I have done the research, but I still need to ask....Will I be able to shoot through 10 weeks straight running both? If I keep up with the benedryl, taurine, and keep my iodine levels up?
I have done the research, but I still need to ask....Will I be able to shoot through 10 weeks straight running both? If I keep up with the benedryl, taurine, and keep my iodine levels up?
Depending on doses that could have a drastic effect on muscle mass. Any previous expirience running this combo???
IMO you should run one or the other, preferably clen, especially if you have no expirienece in running this combination. Coupled with a good cardio routine, a clean diet and strenous weight training to help maintain strength you should have no probs. Keep protein intake high to help maintain muscle mass as well.
Ive been thinking lately about T3 and Clen myself. I am currently Running a Cycle Of Test E. would it be better to take clen with that or T3. Ive heard its better to be taking anabolics along with clen or t3 to minimize losses.Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
At 24% BF I would suggest a good cardio routine to start. An OTC thermogenic would be of some benefit as well. I would hold off on the clen and T3 for now.Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
i guess the 24% was in my profile... but im not at that anymore im down to about 19% now and thats all on my own with no clen or T3
I ran t3 with great results.. the down side is that it can harm your thyroid if your not carefull.. when you're done you could have a rebound affect, meaning you might gain some weight back while your thyroid recovers to start producing it's own t3.
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