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Thread: Heart Broken again :( depressed and I hate my life!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    Yes I feel like you guys are family...There isn't a lot of places where you can come and talk to a group of people who will give you good advice. I think age has to do a big part of it, maturity level on AR helps big time. I feel like people on this site have gone through a lot and I can realte to. I think when you care about your self enough to workout and even take it to another level you have a lot in commen with me. I hope that makes sence...

    As for the game and the other sites i got about picking up women thanks, I read them and like educating myself and I always love learning new things. I don't have problems picking up women I know I can get girls. It's one thing comming to a forum and telling people who don't know me perosnally im heart broken and another showing people i know. I always hold my head high and carry myself with confidence. When I met a girl Im fine it's when she leave me when I'm all hurt and become a little pussy! I just need to stop thinking every girl i meet will become my wife that's the problem. I just need to have fun and not care so much!
    Bro, I believe in every relationship what it comes down to is that the feelings must be mutual and EQUAL in every sense, or as close to equal as possible. You should not, and could not, possibly want to be with someone who does not feel as strongly for you, as you do for them. You are cheating YOURSELF if you allow yourself to go on in that type of situation. You should be a slave for no one, and if those bitchs dont appreciate what you do for them, then they need to be swiftly kicked to the curb. You sound like you have a very strong and confident head on your shoulders, so stop letting women walk all over you. If a bitch told me she needed to chose between me and her ex-boyfriend, I would make the choice for her, PEACE! The reason is, anyone willing to question their feelings for you and put someone else there, does not feel strongly enough for you. You have to realize that those type of people are wasting your time in life, and you have more important people to see than to beat yourself up over someone like that. NOTHING, that anyone says here can help heal your wounds, believe me I know I have been there, and words do nothing. The only one proven method to heal, is TIME. That, and I recommend cutting all contacts with the ex's, get your number changed if need be. The energy it takes for you to beat yourself up over these women who destroy your heart, is better served in the gym or on women who will appreciate it. Im sure by now you can recognize a cold hearted bitch, my girlfriend used to be one. People change, but you cant wait around for them to change, you have to DO YOU!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    ^^^^^^ thanks godfather I think you hit it right on the head...The only part that sucks is that I work with the girl I wish I could quit but I need money and my job pays 15-20 an hour I can't find anything else right now....As for the guy who said I'm afraid to be by myself I think your right, it sucks but it's true I hate being alone but honestly after the realtionships I have had in the past it's kind of turn me away and wanting me to just be alone. A lot of the stuff you guys say I know and and should have followed but it's so hard when your in it... Now im on the outside and im looking in and I realize I was with girl who took me for granted it's there loss not mine....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    ^^^^^^ thanks godfather I think you hit it right on the head...The only part that sucks is that I work with the girl I wish I could quit but I need money and my job pays 15-20 an hour I can't find anything else right now....As for the guy who said I'm afraid to be by myself I think your right, it sucks but it's true I hate being alone but honestly after the realtionships I have had in the past it's kind of turn me away and wanting me to just be alone. A lot of the stuff you guys say I know and and should have followed but it's so hard when your in it... Now im on the outside and im looking in and I realize I was with girl who took me for granted it's there loss not mine....
    Well, you sound very much like me so its easy to relate (minus the god part). I dont really get much satisfaction from bangin random girls. I have been on and off with my girl for 6 years and have banged a ton of other girls and not a single one did anything for me besides my girlfriend. I know that you know the right things to do, its just a lot easier said than done in the actual situation. If you think you want a relationship, be ready to work HARD for it, just make sure you're not the one doing all the work, your girls gonna have to be willing to work as hard and meet you half way...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    minus the god part? so you don't believe in god thats fine I mean hey I dated the girl knowing she didn't believe in god but for her to break up with me because I did believe in god is kinda shitty...Whatever though I know that the only thing I can do is move on now, I just hope things work out for me in the long run I mean right now I em in the shittiest part of my life I have a ton of bills Im not going to school my best friend is moving to NY and my family couldn't be more disfuctional. Im left alone in this crazy world! I mean shit I'm only 23 but at the same time my worst fear is not being something in life being a loser...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You'll be just fine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Quote Originally Posted by PapaPump8
    minus the god part? so you don't believe in god thats fine I mean hey I dated the girl knowing she didn't believe in god but for her to break up with me because I did believe in god is kinda shitty...Whatever though I know that the only thing I can do is move on now, I just hope things work out for me in the long run I mean right now I em in the shittiest part of my life I have a ton of bills Im not going to school my best friend is moving to NY and my family couldn't be more disfuctional. Im left alone in this crazy world! I mean shit I'm only 23 but at the same time my worst fear is not being something in life being a loser...
    I was forced to goto church from a young age and have resented it all my life. I feel you should chose for yourself, so far evolution and science appeals more to me, although I haven't ruled out an intelligent creator for the evolutionary process, thats where I stand today..

    Anyway bro, its not hard to get your life back on track. Whenever I use to get ditched by a girl, I used it as a new motivation to reinvent myself. Its the time when you get your shit together, go back to school, get that new diet and training program in place, basically do everything to better yourself and show the bitch up that she lost a good thing, and make yourself more appealing to new women. I have the same fears with ya bro, I struggled these last two semesters, and now Im taking summer classes all summer. I have to constantly remind myself that the years of hell im putting myself through now will benefit me in the long run and land me a sweet job making bank and I can live a relaxing life. I think everyone has that dysfunctional element in their family, I personally chose to distant that element. You only need positive people in your life who are going to benefit you. You need to ask yourself with every acquaintance you meet, is this someone who has the same goals (or goals in general) as me and someone who will not drag me down in any way?....if you answer yes then you need to let those people out of your life. My girlfriend has a friend like that, I call them leeches..She doesnt goto school, she has no car, she barely works, she asks my girl for a ride everywhere, and is generally not thankful for it. My girl justifies it by saying its been her friend forever so she has to do that stuff. You get my point in all this, you sound like you know whats up, your just in a down period of ur life. Without the downs youll never realise how good the ups are.... By the way what are you majoring in/career goal?

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