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Thread: HGH for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

  1. #1

    HGH for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

    Hello folks.

    Im an cycling athlete suffering from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. The injury occurred 2 years ago and has become cronic. Have been trying everything to get rid of it. Treated by a physician for months, had my knee scoped, then working a lot with strenghtening and stretching of involved muscles. Nothing helps. Knee is aching all the time.

    Been around on this site to see if some juice might help. Heard good things about HGH and Deca. Because I have some acne I am not sure that deca will be good.

    Can HGH make my knee better? I have read about people who experience more joint pain with HGH which confuses me.

    Would 2 iu a day be enough? (70 kg, 22 years)

    Sorry for my bad english.

  2. #2
    did u ever tried glucosamine/chondroitine/msm? it will help u real good, try it before juicing if u dont get result deca will help u good but post cycle u will have more pain on ur patella. di u went 2 physiotherapie sessions? ultrasound? laser? ask ur doctor! good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by keiser
    Hello folks.

    Im an cycling athlete suffering from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. The injury occurred 2 years ago and has become cronic. Have been trying everything to get rid of it. Treated by a physician for months, had my knee scoped, then working a lot with strenghtening and stretching of involved muscles. Nothing helps. Knee is aching all the time.

    Been around on this site to see if some juice might help. Heard good things about HGH and Deca. Because I have some acne I am not sure that deca will be good.

    Can HGH make my knee better? I have read about people who experience more joint pain with HGH which confuses me.

    Would 2 iu a day be enough? (70 kg, 22 years)

    Sorry for my bad english.

    I doubt it very much. You will have much higher likelihood of success with prolotherapy or aprotinin injections. Google them for more info.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Deca increases tissue-specific IGF as well as it´s diminishing major serum IGFBP-3 which could be admistered to higher IGF-bioavailability.

    It´s, beside Polyglycosamines, the most effective -or even more effective treatment for this syndrome.

    The HGH might be a good addition for it´s partitioning effects in IGF-secretion and connective tissue build-up.

    I´m on NPP/Test/Boldenone at the time and have had a patellofemoral syndrome due to several operations as well as a slipped disc in the lower back, and I´m now as near as pain-free after 3 months of NPP/Test.

    The joint-pain isn´t something that has to occure with gh-therapie, and if, only when very high doses are used.
    It´s in most cases just edemas, which will dissapear within therapy commencing.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by NewBreed; 04-13-2006 at 09:35 AM.

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