My question is...I still have a lot of bodyfat that I would like to use but have recently began a test e 750mg a week deca 400mg and dbol25mg ed. I was going on the basis that the mass i build will help me burn fat. I still do my regular cardio yet have alterd my diet to go with the gear. B4 I was keeping bad carbs miles away, lots of protein, yet I can guarantee my calorie intake was in the 2000-2200 a day range. Now because of the gear I have gone and began to eat a wide array of foods, not all the best, yet i would like my calorie intake aroudn teh 4000+ range to help put on the mass. Now back to my question, I am getting bigger yet my fat loss has appeared to stall, the scale keeps reading higher and water retention has appeared to kick in...What can I do to help witht he fat loss. If I go do cardio on a empty stomach of 3hrs I dont get the caloried I need in the day for gains, so whats more important...doing cardio on empty stomach or keeping a good caloric intake for gains which will inturn help me burn the fat.....Help!!