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Thread: 2nd Cycle... Just had Right knee Reconstructive Surgery. Should I do it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Arrow 2nd Cycle... Just had Right knee Reconstructive Surgery. Should I do it?

    OK, I'm expecting some flamers....

    This is my second Cycle in which I was going to start. Well, I just messed up my right knee pretty bad in which I needed reconstructive surgery on. I'm very athletic and want to get through and done with my physical therapy and on the road to being 100% again.

    Injuries sustained:
    Ruptured ACL
    Torn MCL
    Torn Medial Meniscus
    Torn Lateral Meniscus
    Cartlidge torn, but was drilled during my surgery.
    Doc said he was expecting a full recovery and that he was very confident in me...

    I was going to cycle Sust and Deca. Nothing to heavy, but a little more than my last. I have a plan for PCT. So that's taken care of.

    If I work out, I'm going to stay off my leg. I'm going to continue physical therapy and for my Cardio, I'm going to do some swimming with tape around my knee. I can work my legs with flippers and stuff.

    Is this going to be more damaging to my injury if I go with AAS, or is it going to aid in my recovery? Currently I'm focusing on keeping my diet very clean in order to sustain the weight I've got. I'm 6'1 205lbs.

    I've written a lot, and I appreciate any help given. Flame on if you will, I kind of expect it. If you've got any questions then please ask.


    By the way, Currently I have hardly any strength in my right leg. This is another reason for my question... I need to get it back

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Get healed and 100% first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I apologize, but I am new to this site. I don't know what kind of credit you have on these forums, and I'm not meaning this to be dissrespectfull.
    Can you give me a reason for your answer?

  4. #4
    No don't!

  5. #5
    Take it from a war veteran who had his hip replaced. and has bad legs. Let your body heal and build up strength till you heal up and hit a plateu. If you don't you are asking for trouble. your muscles will build faster than your ligaments, and that is asking for injury.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony321
    I apologize, but I am new to this site. I don't know what kind of credit you have on these forums, and I'm not meaning this to be dissrespectfull.
    Can you give me a reason for your answer?
    Sure... First you can actually cause more injury. So if you can lift more weight but the connective tissues are not healed this is where most injuries related to steroids actually materialize. You need to heal completely before using/wasting the juice bro. Once you are healed up it is a good idea you have using the deca with the test. Depending on how it feels after you start lifting heavy you may have to adjust your training program as well.

    And as for credit... I dont know what I have either, lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thats a pretty serious injury and by not being able to workout to your full potential it would almost be a waste of money to take aas while you are injured and recovering right now plus is could have some negative sides to your injury. so to make it simple if you were to wait until your healed you will be able to get everything out of your cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Again, I have to follow "protocals" given to me by my physical therapist. By two weeks I'm supposed to be able to move my leg backwards so many degrees... and straigten my leg by only so much. That's why said I was try swimming. I realize that I do have an injury, believe me.. my knee is pretty fat. I'm not wanting to be stupid with lifting, just had some concerns. I'm not going to be able to lift with my legs.. only do the cardio. .... But it looks like my question has been answered.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Thanks guys... As much as it is depressing to hear those answers, at least I've got it straight now.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Guy you came to this forum to get advise and peoples opinion.All people can do is tell you how they feel about what you're asking.If you pro advise ask your doctors(no offens)..but heres the deal you just had need to heal then go thru rehab right? this first.then you can start training hard again plan your diet and cycle and go from there.there have been instances where AAS are blamed for the weakening of tendons.if thats true you dont need that right now.Once fully healed you can go get to growing as much as you want to.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Stay the hell away from winny, and other things that dry out joints. Things like deca and var actually help joints. Look into those, But like everyone else said heal first cause surgery the 2nd time wont be fun.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony321
    OK, I'm expecting some flamers....

    This is my second Cycle in which I was going to start. Well, I just messed up my right knee pretty bad in which I needed reconstructive surgery on. I'm very athletic and want to get through and done with my physical therapy and on the road to being 100% again.

    Injuries sustained:
    Ruptured ACL
    Torn MCL
    Torn Medial Meniscus
    Torn Lateral Meniscus
    Cartlidge torn, but was drilled during my surgery.
    Doc said he was expecting a full recovery and that he was very confident in me...

    I was going to cycle Sust and Deca. Nothing to heavy, but a little more than my last. I have a plan for PCT. So that's taken care of.

    If I work out, I'm going to stay off my leg. I'm going to continue physical therapy and for my Cardio, I'm going to do some swimming with tape around my knee. I can work my legs with flippers and stuff.

    Is this going to be more damaging to my injury if I go with AAS, or is it going to aid in my recovery? Currently I'm focusing on keeping my diet very clean in order to sustain the weight I've got. I'm 6'1 205lbs.

    I've written a lot, and I appreciate any help given. Flame on if you will, I kind of expect it. If you've got any questions then please ask.


    By the way, Currently I have hardly any strength in my right leg. This is another reason for my question... I need to get it back

    This is from my personal experience.

    I've had two major injuries that required surgery.

    I had a fractured femur that required an Intramedullary rod. I also had a fractured patella from the same incident. On top of that I tore my ACL. I did intense physical therapy for about a year to recover from those injuries. Although I didn't fully recover the strength in my leg - I did get back about 90ish percent. I didn't gain full range of motion, but I did get most of it back. I still compete in my chosen sports - soccer and MMA (mixed martial arts).

    I also blew out my shoulder about 3 years ago - level 4, 5 AC separation that required surgery to reattach the ligaments.

    I used AAS both times. I feel they helped tremedously. It helped my gain my strength and allowed me to train harder.

    Is this the right choice for everyone? Maybe not, but for me I believe it helped.

    Are there risks involved? Sure. Like someone mentioned - muscle builds faster than tendons.

    I do believe, however, if you train smart and don't push too hard it can be of great benifit. I know many buddies that I served in the military with that usede AAS to come back from injuries.

    Take it for what it's worth.

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