Curious if any members have had it done. Would also like to see some pics.
Curious if any members have had it done. Would also like to see some pics.
You must be joking. Get to the gym man! Everyone wants pecs but no one wants to flat bench!
nope.............................................. .....................
lol good ronnie quote adaptation thereOriginally Posted by Puffader
i have pec implants.
don't lie for attention
Nothing but a peanut...!
Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
lmao. are you serious?? i know some fag has tho, as Ive seen ppl with calf implants. every once in a while they do some calf raises in the gym to make ppl think its muscle. that kind of faggot shit doesnt get you very far in powerlifting!! haha
Now thats funny right there....i don't care who you are...![]()
Yeah..I have DD' wasnt too expensive
if you want to see some pix .....go to , you'll see what you want! weirdoooooo.Originally Posted by PurplePatriot
ohhhh shit, its a real website....... ! i just made it up! lmao.
lmao......that's funny shit...............Originally Posted by *Alex*
I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from referring to me and it's in your best interest to do so.Originally Posted by Teabagger
Pec implants are one of the most assinine things one could do, in my opinion, so your little joke was far from funny.
U heard nothing, and if you did, you are hearing voices. Get your hearing checked!
I need bicep implantsMaybe I should valentinoize myself
oh god no
didn't work for meOriginally Posted by *Alex*
.. thank God!
Yeah..I went to it but I didnt really wanna say soOriginally Posted by Narkissos
Another fan eh SC? lol They pop out of nowhere.
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
from this females point of view???? attractive.
My wife had pec implants. They look nice too.
I heard Bino had ass implants and streaks on the streets of canada.![]()
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
Hey man, do you know how many numbers I have gotten since I did that?
I say do whatever you want. Of course this is not the place to ask about pec implants because everyone here is either hard core or looking for an easy fix. If you ask an easy fix question you will be attacked by the hard core lifters. Do your research elsewhere but at least you know that if you do it, the hard core lifters in your gym will think its gay. Of course I use AAS to assist me in my growing requirements but if I went to a health board and posted my AAS question I too would be attacked for harming myself. They would all think I am crazy and about to destroy my life.
No matter what you do you can find supporters and people to talk to about it. Unfortunately this is not going to be the place you find support with implants. But good luck and do what ever you want.
Originally Posted by powerliftmike
Fag fag faggot fag fag fag.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
A guy I know has pec implants. He got them done twice. He told me he was out of the gym for several weeks waiting for the shit to heal plus spent around $2,000 for each surgery. (I don't remember the exact number he said.)
I told him for the same amount of money and time off from the gym he could have bought a few cycles and just trained the hell out of his chest. He agreed.
This is what his implants look like.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
That doesn't even look like much at all.
Definitely not worth the money to look like you don't touch weights.
A couple of weeks worth of pushups could have accomplished the same thing.
That is exactly what I told him. They look real and his chest looks good. It's just a bad picture and the only one I have of him. But he agreed getting pecs and calves done twice was a waste of money and now he wants to get the calves removed. I told him to leave the shit alone and stop cutting himself and spend all of that cash on GH and gear.Originally Posted by SwoleCat
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
That has to do some kind of damage having stuff put in, put in again, then taken out, etc. Yikes brutha, that's some crazy stuff right there.
Never had them done, but this kid at my school has them. He's super skinny, but it actaully looks fine. It looks like muscle, although he's very unpropertional. He's looking into synthol now, because his arms are so small.
Swolez came in the with the smack down!
anything implants for a guy just shows how much of a pussy and lazy you really are
My friend is not lazy. He saw it as a quicker way to get a bigger chest. Just as doing steroids gets you to your goal faster. People who are natural would say the same thing about you juicing. You're a pussy and lazy because you won't put in the time to reach your size naturally.Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
He has money, he can spend it as he pleases.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
nah theres a diff between AAS and implants. AAS gives you the capability to get a certain size, it does not guarentee it. Implants guarentee you will have something a certain size.Originally Posted by Carlos_E
Originally Posted by cfiler
LOL....has he even heard of weight training?
Pec implants, 10-40 Penzoil in the arms, what's next?
they could really go all out an start using 5w-30 High MileageOriginally Posted by SwoleCat
Hit the gym stay away from that lazy ass queer stuff man, use hard work dont sew a body, build a body
YOOUUUUUUUUU GUYSSSSSSSSSS!!?!?!?!?!Originally Posted by chest6
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