Quote Originally Posted by speakerman
Yeah this is all very helpful. How many days at the 2.5mg dose is it taking most people to reverse their problem?

Also, I stopped my own cycle at 2 weeks instead of 4... because my issue was really mild I think... and I am running Nolva for 3 weeks. I figured the mild gyno symptoms may subside during the Nolva... but I did buy Letro. If the gyno is still there after this 3-week PCT, will that 3-week delay have hurt my chances much of Letro helping?
Three weeks isnt too bad at all to wait. You could start using it in the third week of the pct to get it in your system and then pyramid the dose up once you stop using the nolva, as it will help to raise Test levels in your PCT as well. I would suggest getting blood work done to test your levels just in case to be sure everything is going well since your PCT isnt going to be that long man.

Quote Originally Posted by *Alex*
hey bro, you should get paid for YOUR info. seems that you are helping alot of members with their tities problems. GREAT POST
LOL. Thanks man, your a joker.

Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
well i've been at 2.5 for 3 weeks now and the lump ( which started off HUGE) is now almost gone. * crosses fingers* the c_bino letro post isnt b.s. , if you're reading this and having doubts about using letro to reverse gyno, dont.
i'm just updating so ppl can know that letro is the real deal! i hope the gyno to be gone in the next 2 weeks. but i heard of ppl getting rid of it faster, keep in mind, my gyno was getting pretty bad before the use of letro.
c_bino u da man, i'll let u know once the lump is completely gone. and ya, u should be rewarded for this thread.
Thanks big guy for the update. I got my fingers crossed that it all works out in the end for you.