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Thread: Papi93's Phera Plex Workout Log

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    How did your injections go, for the first time? Were you nervous or did you have someone else do them?
    I have only been on for 1.5 weeks so far so I have only had 3 injections (another one will be done later tonight)

    The first and second were into the mid-outer thigh while the second was into the rump. Each injection was painless with no blood or other complications. The slight pinch when breaking the skin, and then the slight pressure felt when it is being injected into the muscle was a new feeling but not uncomfortable

    Quote Originally Posted by papi93
    Do you have a formal education or self-learned? I would like to recommend you to someone for a mod position (on another AR site).
    Do you mean me or someone else? If me, im flattered. No, I dont have any formal eucation, its all from reading

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    I have only been on for 1.5 weeks so far so I have only had 3 injections (another one will be done later tonight)

    The first and second were into the mid-outer thigh while the second was into the rump. Each injection was painless with no blood or other complications. The slight pinch when breaking the skin, and then the slight pressure felt when it is being injected into the muscle was a new feeling but not uncomfortable

    Do you mean me or someone else? If me, im flattered. No, I dont have any formal eucation, its all from reading
    Do you have someone do the glute injection for you?

    I would like for you to apply for a supplement guru (mod) position in the supplement forum. You and Bryan2 are a great assest here. I think it is time your efforts be recognized. Sign up at and I will put in a word for you to the admin.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Papi93 whats up ! okay this is going to be my last cycle with gear because of not wanting my new girl to find out.

    Sooo is phera plex my ONLY other route i can go?

    does it make you feel hard and tight like gear does?

    Have you had any side effects?

    Can it be taken for a 10-15week cycle?

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffsz28

    Can it be taken for a 10-15week cycle?
    anything can be taken for any amount of time.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by jeffsz28
    Papi93 whats up ! okay this is going to be my last cycle with gear because of not wanting my new girl to find out.

    Sooo is phera plex my ONLY other route i can go?

    does it make you feel hard and tight like gear does?

    Have you had any side effects?

    Can it be taken for a 10-15week cycle?
    Have you tried educating here on the subject? Maybe you could get her to explore this site. My guess is that she is probably ignorant on the subject, like most people.

    I read of others doing t-bol or var-only cycles.

    The pumps are to the point of feeling uncomfortable (with Phera Plex). This stuff is legit.

    Some experience lower back pumps and loss of libido during PCT. I experienced loss of libido during PCT.

    I would start out with a 4 week cycle. It can be hard on your liver and blood lipids so I wouldn't run it much past that. Make sure you have blood pressure, liver, and cholesterol support supplements for your cycle and during PCT.

  6. #126

    Deadlifts 185(6)/185(6)/185(6)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 50(8)/50(8)/50(8)
    Lying Leg Curls 155(8)/155(8)/155(8)
    Toe Press Machine 290(6)/290(6)/290(6)
    Seated Calf Raises 110(6)/110(6)/110(6)
    Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 60(8)/60(8)/60(8)

    I was able to increase the weight on my deadlifts by ten pounds on each set but my reps dropped from 8 to 6. I'm not worried, I should be able to get 7 reps next week. The gains are just more gradual now but they are still coming.

  7. #127

    Decline Barbell Presses 265(5)/265(5)/265(5)
    *Incline Barbell Presses 155(8)/165(6)170(6)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 180(5)/180(5)/180(5)/180(5)
    Three Point Dumbbell Rows 95(6)/95(6)/95(6)
    Ab Machine 90(7)/90(7)/90(7)

    I dropped a set on the decline presses because my shoulder was bothering me a little. My weight still went up by 5lbs on three sets, though.

    *We do not have dumbbells that are heavier than 100's so I switched from db bench presses to incline barbell presses. My neuromuscular coordination was lacking on this lift.

    The Bent-Over Rows were a little heavy because I accidently went up by 10lbs on each set instead of 5lbs. I hate when that happens.

  8. #128

    Box Squats 205(5)/210(5)/215(5)/215(5)
    Single-Leg Squats, Back Leg Elevated 35(8)/35(8)/35(8)
    Back Extensions 50(6)/50(6)/50(6)/50(6)
    Barbell Shrugs 205(3)/205(3)/205(3)

    My Box Squats went up very nicely, for a PCT workout. I increased by 5lbs on my first set, 10lbs on my second set, and 15lbs on my last two sets. Shrugs have gotten very difficult because I do not incorporate wrist straps. I desire a strong grip so I have been avoiding them. If I used the straps, the shrugs would have been easy.

  9. #129
    got the account back finally huh?

  10. #130

    Bench Press 225(8)/225(8)/225(7)
    *Incline Lying Triceps Extensions 100(6)/100(6)/100(6)
    Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns 200(7)/200(7)/200(7)
    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses 65(7)/65(7)/65(7)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(7)/90(7)/90(6)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 60(8)/60(8)/60(8)

    *Plateaued on Lying Triceps Extensions so I switched to the incline. I like the feel of the incline.

    My bench press went up on the first two sets but plateaued on the last one. I'm still making progress but am thinking of switching this exercise. Not sure yet, though.

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    got the account back finally huh?
    Yeah, thanks for your help. I'm posting the rest of my log. Hopefully, I will have enough time to post the second one.

  12. #132

    Deadlifts 185(7)/185(7)/185(7)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 55(6)/55(6)/55(6)
    Lying Leg Curls 170(6)/170(6)/170(6)
    Toe Press Machine 290(7)/290(7)/290(7)
    Seated Calf Raises 110(7)/110(7)/110(7)
    Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 65(6)/65(6)/65(6)

    I moved up a full rep on each set of the deadlift. The hardest part of this exercise is doing it glove-free. My hands were killing me.

    I'm going to party hard on Saturday, I hope that it doesn't hurt my workout on Monday.

    My natural month is going to involve CE2.

  13. #133

    Incline Barbell Presses 185(5)/185(5)/185(5)/185(5)
    Incline Dumbbell Presses 80(5)/80(5)/80(5)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 90(5)/90(5)/90(5)/90(5)
    Three-Point Dumbbell Rows 100(5)/100(5)/100(5)
    Decline Sit-Ups 15(8)/20(8)/25(8)

    I drastically changed my workout because of my weekend. I went out on Saturday and for the first time in my life, got wasted. I did shots all night long and vomited when I got home. There are many things about the night that I don't remember. My girlfriend is moving back to Mexico so we partied hard. When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt like I had the flu. I could not eat anything all day. I was so weak. Then my girlfriend bought me some Gatorade and I felt better. Apparently, I was extremely dehydrated. Anyways, I knew my workout would be for shit on Monday so I changed the exercises for the purpose of my ego. I know strength coach Dave Tate would say all that matters is that you strain but I hate to see progress go backward due to my stupidity. Lesson learned.

  14. #134

    Box Squats 225(5)/225(5)/225(4)/225(4)
    Single-Leg Squats, Back Leg Elevated 40(6)/40(6)/40(6)
    Back Extensions 55(6)/55(6)/55(6)
    Shrugs 205(5)/205(5)/205(5)

    I was a very nervous on how this workout would go. I stuck with this workout because I need to improve my leg strength. I would have been happier with 5 reps on all of my sets for box squats but my performance was ok considering this weekend's events.

    On the positive side, my shrugs went up by 2 reps on each set!

  15. #135

    Dumbbell Bench Presses 80(8)/80(8)/80(8)
    Incline Lying Triceps Extensions with EZ Curl Bar 70(5)/70(5)/70(5)
    Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups 7/7/7
    Seated Barbell Shoulder Presses - Bottom Half Only 95(8)/95(8)/95(8)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(7)/90(7)/90(6)+(1 rest-pause rep)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 65(6)/65(6)/65(6)

    I switched from Bench Presses with 225lbs for reps to dumbbell bench presses. Mentally, I needed a new activity. Physically, as well. I plateaued on the machine preacher curls so I added a rest-pause rep on the last set, for increased work production. I will give it one more week; taking into consideration how sick I was last weekend.

  16. #136

    Deadlifts 185(8)/185(8)/185(8)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 55(7)/55(7)/55(7)
    Lying Leg Curls 170(7)/170(7)/170(6)
    Toe Press Machine 290(8)/290(8)/290(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 110(8)/110(8)/110(8)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 65(7)/65(7)/65(7)

    My deadlifts went up by one rep on each set. I very pleased with that but it was not easy. Deadlifts never are. I took out the seated db shrugs and went back to standing db shrugs. My legs are recovering better so I will go back to standing.

  17. #137

    That brings my PCT for Phera Plex to an end. My libido is still down and I have lost a few pounds. I will give Phera Plex another run but I am going to make changes to my next PCT. No Retain or AE PCT, this time. I will run nolva at 40mg ED for 4 weeks instead of 40mg ED for the first two weeks and 20mg ED for the last two weeks. I will add some tongkat ali for libido purposes and have a bottle of cia, just in case I need it.

    Since my libido is not back to normal, I going to do a natural month of just 5g of creatine ethyl-ester ED. If my libidio is back by the end of the month, I will do another Phera Plex cycle.

  18. #138
    On 3/18/06 and 3/19/06 I took EAS Creatine Monohydrate at 10g on both days because my Higher Power Creatine Ethyl Ester (from hadn't come in yet. I will be using CEE for 4 weeks and determine if I can go back on Phera Plex again. I will be using 5g of CEE ED.


    Bench Press 245(4)/245(4)/245(4)/245(4)
    Incline Dumbbell Press 80(6)/80(6)/80(6)
    Neutral-Grip Row 95(5)/95(5)/95(5)/95(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row 135(6)/135(6)/135(6)
    Decline Dumbbell Sit-Ups 25(9)/30(8)/30(8)

    The gym was packed and I could not get on the incline bench but could get on the bench press. Go figure. The 100lb dbs were being used so I had to drop three-point db rows and do bent-over rows instead. I hate Mondays because that is when you get all the wannabes in the gym. Fridays are my favorite day to train because these fools are getting wasted.

  19. #139

    Box Squats 225(5)/225(5)/225(5)/225(5)
    Single-Leg Squats, Back Leg Elevated 40(7)/40(7)/40(7)
    *Back Extensions 55(7)/55(7)/55(7)
    **Barbell Shrugs 215(4)/215(4)/215(4)/215(4)

    *Took one set off of Back Extensions and added it to **Barbell Shrugs. My hamstrings have really picked up in strength and size so I decided to pay a little more attention to my upper traps. I need to add strength and size to this area.

    My Box Squats went up by 1 rep on my last two sets. The weight felt very heavy and this was the most that I have struggled with them. I'm thinking of changing this exercise to another. I think my CNS has had it with this one for a while.

  20. #140

    Dumbbell Bench Press 85(8)/85(8)/85(8)
    Incline Lying Triceps Extensions EZ+70(6)/EZ+70(6)/EZ+70(6)
    Chin-Ups 5/5/5
    Seated Shoulder Presses - Bottom Half of ROM 95(10)/95(10)/95(10)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(7)/90(7)/90(7)
    DB Side Bends 65(7)/65(7)/65(7)

    The db bench presses were fairly easy. I was thinking of jumping up to 90's on my last set but wanted to conserve some energy for my other exercises. I'm thinking of taking out incline skullcrushers and adding close-grip bench presses. I didn't have the feel to for this workout, yet. I might wait to reach a plateau on the incline skullcrushers. I just don't like to the stress that extensions put on the elbows sometimes. The problem with an upper body workout is that I don't want to overstress my shoulders with another movement that has range occuring at the shoulder joint. I'll just have to see on this one.

  21. #141
    I took my bodyweight, yesterday, and it is back up to 209lbs. I have recovered, finally, from that wild Saturday (two weeks ago) night.

  22. #142

    Deadlifts 195(6)/195(6)/195(6)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 60(6)/60(6)/60(6)
    Lying Leg Curls 170(7)/170(7)/170(7)
    Toe Press Machine 310(6)/310(6)/310(6)
    Seated Calf Raises 120(5)/120(5)/120(5)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 65(8)/65(8)/65(8)

    I went up another ten pounds on each set of my deadlifts this week. I really like deadlifts. Actually, I hate doing them but I like how I feel after finishing my sets. You really see someone deadlifting in the gym so it makes you unique. I'm looking forward to the heavy dumbbells that I will be using for shugs. DB shrugs have always been one of my favorite exercises, if not my favorite.

  23. #143

    Incline Barbell Presses 195(4)/195(4)/195(4)/195(4)
    Incline Dumbbell Presses 85(6)/85(6)/85(6)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 100(5)/100(5)/100(5)/100(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 145(5)/145(5)/145(5)
    Decline Sit-Ups 30(8)/35(8)/35(8)

    I was able to get back on the incline barbell press this week. I increased the weight by 10 pounds on each set. The CEE seems to be working very nicely. No bloat or stomach discomfort. The only negative is the battery acid taste. Does anyone know what 5g of CEE would be equivalent to in g of Creatine Monohydrate? For example 5g of CEE would equal 10g of Creatine Monohydrate. I speaking in terms of absorption.

  24. #144

    Box Squats 225(5)/225(5)/225(5)/225(5)
    Dumbbell Step-Ups 20(8)/20(8)/20(8)
    Back Extensions 60(5)/60(5)/60(5)
    Barbell Shrugs 215(5)/215(5)/215(5)/215(5)

    I "officially" plateaued out on box squats. I had the mind set of changing them before this workout but decided to stick with them and work on my technique more. I was thinking of going to regular squats but they are a bitch to keep the ROM full. Once the weight gets heavier, it is very difficult to tell if you are going at least parallel on all of your reps. The box guarantees this. When you use predominantly free weights, you don't have a lot of substitutes for the squat. I practiced some good mornings, at the end of the workout, with an empty bar. Maybe good mornings and low box squats would be a good combo.

  25. #145

    Dumbbell Bench Press 90(8)/90(8)/90(8)
    Incline Skullcrushers EZ+75(5)/EZ+75(5)/EZ+75(5)
    Chin-Ups 6/6/6
    Seated Barbell Shoulder Presses - Bottom Half of ROM 105(8)/105(8)/105(8)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(8)/90(7)/90(4+3 after a short rest)
    Dumbbell Side Bends 65(8)/65(8)/65(8)

    My dumbbell bench presses went up from 85's to 90's. Everything felt strong except Machine Preacher Curls. My third set was a disaster. Looks like it is time to get a new biceps exercise.

    This week's workouts have been a little difficult. My girlfriend is moving back to Mexico and we have been arguing quite a bit. So it has been a stressful week, to say the least. My sleep has been terrible and this is probably affecting my performance.

  26. #146

    Deadlifts 195(7)/195(7)/195(7)
    Reverse Dumbbell Lunges 60(7)/60(7)/60(7)
    Lying Leg Curls 170(8)/170(8)/170(8)
    Toe Press Machine 310(7)/310(7)/310(7)
    Seated Calf Raises 120(6)/120(5)/120(5)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 70(7)/70(7)/70(7)

    My deadlifts went up by one rep but the exercise was very challenging. It could be just because I had a tough week with my girlfriend leaving and all. Stress can really effect your training and sleep. The Reverse DB Lunges will be substituted for next week. They felt very heavy.

  27. #147

    Incline Barbell Presses 195(5)/195(5)/195(5)/195(5)
    Incline Dumbbell Presses 90(4)/90(4)/90(4)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 110(5)/110(5)/110(5)/110(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 145(6)/145(6)/145(6)
    *Pulldown Abs 50(8)/50(8)/50(8)

    When Incline BB Presses went up by one rep on all four sets. It was not easy though. The last rep, on the last two sets, were hard to lockout. *The decline sit-up bench was being used so I did pulldown abs for my abdominal exercise.

    On Sunday, I was carrying a dresser down a flight of stairs and it was difficult to see in front of me. I missed a step and felt my left ankle turn. The pain was pretty intense and I have been walking with a slight limp since then. Tommorow is my leg workout so, to say the least, I am a little nervous.

  28. #148

    Deadlifts 205(4)/205(4)/205(4)/205(4)
    Dumbbell Step-Ups 25(7)/25(7)/25(7)
    Good Mornings 65(6)/65(6)/65(6)
    Behind-the-Back Barbell Shrugs 135(5)/140(5)/140(5)/140(5)

    Since I sprained my left ankle, I took out Box Squats and replaced them with Deadlifts. The wide stance, taken with Box Squats, would have caused too much pain on my ankle. I did not want to overcompensate on one leg. I, also performed two new exercises, at the end of my workout. The Back Extensions had strengthened my glutes, hamstrings, and lower back very well. I was ready for the Good Morning. I have been wanting to incorporate this exercise in for some time. The switch to Behind-the-Back Shrugs was more out of curiosity. I have never done them on a consistent basis because the glutes make the exercise difficult to perform. Mastering this exercise will be a challenge.

    The clomid has been helping return my natural test levels and probably helping my blood lipid profiles. I am past the half way point of my natural month and I still feel my libido needs some work. After I finish the Clomid, I will evaluate my situation. If my libido returns, I will do another Phera Plex cycle but if it doesn't, tongkat ali will be on the schedule.

  29. #149

    Dumbbell Bench Presses 95(6)/95(6)/95(6)
    Incline Skullcrushers EZ+80(5)/EZ+80(5)/EZ+80(5)
    Chin-Ups 8/8/7
    Seated Shoulder Presses - Bottom Half of ROM 105(9)/105(9)/105(9)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(8)/90(7)/90(5)+3 after rest+1 after rest
    DB Side Bends 70(6)/70(6)/70(6)

    Increased the weight on db bench presses from 90 to 95. Chin-Ups were very easy. I'm thinking of dropping the rep range down to 8 on the seated shoulder presses. I would like a little more mass on my delts. Machine Preacher Curls are very heavy. I need to find a substitute very soon.

    I'm really surprised I have been able to gut these workouts, even though my ankle is still bothering me. This day was pretty easy, due to the fact that I only had one standing exercise.

    My natural month will only has 5 workouts left. It has went by very fast. The jury is still out on the libido. My girlfriend is in Mexico so I haven't really got the chance to test it out. I might do another month of CEE and tongkat ali if I don't feel like it is fully recovered. I don't want to mess with this because my woman loves doing the deed.

  30. #150

    Squats 135(8)/135(8)/135(8)
    Dumbbell Static Lunges 50(5)/50(5)/50(5)
    Romanian Deadlifts 135(5)/135(5)/135(5)
    Leg Press Toe Presses 230(5)/230(5)/230(5)
    Seated Calf Raises 120(8)/120(8)/120(8)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 75(6)/75(6)/75(6)

    Box squats would have been to stressful on my left ankle so I went with regular squats instead. The stance is much closer and easier on the ankle. Good workout but the squats were very light. I needed to get used to the new technique. One more week to go before I can go back on Phera Plex. Libido is back up, thanks to the bottle clomid.

  31. #151

    Incline Barbell Presses 205(3)/205(3)/205(3)205(3)
    Incline Dumbbell Presses 90(5)/90(5)/90(5)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 120(5)/120(5)/120(5)/120(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows 155(4)/155(4)/155(4)
    Pulldown Abs 57(8)/57(8)/57(8)

    Increased the weight by ten pounds, for each set, on the incline barbell press. Reps dropped off but I am slowly increasing my strength. I'm looking forward to the day when I can put up 225 for 5 reps, on the incline press. I think that I will switch to clomid-only and drop the nolva for my next PCT. The clomid really has my libido up and my nuts hypertrophied.

  32. #152

    Deadlifts 205(5)/205(5)/205(5)/205(5)
    Dumbbell Step-Ups 25(8)/25(8)/25(8)
    Good Mornings 70(6)/70(6)/70(6)
    Behind-the-Back Barbell Shrugs 145(5)/145(5)/145(5)/145(5)

    Deadlifts went up by a rep on each set. I don't wear gloves so the bar is tearing the shit out of my hands. The knurling on this bar is razor sharp. When you deadlift, it will tear up any workout pants you have. It would be impossible to use this bar with shorts on. Your shins would be cut up and very sore.

    I'm hoping my Phera Plex will come in the mail by Friday. Saturday is when I can start my second cycle. I haven't decided if I will go 2 weeks or 4 weeks. I am leaning towards 2 weeks because that is where I saw the best results. Maybe I won't be shutdown as hard with a shorter cycle.

  33. #153

    Dumbbell Bench Presses 95(7)/95(7)/95(7)
    Elbows-Out Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 45(6)/45(6)/45(6)
    Wide-Grip Chin-Ups 5/5/5
    Seated Barbell Shoulder Presses - Bottom Half 115(8)/115(8)/115(8)
    Machine Preacher Curls 90(8)/90(8)/90(6) + 2 reps after a short rest
    DB Side Bends 70(7)/70(7)/70(7)

    Dumbbell Bench Presses went up by a rep in each set. I wish my gym had dumbbells that went over 100lbs. It's frustrating when you get to 100lbs and have no where to go. Took Skullcrushers out after learning a new exercise from Dave Tate (Elbows Out DB Triceps Extensions). Most members in the gym are probably thinking I'm doing the exercise wrong (lol).
    I still can't do my cardio, Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts Workout, because my ankle is still bothering me. I think I will run clen with my Phera Plex to help minimize any fat gain, from lack of cardio.

  34. #154

    Squats 145(8)/145(8)/145(8)
    Dumbbell Static Lunges 50(6)/50(6)/50(6)
    Romanian Deadlifts 135(6)/135(6)/135(6)
    Toe Presses on Leg Press 230(6)/230(6)/230(6)
    Seated Calf Raises 130(5)/130(5)/130(5)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 80(5)/80(5)/80(5)

    Squats went up by 10lbs. on each set. They were a little more challenging because I had to perform them second. Someone was using the squat rack. Dumbbell Shrugs was another exercise that I had difficulty with. Someone was using the 75's so I had to make a bigger jump to 80's.

    On Saturday, I started my Phera Plex and Clen doses. 20mg of PP ED and 40mcg of Clen ED. I'm looking to run the cycle, at least, 2 weeks. I will decide on whether to extend the cycle based on my results.

  35. #155

    Papi93's Phera Plex Log - Part II

    I start this cycle at 209lbs and I did not lose one pound from my last Phera Plex cycle so I am anxious to get started. My weight went up 14lbs last time. I am not so concerned about adding weight as I am gaining more strength. If I had to give a weight goal, a minimum of 5lbs would be nice (for a two week cycle, that is). Here are my support supplements, while on Phera Plex:
    Liver Protection - The Perfect Cycle
    Niacin and Fish Oil - Cholesterol Support
    Forgot to buy Hawthorne Berry Extract - Blood Pressure Support

    This Phera Plex cycle will be more unique because I am stacking liquid clenbuterol with it to minimize any fat gain. The reason for this is that I will be going to Mexico, in less than 1 month. Clen will be ran at 80mcg ED, for as long as the PP. Let's get started...

  36. #156

    I started my Phera Plex doses on 4/15/06. I prefer to get some in my system before my first workout.

    Incline Barbell Presses 205(4)/205(4)/205(4)/205(4)
    Incline Dumbbell Presses 90(6)/90(6)/90(6)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 130(5)/130(5)/130(5)/130(5)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 155(5)/155(5)/155(5)
    Decline Sit-Ups 35(8)/35(8)/35(8)
    *Overhead Barbell Triceps Extensions 90(5)/90(5)/90(5)
    *Unilateral Machine Preacher Curls 45(7)/50(6)/55(3)+(2 negatives)

    Without the PP, I know that I would have not been able to get 4 reps on each set of the incline barbell press. I could feel that plateau approaching on my last workout.
    I reintroduced decline sit-ups because people were using the cables and I couldn't do pulldown abs.
    *I added two arm exercises to this workout. I will not drop these when I go natural.

  37. #157

    Deadlifts 225(3)/225(3)/225(3)/225(3)
    Dumbbell Step-Ups 30(8)/30(8)/30(8)
    Good Mornings 75(6)/80(6)/85(6)
    Behind-the-Back Barbell Shrugs 155(4)/155(4)/155(4)
    *Leg Press Toe Presses 250(5)/260(5)/270(5)
    *Seated Calf Raises 140(5)/150(5)/150(5)

    I knew this was a PP workout, so I jumped the weight up by 20lbs on the deadlift. Usually, I go with a 10lb jump on each set or try to increase the reps on each set. Gotten in the groove with the good mornings so my weight so steadily increase. I dropped off one set on the Shrugs and added two new exercises for this week. Two good first workouts for my second PP cycle.

  38. #158

    Dumbbell Bench Presses 100(6)/100(6)/100(6)
    Elbows Out, Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 50(5)/50(5)/50(5)
    Wide-Grip Chin-Ups 6/6/6
    *Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Presses 90(6)/90(6)/90(6)
    Machine Preacher Curls 100(5)/100(5)/100(5)
    DB Side Bends 75(6)/75(6)/75(6)
    **Close-Grip Bench Presses 145(6)/145(6)/145(6)
    **Seated, Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls 45(6)/45(6)/45(6)

    *The squat rack was being used all day so I was able to get in there for my seated shoulder presses with a barbell. I had to use the Smith Machine instead. One day won't kill me I guess.
    **I added a triceps and biceps exercise to this workout. Again, when I go natural these muscle group exercises will remain in the workout.

    Well, I'm at the 100lb dumbbells on the db bench press. We do not have weights that go higher than this. I really need to buy some olympic dumbbells so I can go heavier.

  39. #159

    Squats 155(8)/165(8)/175(8)
    Static Dumbbell Lunges 55(5)/55(5)/55(5)
    Romanian Deadlifts 145(6)/145(6)/145(6)
    Toe Presses on Leg Press 240(8)/240(8)/240(8)
    Seated Calf Raises 140(5)/140(5)/140(5)
    Dumbbell Shrugs 80(6)/80(6)/80(6)

    I was able to increase the weight by ten pounds on each set of the barbell squat. Definitely could attribute that to the Phera Plex. A very good workout week, with all the added volume. Next week, on Friday's repetition leg day, my brother will be in town. I always have my best workouts when he is here. Nothing is better than a good workout partner. On Saturday, my quads were very sore. I think it was from the weight increase on the squats.

  40. #160

    Incline Barbell Presses 215(3)/215(3)/215(3)/215(3)
    Low-Incline Dumbbell Presses 95(6)/95(6)/95(6)
    Neutral-Grip Rows 140(3)/140(3)/140(3)/140(3)
    Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Rows 155(6)/155(6)/155(6)
    Decline Sit-Ups 40(6)/40(6)/40(6)
    Barbell Overhead Triceps Extensions 100(4)/100(4)/100(4)
    Unilateral Machine Preacher Curls 55(3)/55(3)/55(3+3 negatives)

    Looking forward to having 225lbs on the incline barbell press next week. I set the incline a little low on the incline dumbbell presses so that is why I changed the name. Next week I will put the incline up another notch.

    I've noticed that my upper body is starting to overshadow my lower, as in the past, so I'm going to take out my calf work and add some leg curls and leg extensions for thigh hypertrophy. Once my ankle is better, I will start box squatting again. The box squats really brought my glute size up.

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