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Thread: Addressee Unknown...Has This Happened To Anyone Else?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Addressee Unknown...Has This Happened To Anyone Else?

    I ordered some gear from a guy about a week ago and have been waiting patiently for it to arrive. Today I checked my tracking number on, and it seems my package was returned to sender because of "Addressee Unknown". I gave my exact address where I live. The only thing I changed was my name, which I didn't think made a difference at all whose name is on the address. I obviously don't want to put my name on a package with illegal substances. But, I'm trying to figure out what happened here? I mean it's not like the post office knows who lives in my house or is going to say that they can't deliver it to my address because the person don't exist. How would they know? Do you think the U.S. Postal Sevice keeps a computerized record of the people whose mail they deliver at each address, and since that name wouldn't have come up, they sent it back to my sender? I don't know what the deal is....has anyone experienced this before?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If you used the wrong name that would be your answer. I always use my name it is just the risk you take. And yes the post office has records on computer of who lives where and what go's to that person.If customs picked it up you would get a letter telling you that you have a package and to come and get it Then if you go get it BUSTED!! so you take the loss and don't pick it up . Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    i have ordered things under a made up name and it arrived safely to me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    but how do they take into account other relatives who might move into your house? i mean they don't know that I don't have a cousin or even a friend by the fake name that moved into my house. I think thats BS cuz I know atleast half the people who order gear and have it shipped to them use a fake name.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    the name doesnt matter at all they post office could care less whose name is on the box ,contact your source and forward the postal website with the info on it and see what he says

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Agreed, name on box shouldn't matter at all. Contact your guy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I always use my proper name but spelt slighty different.

    Thereby if I do get a letter form either the postal services or customs I know exactly what "package" they are referring to and, if the need arose, I could legally state that they were not mine due to it NOT being my correct name. Nice little legal loop hole.

    Going back to your query, are you 100% sure the address was correct?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    source would off stuffed up. the gears probably lost now in the postal system .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Maybe your source wrote the address wrong? I used to work for a postal company, and I know first hand that USPS and other companies do not need a correct name to ship to an address.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just use your correct name man. If they want to get you, they'll get you. It is just easier to use your correct name and address. If the box has been inspected, it won't arrive, you will just receive a customs letter. If the box arrives safely, you're almost definatly in the clearing. I heard it looks more suspisious if you use different names that the post office isn't used to getting for that address. Many guys have been doing it for years and have never had any problems.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by juice4life
    Just use your correct name man. If they want to get you, they'll get you. It is just easier to use your correct name and address. If the box has been inspected, it won't arrive, you will just receive a customs letter. If the box arrives safely, you're almost definatly in the clearing. I heard it looks more suspisious if you use different names that the post office isn't used to getting for that address. Many guys have been doing it for years and have never had any problems.
    Right on

  12. #12
    know your normal delivery men!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    know your normal delivery men!
    Or women.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    No, listen all you guys to me for a sec and I'll explain things. I need y'all help on this. First, it's not coming from no customs involved. I've been on here for a very long time, but just signed up on this name. So, I'm fairly smart to how the game goes. I got my source from someone who I knew I could trust. This guy is a member on here and I've talked to mods on here already who says he is top notch. However, one guy wanted me to send him my messages just to keep an eye on him. Anyway, like some people said previously, the post office could care less whose name it is, as long as the address is correct. I know this because, I know plenty guys who use fake names when ordering. I got a real good friend of mine who uses a fake name and gets his stuff each time. They don't know everyone who lives in your house, or if it's be shipped to a friend or relative of a household member. So they deliver it to the address. I know this because I know people who get it all the time under fake names, as plenty of y'all on here do too. (Read what cfiler said above...he WORKS for the P.O. and can tell you that they deliver it under any name). I emailed the dude about it and he was trying to jack me around saying that the only way it would be sent back to sender was if I received it and told them to send it back, which didn't happen, and so that's BS. And he started to tell me crap like quit playing games, blah, balh, blah. (this guy is a very reliable person on here, and many people on here know him and get juice from him keep in mind.) Now, I am thinking that since I never talked to him on HERE personally or let him know I knew about him from other sources, he might have tried to jack me...cuz that could be a good potential person to scam...right? ....cuz no other people would ever find out about it if I didn't post on here. All he had to do would be to mail a package with nothing in it to my city under an address that couldn't possibly exist. That way he will have a tracking number to give me, but I would never find out who it was addressed to or what it was. I'm not saying he did this, only it's a possibility. (I don't want to give anyone a bad name unless I know for a fact they scammed me). Now, if he really did send my stuff, but his people screwed up my address when shipping it (I know 100% I gave him the correct address....I doublechecked my email), then it's lost in the mail b/c he of course gave a fake adress on his end when sending it. I'm going to talk to a few mods on here and guys who know him and try and get to the bottom of all this. I'm also gonna give the post office a call. If any of you bros on here can give me some input I'd sure appreciate it...thanks.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ok, nvm....I found out exactly what happened. please disregard my previous post. I checked the USPS website and "Delivered" means it was delivered to the address on the box. What happened was I was gone monday morning and my idiotic 91 year old gma told the mailman no one by that name lived here. So, now no telling where the pacakge is. Man, she is retarded. Before I left I specifically told her. I mean I repeadetly drilled it in her head that a package could possibly be coming in the mail and that she'd have to sign for it. Lordy, well idk what I'm going to do now. Anyway, thanks for all the help bros.

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