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Thread: 1 year Progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico

    1 year Progress

    Hi, just like your opnions and suggestion on my progress. I've gotten this far on diet, diet pill (Animal Cut), exercise. Starting weight when I got serious was 275lbs (First pic), current weight 205lbs, 6' tall, 32w. Can't seem to get below this, guess I can't go any lower. Hitting the gym 5 x a week, doing cardio before every workout, abs 2 day on 1 off cycle. Current goal is to build lean mass, define a bit more and get rid of the little belly buldge that I have left, was suggested to mix deca w/ clenbuterol. Any ideas or suggestions please let me know.
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    Last edited by rockerdude; 04-06-2006 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    you have made GREAT progress! hats off to you, with your dedication you can go all the way, where you want to be.(i know you love loosing 75 pds.i bet you got more energy and get more pussy now)but i didnt get the part about steroids>!?? are you on cycle right now, or planning? explain...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    what's your stats, any previous cycles and how old are you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    26, 6', 32w, cardio 5xweek 20 min prior to weights, high reps moderate weights for now... Trying to hit the best definition posible.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by alex7674
    you have made GREAT progress! hats off to you, with your dedication you can go all the way, where you want to be.(i know you love loosing 75 pds.i bet you got more energy and get more pussy now)but i didnt get the part about steroids>!?? are you on cycle right now, or planning? explain...
    Thanxs man... Actually lost 95, I was a at 296lbs at my hightes, loses was obtained on a 5 month term. I'm not using it right now, but planning to... on a low dosage.
    Last edited by rockerdude; 03-30-2006 at 06:51 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I gota give you probs bro losing that kinda weight was alot of work and dedication. I would continue to build natty till you get a little better base it will pay off in the long run.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by train410
    I gota give you probs bro losing that kinda weight was alot of work and dedication. I would continue to build natty till you get a little better base it will pay off in the long run.
    Thought about... for at least another month. But temptation is high
    seeing others with faster results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    well..... best of luck to you

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by train410
    well..... best of luck to you
    thanks man.... been giving some serious thoght... going natty for some more time, at least another few months. Keeping current low fat, high protein diet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rockerdude
    Hi, just like your opnions and suggestion on my progress. I've gotten this far on diet, diet pill (Animal Cut), exercise. Starting weight when I got serious was 275lbs (First pic), current weight 205lbs, 6' tall, 32w. Can't seem to get below this, guess I can't go any lower. Hitting the gym 5 x a week, doing cardio before every workout, abs 2 day on 1 off cycle. Current goal is to build lean mass, define a bit more and get rid of the little belly buldge that I have left, was suggested to mix deca w/ clenbuterol. Any ideas or suggestions please let me know.
    Congrats on making it thus far... They're a bunch of things you need to fix if you plan on losing more bodyfat.

    I do'nt buy the 'can't get below this' statement... cus from your post i can already see one HUGE factor that you haven't yet manipulated.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockerdude
    26, 6', 32w, cardio 5xweek 20 min prior to weights, high reps moderate weights for now... Trying to hit the best definition posible.

    It's position and duration is really not gonna help you further.. at all.

    Cardio then (and for that short duration) won't burn much of anything.

    Switch to a.m. cardio.. or cardio directly after your workout.

    Increase your cardio per session to 30-45 minutes

    Next factor.. diet.

    You don't need drugs.

    Further, you're not at a point where i could, in good conscience, advise them.

    Congrats on the weight-loss you've acheived thus far.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Congrats on making it thus far... They're a bunch of things you need to fix if you plan on losing more bodyfat.

    I do'nt buy the 'can't get below this' statement... cus from your post i can already see one HUGE factor that you haven't yet manipulated.


    It's position and duration is really not gonna help you further.. at all.

    Cardio then (and for that short duration) won't burn much of anything.

    Switch to a.m. cardio.. or cardio directly after your workout.

    Increase your cardio per session to 30-45 minutes

    Next factor.. diet.

    You don't need drugs.

    Further, you're not at a point where i could, in good conscience, advise them.

    Congrats on the weight-loss you've acheived thus far.

    I've tried to go below, I know need to loose some fat especialy around the gut area. But no sucess in losing 1 lb more, once I gained a few (gained 7lbs 1 month off training) and lost them in a few days and stayed static at 205lbs. An a.m. cardio is a bit hard for the moment, I start work at 6.00am so I would have to wake up at least 4.00 am to have to do the cardio, shower and have breakfest . But cardio after instead of before is ok, and increasing to 30 min no prob. Now should I do Abs after or before cardio, or which point is the best. And diet, current diet is simple but effective... A meal every 2.5hrs, 3hrs max, 6 meals a day (3 main, 3 snacks), low fat and high proteins as posible. As for the drug factor I've only thought about it, not to sure if to or no, most posibly not.

    Thanx for the support

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    great progress so far.. its hard to do... keep at it and you will get the results your looking for... good work bro!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    great progress so far.. its hard to do... keep at it and you will get the results your looking for... good work bro!!!
    Thanxs man!! Will do that, won't be going back to the point I was!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by rockerdude
    Thanxs man!! Will do that, won't be going back to the point I was!!
    I hear ya, thats what always makes me stick too it too.. all it takes is to notice one small difference to help the drive last forever...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, NY
    Nice transformation Man! Keep at it. Try the cardio in the AM like Nark said. It Works!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by Natty99
    Nice transformation Man! Keep at it. Try the cardio in the AM like Nark said. It Works!
    Thanxs man... I know it works, thats how I most of my progress. But right now due to my current work hours it's a bit hard to do it a.m. But p.m. should be ok, as long as I do it on a empty stomach and having a balanced meal right afterwards, should have similiar effect as a.m., or does it not?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Awesome progress bro, keep up the hard work Have any more full body type pics?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    296lb huh? Congrats brotha. That takes some sacrifice and dedication that I know all too well. You're looking great. Follow Narks advice and you'll look even better.

    Congrats again


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by rockerdude
    Thanxs man... I know it works, thats how I most of my progress. But right now due to my current work hours it's a bit hard to do it a.m. But p.m. should be ok, as long as I do it on a empty stomach and having a balanced meal right afterwards, should have similiar effect as a.m., or does it not?
    While a.m. cardio is by far the most optimal, doing it on an empty stomach after a pro/fat meal is the best alternative.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueAndromeda73
    Awesome progress bro, keep up the hard work Have any more full body type pics?
    Thanxs man!! Will do! As for more full body pics, I dont at the moment. By next month I hope to post further progress. Thanx for the support

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    296lb huh? Congrats brotha. That takes some sacrifice and dedication that I know all too well. You're looking great. Follow Narks advice and you'll look even better.

    Congrats again

    That was my highest weight... Been at 205 for around 5 months now, like I said before cant get below that, but I hope that following Narks pointer to achieve better results.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    While a.m. cardio is by far the most optimal, doing it on an empty stomach after a pro/fat meal is the best alternative.

    Thats what I guessed, but been doing it for about 2 months now without loses. Only mainting current wieght. But as suggested by Nark will switch to post workout cardio instead of before. Hope to have better results.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Good job on the progress bud!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Good job on the progress bud!
    thanxs man for the support

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