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Thread: T3/HGH Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    T3/HGH Question

    I'm on the final stages of my contest prep and I'm up to 200mcg of t3 which I will hold for 2 weeks until carb up. My question is I will be starting HGH immediately after the contest and was planning on running the standard 25mcg T3. Is it safe to stay on T3 without a break especially after high doses? I suppose the 25mcg would just be replacing the inhibition caused from the hgh, any comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I believe its perfectly safe, there is not studies on t-3 blowing your thyriod gland. plus like you said 25mcg is only replacing what the GH will take away. i've done the same and is fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    I'm on the final stages of my contest prep and I'm up to 200mcg of t3 which I will hold for 2 weeks until carb up. My question is I will be starting HGH immediately after the contest and was planning on running the standard 25mcg T3. Is it safe to stay on T3 without a break especially after high doses? I suppose the 25mcg would just be replacing the inhibition caused from the hgh, any comments?
    Let me ask you your opinion, do you think that that amout of t-3 eat too much of your muscles? in other words did you loose any excessive amount of muscle while onyour diet with that amount of t-3?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    i can comment on that, i was taking that dosage and immediatly ramped down after spending more than six weeks on a cycle and losing everything that i had gained do to the T3, that shit is evil IMHO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I was thinking about running 50 mcg with my hGH with fat loss as a main goal...does this sound like something intelligent or should I avoid this? Big thing is that I don't want to lose any muscle...Lastly, how long should the T3 be taken for? If I am running 6 months jin should I run the T3 the whole 6 months? Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Mrment1on, I am finding no muscle loss at that dose that i can really see, maybe I am losing small amounts but nothing crazy. No real sides either. But my strength is definately gone way down, but I'm down to about 3000-2500 cals these days so it's not much. I only do 20 min of cardio 5 times a week after lifting so maybe thats helping. Protein is intake is ok, but it could definatley be higher. The is my first contest so it's definatley a learning experience. I am also on 1 gram test, bumped the tren to 1.5 gram, droped the winny to 75 (after some time @150) due to joints, added in some d-bol 100mg last 2 weeks.Holding most of fat around glutes, I dont know how lean you have to be for a level 1 amatuer comp, but I am just focusing on being the best condition possible. Oh ya I'm 162 (@ 5'7) down from 180, maybe there is hope for lightweights @under 154!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    sounds good bro good luck with the comp.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    Mrment1on, I am finding no muscle loss at that dose that i can really see, maybe I am losing small amounts but nothing crazy. No real sides either. But my strength is definately gone way down, but I'm down to about 3000-2500 cals these days so it's not much. I only do 20 min of cardio 5 times a week after lifting so maybe thats helping. Protein is intake is ok, but it could definatley be higher. The is my first contest so it's definatley a learning experience. I am also on 1 gram test, bumped the tren to 1.5 gram, droped the winny to 75 (after some time @150) due to joints, added in some d-bol 100mg last 2 weeks.Holding most of fat around glutes, I dont know how lean you have to be for a level 1 amatuer comp, but I am just focusing on being the best condition possible. Oh ya I'm 162 (@ 5'7) down from 180, maybe there is hope for lightweights @under 154!
    1.5 grams of tren, that's gotta be a typo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    Quote Originally Posted by Equiguns
    I was thinking about running 50 mcg with my hGH with fat loss as a main goal...does this sound like something intelligent or should I avoid this? Big thing is that I don't want to lose any muscle...Lastly, how long should the T3 be taken for? If I am running 6 months jin should I run the T3 the whole 6 months? Thanks
    GH henders the production of T3 so you should definetly run that dosage to maintain your levels, add some IGF and you are gonna lose alot of bf

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