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Thread: starting first cycle...comments???

  1. #1

    starting first cycle...comments???

    I have been lifting for about 5 years and i am thinking about doing my first cycle. I was thinking about doing 300 mg of sustanon with 50mg of stanozolol(winny)....alternating each day. My buddy just did 50 mg of winny infront of me and he got very light headed, lost hearing, and broke out in a bad sweat for about a minute...was this common??? My weight=215 height=6-5 bench=340 squat=400...any comments would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech546
    I have been lifting for about 5 years and i am thinking about doing my first cycle. I was thinking about doing 300 mg of sustanon with 50mg of stanozolol(winny)....alternating each day. My buddy just did 50 mg of winny infront of me and he got very light headed, lost hearing, and broke out in a bad sweat for about a minute...was this common??? My weight=215 height=6-5 bench=340 squat=400...any comments would be appreciated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Can you give us more stats? Age, goals, diet habits,

    Most will tell you that your first cycle should be a single ester test only.
    Sust has 4 different esters to deal with and any of them can give you side effects.
    Single ester will give you great gains and you will have more control over knowing how your body will react to the ester for future cycles
    Just my opinion

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