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Thread: How do steroids interact with pre-existing stomach ulcers?

  1. #1

    How do steroids interact with pre-existing stomach ulcers?

    My friend thinks he has one and wants to know if they can be aggrivated by use of aas.

    He wakes up in the middle of the night feeling like he is very hungry, with a mild stomach pain. He says after he drinks milk he feels better, or just eats.

    This could be an ulcer couldnt it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    My friend thinks he has one and wants to know if they can be aggrivated by use of aas.

    He wakes up in the middle of the night feeling like he is very hungry, with a mild stomach pain. He says after he drinks milk he feels better, or just eats.

    This could be an ulcer couldnt it?
    The orals my have an effect but I doubt the injectables would. Sounds like indigestion to me. Has he been to a Dr ?

  3. #3
    I dont think so, I think hes going to the doc next week. He was searching online and so was I, stomach ulcers kept coming up when we listed the symptoms he's having.

  4. #4
    Also how will orals effect the stomach? Will there still be an issue or not?

  5. #5
    And do they effect the absorbtion of nutrients in any way?

    He thinks this may be why he hasnt gained any weight.

  6. #6
    I know johan has had 2 of them.

    Anyone awake?

    Nark, Bino, Big K, Tai, stocky, mudman, pinn, jayhova, booz, carlos
    Last edited by guest589745; 05-02-2006 at 01:20 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I'm not an experienced AS user, on my first cycle right now...but I am a pharmacy student in my second year for a pharmD so I do know about ulcers. Judging from his symptoms (stomach pain at night and relieved with food) he may have a duodenal ulcer. This could be from overuse of NSAID's (ibuprofen, aspirin, ect...) or Helicobacter pylori (an organism that produces cytotoxins and ammonia that errode the intestine). Also too much coffee, alcohol, stress, and smoking if he is predisposed to ulcers. Tell him to see his physician.

    About the absorption of oral ulcer will not affect it. Absorption mainly occurs further down the small intestine. As far as steroids affecting the ulcer...possibly. Corticosteroids definitely will make it worst but this is a whole different class of steroids that greatly supress the immune system.

    Best to see a specialist. Most likely he will be prescribed Prilosec or an H2 blocker like Prevacid.

    Hope it helps

  8. #8
    Thanks bro.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    In a one horse town
    I take 2 zantac 150... when i get up... seems to work for me.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Well the doc told him it could be just from drinking milk at night before bed. Says milk creates a lot of acid and after it is digested the acid can damage your stomach. Said its actually really common. He hasnt drank milk before bed and I guess he doesnt have it nearly as bad now.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i been gettin heartburn while i was on and still since i am in pretty sure increased estrogen has something to do with the heartburns i dont know about ulcers though...

  14. #14
    17aa orals can do MAJOR damage to an empty stomach. always take with food.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    17aa orals can do MAJOR damage to an empty stomach. always take with food.

    What about ulcers, you know anything?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Honestly, I don't understand why a doctor would say drink milk before bed. This will treat the symptom but WILL NOT treat the problem. Trust me. The pH of the stomach is about 1-2 (very acidic). That acidity irritates the duodenal ulcer. Eating or drinking (milk) relieves the pain because food buffers the stomach acid, making it more basic (less acidic). Therefore less pain when you eat or drink. But this will not help cure the ulcer.

    Two drugs:
    Prilosec OTC (omeprazole) - a proton pump inhibitor that is one of the best at treating ulcers and heartburn (GERD).
    Zantac (ranitidine) - good for night time breakthroughs

    Both of these decrease the amount of acid produced by the parietal cells of the stomach. This gives the body time to heal the ulcer since the acid content has been lower over a longer period of time. Drinking milk will lower it for a couple of hours, then the pH will eventually drop again and irritate the ulcer never letting it heal on its own.

    And about oral AAS causing major damage to the stomach??? Never heard of such a thing. Have that member send some articles of proof.

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