You got a PM Bro!
Stay strong, work that Cardio and stay on's all worth it in the end...XXL
You got a PM Bro!
Stay strong, work that Cardio and stay on's all worth it in the end...XXL
absolutely....thanks for all your help...and i shot ya back a PM also...
any reason for this? Sides, tired of ED pokes, ??? I prefer eod, but curious why your considering this...Originally Posted by WEBB
Hey Webb, looks like you did some improvement on the shoulders, good work man. Hope you improved your abs too... did you start working them out?
Good luck in SJ, I'll try to be there.
i was afraid i would be carrying a little to much water from the prop, but after talking to Bino and discussing the effects of letro, i have decided to stay with ED injections. What were your thoughts. i am also still kinda unsure of when to stop, at first i was thinking 7 days for prop and 4 days for tren, but now i ham thinking 2 weeks for both. PLEASE HELP ME come to a concrete answer to this.Originally Posted by doctorherb
I honestly have not got to many sides other than a little more easily upset, sleeping less, and hornier than ever![]()
I have put on close to 18 pounds in 8 months, mainly in my shoulders, arms, legs, and back. and i also trained my abs like 4 days a week at least, and i am training the shit outta them every morning, and they will be better...they couldnt get worseOriginally Posted by wuboy25
We should hook up at the show fo sho, if you make it. Hit me up with a pm and i'll give you my number so we can get together.
the anadrol last two days does that realy work.what does it do.getting close to my show and open to all good ideas
i am not sure if it works, but a few people have suggested it and i am trying to get more info about it.....i will let you know....also check out my last 14days before a has some thing you might have missed...or some i did...worth a look...
put some pics up scotty
they wil be up wednesday or tuesday....i think i have made some gret progress
i wouldnt doubt it manOriginally Posted by WEBB
Hows everything goin Webb? Mental games still strong?
Just wanted to holla at u.
Holla right back at ya.....yeah, after i took those pics 10 days ago i was really worried, but after a lot of encouraging words from a lot of the boys here i felt better. But i still knew i had some catching up to do. I am 33 days out now and everything is falling into place. I have up cardio to 2 times a day and still trainning hard to say the least.
That letro is working great, and i am making good progress in the ab department...I actually like my diet, as long as i stay home. when ever i go out to the mall or the girldfriends parents place i hate my life and the path i have choosenbut mentally i am strong as i can be, and i am sure i will destroy everyone in June.
Like i said i will be posting pics this week after the long weekend so check on thursday or so, and give me some feed back...
I got a couple questions for ya....or anyone actually.
1) does letro reduce the sides of tren?
2) when do i drop all my oil based gear, 1 week or 2 from the show?
i have heard like 4 days out for tren and 7 for prop, and others say 2 weeks out...i am a little undecided...i wanna be dry as possible, so i was now thinking 2 weeks, but i still wanna be hard and full to...i am so lost![]()
damn webb, first time i looked through this thread, nice job!
I'll definately be at the show..
Thanks bro...there should actually be a couple other boys from here coming to the show...we''ll all get together after at the hotel and maybe go out or something....i am posting pics tonight or tomorrow so keep checking in...peace
Originally Posted by WEBB
I just emailed my boy scott too, he's a large mother****er. Very large. Alotta years of experience with juice, lol. I want him to come to the show too.
webb, i would drop the oils no later than 10 days out.
Thank you, doctorHerb....i now have a concrete answer of when to drop them...i will stop them at 10days from the show, right around my last leg training day....Originally Posted by doctorherb
I will be posting some updated pics later tonight....please give me some advice, and encouragment![]()
Alright here are my updated nice
well i tried but every time i went to upload it said i was over some attachment limit, which is 9Kb, well my pics are like 800Kb...can someone tell me what is going on....
Letro imo will DEFINITELY help with tren sides. Let me give everyone a little insight into my personal experience/life. My very first cycle I used nolva as an anti-e. I was bloated as shit, had BAD acne (not afriad to admit it was horrible) and I got gyno. Yup I had all of them people.
I had done my research though and got myself letro and experimented, I found out how to dose it to effect my body JUST the way I wanted, I cleared up my gyno releived water weight and acne, well that went away with some medicine, time and tanning.
I know use letro during all cycles, running tren I dont get a single zit, I dont bloat anymore (aside from a tiny bit which imo is unavoidable using certain AAS) and have never had a problem with any type of gyno or estrogen related sides. I now keep my cycles a little shorter, keep my diet on par all year round of course and keep my vitamin intake at an optimum level, rich in anti-oxidants to keep my immune system running effectively with depleted estrogen levels. I have never once noticed a problem with immune function by using letro on a daily basis and will continue to do so.
Let me also add for acne, I tan regularily (not matter what time of year) and I also run tetracycline during every cycle at a minimum of 500mg ed. Dosed once in the am and once in the pm between meals (empty stomach if possible and never with dairy). Its all worked out well.
So am I a little biased towards letro, yes probably so, but does the stuff better fvcking believe it does.
Now WEBB, sorry for the rant. But imo letro is going to help with tren sides. Again its my opinion which is based solely on my experience. You gotta try it out for yourself to really know.
Best of luck my friend. I will be dropping in on this thread whenever I can.
shit i was ready for those pics, oh well i know youve made good progress already
Originally Posted by C_Bino
Bro i love a good rant now and then....i was wondering if it helped with the sides, and i thought it would but another vet said no, so i figured if anyone knew letro it was Dr.Von Boobie
...sorry man i had to....
Now the sides i am wondering about are the sleep problems, moodiness and sweats...i have not gotten any of those really...i had a little trouble sleepin, but nothing like last time pre-comp, but i was also running 100mg eod instead of ed like i am i am sure that help, also my tren is from a powder not a pellet conversion, and i am sure that makes a difference to....Thanks again for the info and i wish i could post pics but it is not letting me, but PM me your MSN and i can send them that way....also i think the girlfriend and i are going to Toronto after the show for a few days, and if you near there we should hook up for a bite to eat and some drinks....
Fuel, i will send them via MSN when your on there today, and i have made lots of improvments for sure, but i have 5 weeks left and cant stop now....
K, well i hoped this worked and you can see some of my progress, Be nice and dont make fum of my face i just finished training so i am a little tired, Any help with posing and constructive critisism will be appreciated...
Big thanks to Canadaian Hottie Mizfit for telling me how to get the up since the attachment wasnt working...
Last edited by WEBB; 05-24-2006 at 09:19 AM.
Looking ****ing awesome bro!
I mean besides your face, all the working out/steroids in the world wont fix that![]()
i know, if i didnt help you it wont help me...but hey your mom thinks i am hot...![]()
Look good Webb! BF might be a bit high for 5wks out, what are you trying to come in at?
You competing Novice or Open?
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
there is only open, i will be heavy weight for sure...likely 225 at weigh ins and 230-232 on stage the next morning...i have upped my cardio for the last 4 days to two sessions both 30 min in lenght, but i am upping my morning one to 40 min and the night one to 30 min...i hope this help with my bf and will tighten mne up a bit too... i just dont wanna lose any muscle but i might make the sacrifice, i started late so i will suck it up and get it done...i guarantee i will dry and peeled for the show....thanks for the input bro...
Originally Posted by WEBB
my moms fat![]()
coolOriginally Posted by WEBB
looking good bro,I feel your pain I have less than three weeks for my first show.
I dont get many sides from tren at all. I am more irritable, but never just go insane like some guys say (I think its mental) I have some trouble sleeping and do sweat at night. But I just leave a window open anyways and really dont notice much at all. If you havent noticed anything so far Im sure you will be ok.
Why are you dropping to eod doses though?
Anyways, I dont think letro will help with other sides like insomnia etc if you are getting them. Really just gotta tough it out if you do suffer.
Originally Posted by C_Bino
Those are the sides im worried about (start tren sunday). Mostly the moodiness. Tho, ive never been real pissy before on cycle, so I cant see why this would make me that way (will be running enan, prop, deca, and tren).
As for the sweatingat night, well, air conditioning helps, i'll just have to deal with it. Im positive itll be worth it for 8 weeks (maybe 10)..
I ordered my letro last night..
Webb, great progress so far. legs look SICK. good luck shredding for your show. bout 4 weeks out, you should be fine. again amazing job so far. keep focused.
Thanks Nova, i am coming up on 4 weeks and i am going to weigh in tomorrow and update my legs have made some good progress for sure, but overall my whole body is better proportion now...
Bino, i figured it wouldnt do anything for the insomnia, sweats, and moodiness, but i can dreamI am going with 100mg ED and i took my 11th shot today, and i didnt sleep at all for the past to nights (4 hours tops) and i woke up this morning with a mean hate on for everyone that was near me....and i changed my sheets at 3 in the morning. i was thinking i would be ok till about 3 nights ago, then look out...I'm gonna hit you up with a PM.
Thanks again Brothers, it means alot to have ytou guys pushing me and i promise i wont let anyone down...230 dry and peeled...
Oh my friend it WILL be worth it, I will guarantee you that. And I am a very calm person, I dont rage or w/e on tren. Like I said its more being very irritable, I cant talk on the phone to people because hearing them breathing into the damn phone just makes me mad. Its stupid things like that. But you dont blow up and start killing people, unless you are actually a mental patient before you go on tren.Originally Posted by Evil Predator
Just keep you a/c on and sleep in boxers, thats my opinion.
BTW that is going to be a strong cycle, make sure you monitor blood pressure etc. But you are going to be a strong mofo.
Good call brother, running it ed will minimize the sides imo. But ya fo sho hit me with a PM man, I gotta send you my msn. Though I am RARELY RARELY RARELY online. Im sure Nark, Big k.l.g, Stocky and BD can attest to that.Originally Posted by WEBB
you make real good progress man, im gonna have to check out a show your in sometime for sure.
Here is an update from last week when i weighed 250, i am now 4 weeks in and things are going great, i am doing cardio every morning, and for the last weeek i did and extra 20 minutes at night and it is helped get me right on schedule, i lost a lot of the water i was holding from the last week and i tthink i sacrificed a little muscle, so i am going back to cardio in the morning on an empty stomach
BF on the way to 5%
finished second in my last competition, which was a provincial show. i went from 278@20% to a ripped, dry, hard 213. i hope to be on stage at close to 225-228 my trainer figures i will be close to that and one of the local judges says more like 230, but i want to be as dry as posiible so if i am 225 dry that will be better that 230 kinda soggy, imo.
40 min cardio heart rate at 126, then abs and calves 3 days on 1 day off
protein shake (40g protien) after cardio before starting abs and calves
1st meal 8 egg whites 1/2 cup of oats
2nd meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
3rd meal chicken breast and 1 sweet potatoe 1 cup brocolli
4th meal chicken breast and 1 cup brocolli
5th meal chicken breast and 1 cup broccoli 1 tbsp flax oil
protein shake (40g protein)
6th meal 8egg whites
6 litres of h2o daily
my diet will change and i will update it weekly but this is what i am eating now.
day1 chest/tri's
day2 back/bi's
day3 shoulders
day4 legs
day5 repeat
i am doing four sets per body part and doing between 12-15 reps each i also lowered my weight and trying to concentrate more on the squeeze, and also doing flys, crossovers, and leg extentions more.
vitamin c 3000mg ed before i train
vitamin b6 and b12 complex every morning
niacin just before cardio to help get me sweating
Clen .125mcg every morning for the next 2 weeks.
winny 200mg ed in capsule form till 4 days out then back to 100mg till day of the show
anadrol 100mg for the last 3 days
tren 100mg ed till 10 days out, starting six weeks out
test p 100 mg ed till 10 days out starting six weeks out
t3 50mcg ed till 4 days out taken in the morning
letro .5mg ed till after the show, taken in the morning started 5 weeks out
I think thats all, i got some pics up and i will keep them updated. please help any advice would be much appreciated.
Ya, ive never been crazy or anything, im not worried about doing anything stupid, ive just been sure to do certain things like tell my GF/friends/family that I mgiht be a little hard to get along with for the next while.Originally Posted by C_Bino
As for my blood pressure, i'll be checking it regularly and minimizing things like salt/sodium to help out. I'm yet to have any problems with it, but we'll see.
Web, bro, i'll see you tomorrow AM bright and early(around 10am). If the circumstances were different i'd stay and go train with you, but my girl wants to see me tomorrow, the whole death in the family thing has been hard on her. But, we'll definately have to get together for a workout sometime soon.
BTW Webb, do you weigh your chicken breasts or just pick one out of the box and cook it??
Now, i'm off to the gym, its leg day. Im going to try to squat 485 tonight.
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