Just thought i would post some pics of me when i was natural (and small) I will post some pics of me as of current (5 weeks into my first cycle) I now weight about 205lbs at 5'6". Im a little pudgy guy.
Just thought i would post some pics of me when i was natural (and small) I will post some pics of me as of current (5 weeks into my first cycle) I now weight about 205lbs at 5'6". Im a little pudgy guy.
very nice whats your new stats? and cycle?
Looking good bro. Legs look like they could use some real work though. Keep it up. You had a pretty good base before you started. Congrats.
you got a nice base to work with, have fun growing
Stats so far...other than weight are unknown. The third pic is still old, prolly about 170 natural there. I am now about 205 bulking. Got up to about 190 over the winter natural just trying to get strong. Im about 5'6". I got my big lifts up to; squat - 375lbs 5x5, bench - 275 5x5, Dead - 375 4reps. Now that i am on i havent gone to the big lifts yet, new routine...gonna try soon.
Focusing on supersetting workouts and prioritizing lagging body parts (chest back) Gonna switch to strength next week and then switch back to help my cutting. So when i am off i am gonna go back to strength training (5x5) to try and maintain gains. Right now i am just enjoying watching my strength go through the roof. (Incline DB press 4x8; 90sec rest between sets and i am throwing the 95lbs up like nothing....HUGE for a small guy like me)
My cycle looks like this:
Week 1-6 test cyp, (first 3 weeks only 250mg/wk, now 500mg/week)
Week 6-12 test prop,
Week 1-10 EQ @400mg/wk
Week 6-12 50mg winni EOD
Nolva @ 10mgs day throughout (i already have a little gyno so i want to keep it under control, so far so good)
PCT - Clomid and Nolva also debating tapering my prop use.
Im happy i waited as long as i did to start my first cycle. I am 21 trained off and on from 16 until 19 and then started to get serious after that (with my occasional lapses due to money/school/work, etc)
Will post pics today after my workout....doing full body today so i hope i can come home and get pics with a good pump on.
Pretty descent base, but the cycle isn't very well prepared.
You'd have been better off running the Prop all the way through rather than running cyp for 6wks.
Also looks like too much for a first cycle, I'd stick with Test by itself or at the most Test+Eq.
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!-NO SOURCE CHECKS!-
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.â€
Only reason i want to switch to the prop is because what i have been told is that there are more chances of gettin sides from long lasting esters as opposed to something short like prop. I havent bought the prop yet, (gonna get it on wed) but i do still have the option of getting more cyp instead. You think i should run the cyp instead but just till week 10? So the EQ and cyp would be done at week 10 and keep running the winni until week 12 then start my PCT??
The only reason i wanted to add the winni is to try and lean out come summer time. More interested in getting lean than HUGE.![]()
Your diet will determine how big/lean you get off of a cycle, not the compounds. Post your current diet in the diet forum for critique.Originally Posted by i_am_canadian
Also I suggest next time you setup your cycle on paper, get everything you need and then start rather than getting it as you go.. Trust me, it can be a nitemare if something happens and it's suddenly not available.
I'd set the cycle up like this:
1-12 Test Cyp 500mg/wk(do not pyramid your dosages)
1-12 Eq 400mg/wk (since you already have started it, other wise I would've left it out).
Nolvadex on hand incase of sides.
PCT should consist of: PCT should start approx 2 1/2-3wks following last shot of cypionate. (I do not recommend Prop for a first time user).
1-3 Clomid 100mg/day 4-6 50mg/day
1-6 Nolva 20mg/day
(This PCT protocol seems to work well for new guys, after a while you can start to play with other SERM's/AI's and see what works best.)
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!-NO SOURCE CHECKS!-
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.â€
good mass on the quads..
These are from monday night......just starting my 5th week on.
How much did you weigh here?Originally Posted by i_am_canadian
prolly about 170 maybe. Still had the gut and the fat chest (in my opinion) Back was to small and so was my chest. I hated being that small but as i look back at it now i liked being that leanmeh....hopefully this summer. DID like the vascularity though...that was awesome!
hey mate.... i know you are bulking.. but I think that your diet is not in check.
I notive too much fat coming up!!!
the diet over the winter was garbage....ate everything and anything. Starting it up very soon as far as clean cals timed carbs coming.
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