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Thread: IGF-1 help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    IGF-1 help

    Just wanted to make sure I was righton this before I start monday. Im running 40mcgs PWO , heres what I got so far

    Mix acetic acid into igf-1 powder slowly, after this point put in the fride,

    I have 29 G X 1/2″ 1 CC, Syringes, so Im going to draw 2 ticks of the igf-1 and 10 ticks of the Sodium Chloride Sterile Water , now where I confused is am I suppose to inject with this needle? I mean a 29 1/2 needle does not seem like a big enought needle to ject with unless maybe always doing delts

    So im not sure if I should just use a regular 25 G X 1″ 3CC, Syringe to draw up and inject into the muscles worked? If so the would the ticks be different?

    It seems that igf-1 is the one thing that confuses the hell out of me so any help would be nice

    24 240pds about 6 feet tall, I have been useing AAS for about 2 years, but have never ran IGF-1

    I am goig to run this the first month of and omdadren cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    just finished my first cycle- use the same syringe you drew with and pin bi-laterally (1/2) each OR 1/2 dose one side in am and 1/2 dose in pm on the other side- i just shot it all pwo half in either each delt or bicept - i REALLY like it. gotta wait 4 wks to start my next cycle. the 1/2 slin pin is fine its what i used and it worked great-not alot of fat on a bi or delt. i ran 50mcg/day. you running lr3 or straight Igf-1 - i used lr3.

    Last edited by gates; 04-29-2006 at 11:49 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Im running lr3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i would just pin it pwo half dose each side-i dont run it on off/cardio days. many say it does not need to be split being LR but i do it anyway.


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