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Thread: Dont you love people that are smaller and fatter than you that give you workout advic

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Bollick
    Sounds like he once got some good advice but misunderstood it. Many folks believe that totally relaxing into the bottom of the negative, (well, the top of the negative, in the case of pulldowns, I guess) is counterproductive, since it provides a resting point, and that it is better to maintain tension at the expense of the extremes of the range of motion. Ditto for lockouts. For instance, I don't come all the way up out of a squat, or all the way up to lockout on BP, or all the way dangle-down on dumbbell rows. The stretch you describe feels good, and may help to strengthen attachments, but does not directly contribute to muscular hypertrophy. This guy may have had this idea mis-planted into his head and gave it his own wacko spin. Best thing is to humor these idiots but politely continue to do it your own way, however you do it.

    As for the cardio, well, I haven't done ANY in several years. I never did much of it, either. I did consider training for the Crescent City Classic and entering, (a 10k road race here in New Orleans) but decided, "Naaaaah. Screw all that huffing and puffing." There is a wide range in the amount of cardio done by even successful competing BBers. Some hit the bricks for an hour or even more every day with no ill effect, and treadmill if it is raining. Some might do 20 minutes twice a week, some even less. There is no one-size-fits-all here. Do what you like, or do what experimentation and experience have shown works for you.

    When a guy politely stands aside and lets you work in, a bit of tolerance is indicated on your part, even if he is an idiot. Now, you know he is one, so you are fore-warned, and you might, next time, for your own sanity, simply wait a bit or change the order of your workout rather than try to work in with this bozo.


    thanks anna, i have always for years just let these guys go, these are not my first experiences with these events, but ive met so many of these people, i just had to rant abit....i really am a nice guy and am willing to try anybodys advice, but honestly if i am in better shape than the person giving the advice:ie not just less fat but more muscular....i think im doing something right...jmo

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    omg do you really care about this

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Palatine Illinois
    I have gotten some shitty advice, but for the most part i have gotten some decent. I just firgure sometimes people are bored and try to help.

    I dont really give advice too much people just get shitty. Like one guy he is fat and he drinks creatine WHILE lifting everyday. He was complaing that he is gettin bigger but not stronger and no definition. I told him I would lay off the creatine, because he is just going to gain water weight and get kidney stones lol. He took the advice like i was an idiot an gave me some bs reason for it.

    ANother guy was doin tricep extensions and jerkin the weight down with his whole body. I told him to lower the weight, go to 90 degrees, and do it controled with a static at the bottom to really torch his triceps. He just gryped.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Bobcat County
    I say cut out the possibility of this by using an iPod or some sort of personal music device, no one iwll bother youthen and if they try to just pretend like you haven't seen them trying to talk to you.. beats the heck out of being an ass or having to listen to what you don't want to hear..

    That being said... I do agree that people are very quick to criiticise people or offer up unwanted advice...regardless of what they may or may not know. If you haven't asked for it, they should just butt out and mind their business.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Fat bastard!
    You should just say, yeah man! I was checkin' out your ripped body and wanted to work out with you to get some tips. What else can I do to look like you do?

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