especially cause this is a girl I just started seeing.
The part that worries me is that I can whack off all I want, and I do want. But when I'm with a girl I can't do shit! (recently)
Also- I am taking
Test @ 400mg per/week
EQ @ 400 mg per week
Oxandrin @ 25 mg per day
I really don't fucking understand. I am about to breakdown here- I am only fucking 20 and this shit is happening!
Help me please, I am gonna talk to my doc about it tommorrow. Maybe Viagra is in order. And I think I should change my screen name. Nut