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Thread: Sweating,dizzy,pale after inj?????????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    In the South

    Exclamation Sweating,dizzy,pale after inj?????????

    Ok guys, I've been on a cycle of Tren 115mg/ml eod and test 400mg/wk for the past 3 weeks. Today I had an inj of the tren and test in the same inj in the left glute. Immediately after the inj, I started sweating A LOT!, dripping wet, started caughing, turned white as a ghost and had pain in my chest. It only lasted like 5-10 mins and then wore off. Has anyone had this happen to them and what causes it??? Also before the inj, I had the test in my truck all day and its pretty hot outside... could this have caused these affects? Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Sounds like you hit A vein

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    since u started coughing after the injection...u probably hit a vein

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    sounds like you injected some lysol

    Do you pull back the stopper once you're deep in the muscle to see if any blood pulls back???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    5,669 guys are too much.yeah you more than likely hit a vein.Make sure you pull back once you got the syringe in the area you're injected to make sure there is no blood.

  6. #6
    You ve hit a vein 99% u have all symptoms describing what i advance.

    Remember to always pull up the plunger before to inject. Pull up the plunger just a few millimeters not more, not 1cc!, just like 3millimiters, if u re in a muscle u will see BUbBleS, it is funny u will see.
    Last edited by Xprime; 05-12-2006 at 06:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    In the South
    well, my friend was the one who inj me and we always draw back and he said he did and didn't pull and blood back.... we've done this quite a bit so we trust each other ya know? so is there a way to pull back no blood then maybe push deeper after the drawback and hit one?? Also should I be worried about the next inj?

  8. #8
    Man if u pull back the plunger and blood is coming in the seryngues, do the injections elsewhere with another seryngue.

    You just have to inject fews centimeters around the first spot.

    There is noway to pull back no blood if u ve hit a vein, that is idiot imo.

    Insert the needles and when it is enoug hdeeper pull back a bit the plunger fews millimeters (3mm is enough) and if no blood inject.

    Maybe you should learn to do the injections ur-self because u will do what you want with the seryngue, have courage.

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