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Thread: Karachi Sust vs. Norma Test E

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Karachi Sust vs. Norma Test E

    So I'm thinking of my next cycle and wanted to see what others thoughts on which Test to use.
    I have used Sust250 and Omnas before with good results. But I've never used Karachis. I have never used Norma Enanthate before. But have had good results with Test E before also.
    Just wondering what others thoughts are on which they liked better. Thanks for any help I get.
    29 yrs. old 5'7'' 180lbs. 11-12%bf
    My goal for this next cycle is to get up and stay right around 190ish.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I think in this case it really just comes down to cost and whether you prefer a single ester (my personal choice) or a multi-ester blend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Well the cost part really isn't an issue as I can get them relatively close in price. My last 2 cycles had cypionate and enanthate. So I think I might go with the Sust this next time around.
    To those that have used Karachi Sust...How did u like it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ynot_5_0
    Well the cost part really isn't an issue as I can get them relatively close in price. My last 2 cycles had cypionate and enanthate. So I think I might go with the Sust this next time around.
    To those that have used Karachi Sust...How did u like it?
    I've only ran Test Enan, Schering and Iranian. But, hoping oneday to run Karachi Sust to compare the results. I like the idea of experimenting and seeing what AS you like/dislike, then using the ones you like effectively. The only way to find out which work for you, is to try the ones you havent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i used karachis for my first cycle, i liked them alot actually, i used norma enthates for 2nd cycle, but had to cancel it after 6-7 weeks into the cycle coz of injury so never got the full effects of the enthates.

  6. #6
    karachi added an extra 6 lbs to my cycle. really good stuff. youll be horny as **** and the aggression will pay off....BIG TIME
    give it a go. i really encourage you.

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