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Thread: One Cycle=Results=Comments

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by tank2005
    ya you sayn that he would not need to juice and he could do it without roids ,but when you are a hard gainer it is so hard to put on mass.......i am in the same boat.........why not juice to kick start you mass............i have gone from 127 to 160 in 9 weeks and with the right pct there is no reason why i cant hold my goal is 185 befor my next cycle............................remember for us hard gainers it would take years to get what we want ,when we can get it in 12 weeks ............
    for starters, hard gainers are going to be hard gainers whether they are on gear or not. the issue is most often not hormones (and showing how little the hormones did for him on his cycle proves that), it's usually diet, training, and rest.

    being a "hard gainer" is just an excuse for not wanting to make the effort and wanting an easy way out. i started lifting at about 14 years old, and i was only 135lbs!!! i started training and FORCEFEEDING, and put on 40lbs. in about 4 months. that was without steroids as well! it doesn't take steroids at that point.

    if your metabolism is that high that you claim you can't gain, you have to forcefeed all the time. i used to forcefeed myself till i'd end up puking sometimes, then i'd eat again to make up for what i threw up! took months of doing that till my stomach expanded enough to take in the calories i needed, but my gains were unbelievable.

    the majority of the time people are hardgainers because of not getting enough calories, even though they think they're stuffing themselves all the time. you need to do a number crunch. there's a link on the diet forums here that's a sticky which has a calorie calculator to show how many calories you'd need in a day.

    if you truly are taking in enough calories (which i seriously doubt judging by your looks), then your issue must be how you're training. you should be posting your diet and training regimen and having that critiqued, you should not be bothering with "what cycle do i waste money on next to get minimal gains off of it that could be achieved if i wasn't too lazy to learn?". you don't even know what pct is yet! that alone shows you jumped into this uninformed and unprepared. take a step back and look at the big picture here.

    oh, and as for you "tank2005" and your above quote, you know that by taking the gear now before attaining what you're actually capable of will limit the maximum you'll ever be able to achieve? taking gear as far short of your genetic limits as you are has greatly hindered your maximum gains achievable. don't juice just because you don't know what you're doing and use the excuse "boo hoo, i'm a hardgainer". you could achieve the gains you metioned far faster if you worked on aspects of your training other than just taking gear.

    your first priorities should be your diet and training and when they're in check, next you can consider gear. if you truly believe both are in check then post them and see what people have to say about it. and don't use the "school" excuse. we all work son, but we find the time to eat what we need. stop the excuses and take responsibility for your own shortcomings.

    i'm sorry if this comes off as flaming, as my intent is to try to help you, but i'm just sick of people taking gear and using excuses that they can't gain without it. unless you go to a doctor and they tell you you're hormonally deficient, there's no legitimate excuse.

  2. #82
    yes you are right ascendant,after a couple of weeks of reading on this forum i knew what a big mistake i have made by juiceing but hey it is done now and over the last couple of weeks i have got my diet sorted and i am gaining ok with it.i want to mass out till i am about 200lbs before i even think about my next cycle .thanks for your comments and there is no offence takeing with your comments ,i know you guys are here to help....

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i wanted to use gear a sometime ago....thought i couldnt gain muscle naturally....guess 4 weeks i went from 168 to 182....50% more weight in every exercise and legs being the strongest part.....and that too considering that i am lagging on the core exercises....who knows what will happen if my form is perfect....and whoknows what will happen if i use gear....right now i m happy enuff to stay away from gear and u will be too,even if ur a hardgainer...if utrain right, have balls to lift heavy wieght and eat good stuff

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...
    Quote Originally Posted by tank2005
    yes you are right ascendant,after a couple of weeks of reading on this forum i knew what a big mistake i have made by juiceing but hey it is done now and over the last couple of weeks i have got my diet sorted and i am gaining ok with it.i want to mass out till i am about 200lbs before i even think about my next cycle .thanks for your comments and there is no offence takeing with your comments ,i know you guys are here to help....
    glad to know you can take the constructive criticism. again, i didn't mean to come off rude in my post, i'm just being honest. good to hear you got everything else in check as well. stick with it and you'll get far better gains the next time you do a cycle. in the meantime, just gain as much as you can without.

    i know the feeling of wanting those quick gains. i just started lifting again after a 2 year layoff and i'm pretty anxious to get on the gear again. but, i won't be touching it for at least a few more months till i catch up to what i know i can do naturally first so that the gear will push me that much further beyond. gain a better understanding of your body and get better gains in the long run. good luck.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Act as if...
    I didnt read but part of this thread.... I have to say you guys were maybe a little too critical.... Before you jump on me... I agree 100% he has no business using gear... However... He DEFINETLY mad some progress.... I mean he does look better in the second pic... I can tell a pretty big difference.... but to the thread starter.... please try to lay off the gear for a couple of years man....Im as antsy as the next young guy to juice it up and be the stud around campus... but you HAVE to build the natural base first or itll disapear when you drop the gear

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You did make some progress man, it's just that you look like you got more acne and stretch marks then you did size. Are you flexing in the first pic?

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Young Boy
    Yeah, im 6 ft. and my diet is as good as it can get with a high school students schedule.

    My pic is of me, A 20 yr old(at the time) with a busy ass college and work schedule, and AAS free! I must say it was a pretty good diet and training schedule... (Not that my pic is all that clear)

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Same here.
    same here

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